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Name : Adhina Puspaningtiyas

NIM : F2B020311
Short Story

Road to Camping

My name is Mili, an introvert who has few friends and of course no boyfriend, I like
to be alone, read books, listen to the sound of rain, see nature and listen to music for me that's
enough. When all my friends were busy celebrating Valentine's Day I decided to go camping
and enjoy nature while finishing a book called Little Woman which I had only read half of
the book.
Sunday morning, coinciding with Valentine's Day, I left. How happy I am to imagine
the expanse of flowers that the butterfly lands on against the beautiful mountain backdrop I
will soon be looking at. All the equipment and preparations have been completed, after
waiting a few minutes accompanied by the moon river song that I listened to through the
earphones from my cellphone, the taxi came. The taxi that will take me camping.
How shocked I was looking at the taxi driver, he was my old enemy Ryan, he was the
one who always bullied me when I was in middle school. With a few resentful memories of
himself, he instead threw a smile at me, it is undeniable that now he has grown up and is
handsome. We spent nearly an hour on the trip reminiscing about our time at school, in my
mind I said that it turns out that the person I used to hate can turn into such a fun person in
the future. I have difficulty communicating, but Ryan made me free to tell stories and even
laugh out loud. Time seemed to fly by just like that, for the first time I felt sad because I had
arrived at the camping site.
When I arrived, he smiled from inside the taxi and waved. Today is a different
Valentine's day, and I'm happy. Before I came down he said he likes me, Ryan has liked me
since middle school. What kind of fate has met me this time, something that I wasn't looking
for came to meet me at the right time. I said yes to the statement, I now have a boyfriend and
it's Valentine's day. Today is an amazing day.

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