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Florence Glen G.


1. Discuss one issue of our country right now, what are the actions made by the
government to address the issue?

One of the issues that I think is very crucial in the country would be the declining number of
nurses who would want to stay and work inside the country. This issue is not just an issue now,
but has been an issue ever since. The government fails to give the healthcare workers better
benefits for their service to the country, which is why most of them choose to go abroad. The
solusyon that the current government made was to put a cap on Filipino nurses going abroad.
The maximum number of nurses that are permitted to work outside the country is at least 7,000
a year. However, there were no mentions that the salary or better benefits that would be given to
the nurses who would stay to work in the country.

2. Discuss your stand about the issue.

In my opinion, the government is not focusing on the much bigger reason why the healthcare
workers choose to leave the country. They overwork nurses while giving a much low salary and
the benefits are not as good as well. Knowing that the health care workers are saving lives, they
should be compensated more than what they are being compensated now. Prohibiting them
from going abroad would just put them in a much poverish state, whereas their salary would
only go into the bills and other necessities such as groceries and not leaving them some money
to save for their future endeavors.

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