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Dear Parents & Carers,

Final Information for out visit to Coventry Gang Show 2023 - Friday 17th March 2023

This is the final information for those of you who are attending this year’s Coventry Gang
Show at the Belgrade Theatre.

Firstly, as we will be representing the 62nd Coventry Scout Group, ALL members will be
required to wear their uniform (above the waist only) while attending the show.

Secondly, the Plan is:

To meet inside at the end of the bar, opposite the Box office no later than 6.55pm.

Show Commences at 7.15pm

The show finishes approx. 9.15pm

Collection point from Bar/Box office area approx. 9.20-30pm.

Important! Please note:

Once you & your 62nd Member arrive at the Belgrade, You need check in with me or a
familiar section leader, who will inform me of their/your arrival, so that I am able to confirm

Once everyone has arrived, we will take our seats in the auditorium, so please listen out for
further instructions at the time. We will be sitting in the centre stalls.

A drink/snack will be provided at the interval for all members of the 62nd but feel free to
bring your own and particularly for those who are attending with non-members (siblings etc)

At the end of the show please remain seated in the auditorium until we can move to the
collection area as a group once it is clear and please inform me or another leader that you are
leaving or have collected your young person so that everyone is accounted for.

Please see below some information regarding parking and road works, in order to allow
enough time to park and arrive at the theatre on time.

Thank you for your understanding in advance, it is always a very good show and fun night
out. I’m looking forward to seeing you there and having a great night.

Thankyou for supporting the Gang Show 2023.

See you Friday,

Kind regards,

Neil Smith

62nd Coventry Scout Group

Car Parking Information

Please note that there are roadworks when coming off the ring road/Radford road when
parking t the Belgrade plaza (NCP) and at the Butts Island further round the ring road by
the ice rink.

Car Parking – Show week.

For information, what you choose to do is entirely up to you.

We cannot be responsible for the decisions you make.

We have discovered that the Belgrade Car Park, no longer offers an after 6pm rate or a
weekly pass option.
Charges are around £1.95 per hour or with the NCP App on your smartphone 95p per hour.

Please note- You have the option to pay by card at the barrier when leaving so you don’t
need to queue at the machine to pay.

More information can be found here.
Coventry city centre parking (

Alternatively, you may want to choose another parking location.

The Sky Dome is an alternative that you may wish to use.
Charges here are around 75p per hour

Daily parking information can be found here - City Centre Parking - Customer Details
Weekly parking information can be found here - City Centre Parking - Customer Details
There are also other options available within the City for Car Parks and On Street Parking,
more information can be found here - Car parking – Coventry City Council

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