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- Cloud wakes up from a nightmare (attack on Junon)
- Sees his friends dead and killed by shadow monsters/Jenova based creatures
- The dream ends with him seeing Sephiroth (dead Zack/Aerith at his feet like they were alive to fight
him) at the edge of the Junon Cannon, behind him is the North Crater in the distance from where
something rises up and blots out the sun
- Cloud shoots up in bed and falls off, immediately Elmyra rushes in to ask him if he'd had another
nightmare, he nods yes, there's a moment of silence (Elmyra feels really bad for him) but she tells him
that someone is waiting for him downstairs
- Cloud goes downstairs, it's Reeve incognito (reading a newspaper piece about a scientist who thinks
monster attacks have been increasing and that the monsters themselves have been exhibiting new
attributes, speculates that years of Shinra sucking up Mako has exposed creatures to Mako from
reactors, creating new evolutionary lines) who calls Cloud Elmyra's nephew (says that he wants to see
Cloud personally), it's all business at first until Elmyra decides to leave them alone (garden outback in
Kalm), Cloud then wants to know the real reason why Reeve is in Kalm, Reeve says he honestly just wants
to talk,
- conversation topics:
- Elmyra and Reeve are together, Cloud asks why he hasn't gotten married to her yet and Reeve
says he can't do it now, not while he's the WRO Commissioner
- Cloud just agrees and Reeve (looking older and more gaunt due to the stress) acknowledges
that the past 10 years have taken something from all of them (without saying that Reeve thinks Cloud
has had everything taken from him)
- They sit in silence for a few moments until Reeve breaks it and says that he needs to Cloud to
deliver something and asks if he still does that, Cloud says he does albeit rarely and asks for the details,
Reeve then hands him a small metal box that Cloud recognizes as the thing he retrieved from the mission
in chp 1 and tells him it needs to be delivered to Healen Lodge, Cloud reluctantly agrees and travels
through the wasteland as Reeve joins Elmyra in the garden
- Anti-WRO protesters on a news report on TV as Cloud gets up to leave (WRO is next
Shinra, planet is dying because they still secretly use Mako)
- The report immediately flashes to another about a rogue sect of Wutai shinobi who
are being disavowed publicly in a speech by Godo Kisaragi
- Cloud makes it to Healen Lodge, having noted the dying grass outside of Kalm being
similar to the old Midgar wasteland and that the wolves he saw and avoided on the way do seem bigger
and more agressive
- The Lodge is bigger now, being a veritable hospital selling treatments for both mind and body,
Cloud ignores all of them and makes his way to Rufus' office, the secretary says that Rufus isn't expecting
any deliveries until the she is buzzed to let Cloud in, Cloud then meets Rufus in his office (Rufus is the
opposite of Reeve the years have actually been good to him and he only walks with a cane now due to
how hard Geostigma took its toll on him), Rufus decides to open the box in front of Cloud and inside is a
design for a machine that can both suck up Mako and return it to the Planet or even transfer it between
living organisms (much smaller than the reactors and machines used to create SOLDIER's), Cloud gets
mad and says Reeve won't stand for it but Rufus says Reeve is the one who allowed the project anyway,
Cloud is confused until Rufus convinces him to enter a secret elevator in his office'
- The elevator leads to an underground complex where the machine is already under
construction, Rufus explains that Cloud retrieved a complete and undamaged copy of the machine
design and thanks to him, they can now complete the machine, Cloud asks who they are and in walks
Reno followed by Vincent, Rufus then explains that this machine can funnel mako back into the planet
and that he intends to use the unused Mako still sitting in old reactors and materia to revitalize Gaia,
Cloud and Vincent know Rufus has ulterior motives and demand to know what they are, Rufus admits
that he knows the people will never ever accept a Shinra in power so he has found a new way to ensure
his legacy: saving the Planet, Vincent says his motives are still selfish, Rufus agrees but says that it
doesn't matter so long as they all have the same goal (says compromise is what matters and while
Reeve's idealism and leadership show that you can't put a price on hope, you can put a price on the
means to make hope real and that's what he's done, what doesn't matter is the name but whoever put
the label on it), asks them to trust him because of it before leaving on a call while Reno heads to oversee
the machine where he spends time with Shalua (who is his girlfriend)
- Vincent and Cloud then discuss what they should do:
- Vincent says he'll agree if only to keep an eye on Rufus and stop them if it ever gets
too far and because he knows Reeve would want them to do the same (he'll do whatever it takes to stop
Shinra from gaining power, even if it means spying on them from the inside)
- Cloud then asks why Reeve didn't tell them, Vincent says maybe it's because Reeve
trusted them to compromise with Rufus, Vincent says that while he (Vincent) will work from the inside
to monitor Rufus, Cloud will work from the outside and ferry information to Reeve, Cloud is again
reluctant but says that it sounds like something Reeve would do and agrees, Rufus then comes back,
stating that they need more power for their operation and asks Cloud if he's willing to take on another
delivery for him and Reeve, Cloud agrees and Rufus shows him the details on a slip of paper and Cloud
immediately regrets agreeing
- Flash forward: 2nd dream sequence, Cloud is inside the elevator in the first reactor with Jessie
and Barret and Barret is yelling at him, Cloud says he only wants to get the job done before security and
the roboguards come, causing Barret to get even angrier while he smirks
- POV Change: Shera and Cid, now older, shake Cloud awake (asleep on Fenrir), says that they'llbe
touching down near Corel in a few minutes, Cloud asks who's flying and both roll their eyes, saying he
knows they have a pilot, Cloud laughs, apologizing for the bad joke while Shera asks him if he's alright,
Cloud halfheartedly replies that he is but Cid says he knows it's a lie but says he won't pry anyway, Cloud
just says thanks as they touch down in Corel, Shera begins ordering the truck drivers in the hangar to get
in their trucks, Cid, however, continues to talk to Cloud (Shera is better at ordering people around, as
nice as she is, she's discovered her serious streak in the years since Meteor), Cid suddenly realizes that
Cloud is going to see Barret for the first time in nearly a decade, asks him if he and Barret are on
speaking terms, Cloud immediately replies no and Cid expresses sympathy and says maybe Cloud should
stay back, Cloud refuses saying that he is Reeve's representative and is the one with the order so he has
to present it to Barret, Cid just swears and wishes Cloud good luck as he hops onto one of the trucks to
oversee the transfer,
- Cloud is then at the head of the trucks going to Corel and stops right in front of Barret who is
outside the gates, they stare each other down for a few seconds before Cloud approaches and attempts
to address him, Barret just snatches up the paper, signs it and shoves it into Cloud's chest
- Cid immediately rushes over, trying to smooth everything over but Barret gets mad at him too,
asks Cid why he brought Cloud to Corel, Cid explains that he's just doing a favor for Reeve but Barret
doesn't care, continues to insult Cloud and says that Cloud should never have shown his face in Corel
after everything, Cloud just takes it and is apathetic to the entire affair (just wants to finish his job) until a
nearby crew of oil workers on break begin to cause a commotion around a TV report, at the same time,
Cid gets a call from Reeve on his PHS and it sounds bad, Cloud asks him what's going on and Cid says the
call and TV report are probably related, Cloud rushes over to the TV beside Barret and sees something
that ticks him off, as he rushes off back to the Shera but suddenly Barret stops him as if he has
something to say but he just tells Cloud not to screw up, Cloud just walks away and approaches Cid
where he tells Cid that they have a rescue mission, Cid says he knew it was the report but senses that
something is personal for Cloud, Cloud reflects on the report (WRO forces trapped by more rogue Wutai
shinobi in a mountainside base near Gongaga, the report showed footage of from a news crew that was
sent to tour the base but Cloud saw Denzel on the base as a cadet)

Cait Sith had been the first to fall, fluff and circuitry littering the ground as the creatures tore through
him. Then Vincent, his form shifting into that of a hound-like beast to confront the endless horde alone.
Barret and Yuffie followed, laying down their lives to stem the tide of beasts lapping at their heels in a
brilliant conflagration. Cid had done the same, the last of his dynamite serving as his funeral pyre as he
brought Junon's last hangar crashing down around him to buy the Shera time to escape the burning city.
Consumed by anguished fury and desperation, Red XIII had allowed himself to be pinned down by
dozens of grotesque forms, his tail and claws whipping as he made his last stand.

Now he and Tifa were all that remained of the Planet's saviors. But to his woe, Cloud had been mistaken,
the space beside him gone save for a blood stain as a tangle of bodies fell into the crimson waves
beneath Junon's cannon, his beloved undoubtedly at the center. Even as his eyes burned and muscles
ached, the lone warrior trudged onward. Carrying the dashed hopes and dreams of his friends with him,
he finally stood before their murderer. Long, silver hair flowed in the morning sun as the One-Winged
Angel himself turned to face him. And to Cloud's horror, two more loved ones lay at Sephiroth's feet.
Zack faced the sky, his eyes closed as the symbol of his honor and dreams pinned him to the cold metal
beneath. Aerith had not been given a less grisly fate, her form prone as Sephiroth pulled his plade from
her spine.

And all the would-be god had to give Cloud in return was a smile as a form rose from the North Crater,
blotting out the sun as Sephiroth's monstrosities came for the lone SOLDIER. Defeated and exhausted,
the blonde dropped to his knees, tears in his eyes as a silver haired monster spoke.

"Nothing has changed, Cloud. Nothing."

And as the shadows closed in on him, Cloud shot up in bed, limbs thrashing as he toppled over. Landing
on the floor with a loud thud, an old friend rushed into his room mere seconds later, concern etched on
her weathered features. "Another nightmare?" asked Elmyra, her voice gentle yet laced with worry.
Cloud nodded, his eyes empty as Elmyra's fingers found his chin, tilting to examine his visage for any
injuries. Finding none, the older lady stood. "You have a visitor downstairs," informed Elmyra, smiling

"Thanks," murmured the blonde. "I'll be down in a minute."

Pulling himself up, Cloud hobbled to the bathroom, not at all eager to face himself in the mirror. But like
he did every morning, the bladesman managed to find the willpower to do so anyway. His gaze met his
own, the reflection having become shattered years ago thanks to his own actions. A fit of anger and grief
had left him staring at Mako eyes every sunrise as his form warped into dozens of broken glass shards.
Yet he lived on, pulling on his dark clothes and black boots, looking every bit like a shadow as he did so.
Finally making his way down the stairs of Elmyra's Kalm dwelling and into the living, he was greeted by a
familiar voice.

"Examples of larger and more aggressive packs of Kalm Fangs have been noted to appear in increasing
frequency. Examination of the data has determined that the earliest appearance of these more ferocious
creatures was recorded approximately a decade ago," paused the man, relaxing in the leather seat as he
flipped through the journal pages. "As such, members of the scientific community have asked several
questions. Namely if these Kalm Fangs are, in fact, an entirely new species and if their evolution has
something to do with exposure to large amounts of Mako energy formerly contained within the reactors
of the nearby city of Midgar."

Cloud smirked, his amusement mild. "I didn't know Elmyra was into science. Good morning,

Reeve placed the book the neatly into his lap, his tone even more mild. "That's because she isn't. I am.
Good morning, Cloud," breathed his old friend tiredly but with genuine good humor. "And it's just
"Reeve" to you."

"Well, Mr. Tuesti," intoned Elmyra, interrupting as she laid down two warm mugs on the coffee table
between the two men. "If you two are going to talk business in the morning, it should be over hot

"Oh, thank you, dearest," said Reeve, leaning forward with a kind smile as he picked up the mug nearest
to him. "Coffee always does my cold and old bones good."

Elmyra squeezed his shoulder affectionately, laughing softly all the while. "Well, you're not that old,
darling. As proof, you can come help me in the garden when you two are done."

"Of course," called the older man as Elmyra left them to their business.

"Hm, I'm surprised you haven't married her yet," commented Cloud while he sipped on his drink.

"If I'm to be honest, I would love to. But responsibilities and all..." Cloud understood completely. The
years had not been kind to to any of them. And it showed with Reeve especially, the former Shinra
executive having become noticeably thin and gaunt


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