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Name : Rihal Adam Ariesta

NIM : 11211010

Mindset para Miliarder : Menciptakan Uang, Bukan Mencari Uang

1. My goal for reading this books

o To change my mindset to be a rich people
o To get used to reading books

2. I choose this books because

o Because this book can change my mindset to have a desire to earn money
o Because the writer of this book have interesting experience
o And the of this book is the founder of the Tokopedia application

3. Notes
Subject : The subject of the book is about to tell readers to work hard and think before doing

Quotes from characters :

o Napoleon Hill
o Johan Wolfgang Von Goethe
o Zig Ziglar
o Warren Buffet
o Norman Vincent Peale
o Henry Ford
o John Paul Getty
o David Bach
o Barrack Obama
o Chuck Jones
o Henry James
o Robet T. Kiyosaki
o R.W. Emerson
o Abraham Lincoln
o Benjamin Franklin
o Joan Chen
o Billi Lim

Support quotes

o Anonim
o Chinese prove
4. Opinion and Review

My opinion when reading this book is that every person's mindset of wanting to be rich is different.
When we imagine the way we think, act, perceive, learn, draw conclusions, see ourselves, interact,
and enjoy someone's money it is different. I came to the conclusion that when someone wants to be
rich, they must have a great desire and be independent in doing so, because in this book there is a
quote that influenced me the quote says '' If you think you can, then you are right. If you think you
can't, you're right.

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