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COBIT 2019 Case study 1

10/22: Unit 2 Reflection /Beginning Unit 3

Presentation (10)

Unit 2 Reflection (10)

Write a letter to the author of the essay you responded to. In this

letter, address the following questions:

 Which way did you respond, which “type” and why?

 What did you learn from this author’s essay?

 What was the worst and the best part of writing this essay?

What were you successful at? What did you struggle with?

 Did any previous bias you had get destroyed? Did any

previous bias get reinforced?

Unit 2 Word Cloud (10)

Intro Unit 3 (10)

Let’s look at the rhetorical situation again.

Listen to & discuss Youth Radio (15)

Feel free to read along as we listen. As we listen consider the

following questions:

 What’s the writer’s research question?

 How does the writer go about searching for an answer?

 Who does the writer involve in the conversation? What

kinds of sources?

 Does the writer’s question get answered? How?

 Who do you think the intended audience is? Who would

benefit from listening to this?

Unit 3 Generative Writing (15)

Find under Unit 3 Worksheets. Complete and share in small



 Listen to 2 more Youth Radio pieces

 Read “Silent Spectator” and ““Shoeless and Shameless”

 Complete Discussion Questions (see Unit 3 Worksheets)

about readings.

 Complete Topic Inquiry (see Unit 3 Worksheets).

10.27: Scope & Research

Presentation (10)

Discuss personal experience and scope in “Silent Spectator” (10)

What’s the topic of Fahey’s essay?

Why it is important to her?

What’s she trying to find out?

Share our research questions (15)

What’s your topic? Why is it important to you?

What’s your specific research question?

Does the question seem too broad or too narrow for the purposes

of this paper?

How might the question change to find the right scope?

Discuss use of sources in “Shoeless and Shameless” (10)

What kinds of sources does Calderara include? How/why has he

used them?

What’s a Research Paper?

How are these essays different from research papers you’ve

written in the past?

Why do we conduct research? Consider past experiences (i.e. Unit


Beginning to Research Your Question (15)

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