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Term 2 Exam - Revision Sheet

Year 7 Christian Education

• Why is it always winter and never Christmas?

The White Witch has put a spell over Narnia to make it always winter and never

• How does this weather change?

The weather changes when Aslan arrives because Aslan I more powerful than the
White Witch.

• How is time different between Narnia and our world?

Time in Narnia is no time in our world as the children spend years in Narnia and
when they come back through the wardrobe they are in the exact same moment as
when they initially went through the wardrobe.

• Who does the lamppost in Narnia represent in the Bible? (hint = ‘light’)

The lamppost represents the holy spirit as the lamp-post guided them to Narnia just
like how the Holy Spirit connects us to God.

• What are two reasons why the Professor believes Lucy about Narnia but not

1. The professor says that things like Narnia are possible

2. The professor says that Lucy is either mad or lying or Narnia is real and she is not
mad and the children say that she is more truthful than Edmund.

• What does the professor say (at the end of the book) about getting back into Narnia?

The professor says that they should not try to get back into Narnia by the same route
however they will get into Narnia another time through a different route.

• How does the white witch lure Edmund?

The White Witch lures Edmund with magical Turkish delight and she also says that
he will be king and that he will be higher ranking than the rest of his family (even

• Why does the white witch tie up Edmund?

The White Witch ties up Edmund because he didn’t bring the other children and she
was never going to fulfill her promises.

• As springtime appears, what does the white witch say she will do to anyone who
mentions Aslan?

The White Witch says that she will kill anyone that mentions Aslan

• Why does the white witch want the children dead?

The White Witch wants the children dead because the prophecy is that two sons of
Adam and two daughters of Eve will overthrow the White Witch and rule Narnia.

• Why did the white witch allow Aslan to take Edmund’s place on the stone table?

The White Witch allowed Aslan to take Edmunds place on the stone table because
she thought that with Aslan dead she would be able to defeat the children.

• What was ‘The Prophecy’?

The prophecy is that two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve will overthrow the
White Witch and rule Narnia.

• Why does Peter clean his sword after battle?

Peter cleans his sword after battle because after he kills the wolf Aslan strikes him
with the flat of his blade and says “never forget to clean your sword”

• What is the name of the great castle?

Cair Paravel

• What was the deep magic and how did that relate to Edmund?

The Deep magic was that any traitor is the White Witch’s to kill

• What was the magic that was deeper still, that the white witch didn’t know?
The Deeper magic was that when a willing victim that had committed no treachery is
killed in the traitor’s stead, the stone table will crack and death itself would start
working backwards

• How is Aslan similar to Jesus?

Aslan is similar to Jesus because he died for Edmund to protect him from the White
Witch just as Jesus died for us to rid us of sin.

• What did the children do in their spare time in the real world?

In their spare time the children played games such as hide and seek and cricket and
they also explored the house

• Who is Mr Tumnus and on who’s team is he on?

Mr Tumnus is the Faun that takes Lucy to his home however he doesn’t like the
White Which because of what she does to people and so he hides Lucy and takes
her back into her own world safely.

• At the beginning of the book/movie Edmund is more concerned about himself, but by
the end he is a caring family member for his siblings. Why?

Throughout his adventures Edmund notices the wrong things that he has done so he
tries to make them right and he also sees what other people are willing to do for him
(such as Aslan dying for him) and so he tries to do the same for other people.

• Why did the children face many challenges?

The children faced many challenges throughout there journey because they were
constantly being hunted by the White Witch and the creatures that were on her side.

• Is Aslan safe? Why or why not?

Aslan is not safe as Mr beaver says when they are at his house and at the end of the
book Mr Beaver refers to Aslan as an untamed lion.

• How did Lucy save Edmund on the battlefield?

Lucy saved Edmund by giving him some of the magical cordial that she was given by
father Christmas

• How did Mr Beaver know where Edmund had gone?

Mr Beaver knows where Edmund has gone because when he saw Edmund he
thought that he was quite treacherous and he also asks them if he has been into
Narnia before (which he had) and that he hadn’t told them where he had gone or
who he had met so Mr Beaver said that he had already met the white with and joined
he side.

• How can people become friends with God?

People can become friends with god through faith or believing in the story of Jesus
Christ and his doings and the resurrection.

• Why did Jesus come back to life?

Jesus came back to life to prove that he was the son of God and that God is real so
that people would start following God.

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