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Name: ________________________

The Outsiders ​Chapter 9 -- Advice

Ponyboy receives two pieces of advice at the end of Chapter 9.

​“I was crazy, you know that, kid? Crazy for wantin’ Johnny to stay outa trouble, for not wantin’ him
to get hard. If he’d been like me he’d never have been in this mess. If he’d got smart like me he’d never
have run into that church. That’s what you get for helpin’ people. Editorials in the papers and a lot of
trouble … You’d better wise up, Pony .... you get tough like me and you don’t get hurt. You look out for
yourself and nothin’ can touch you.”​ -​ - Dallas Winston

​“Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold …” ​-- Johnny Cade

Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper:

1. Which advisor do you think Ponyboy will be inclined to follow? Why?

2. Whose advice would you be more apt to follow? Why?

3. Can you defend the advice you did not choose in #2? Do your best to argue this point of

4. In light of the events that happened up through Chapter 9, what new advice would you
have given Ponyboy?

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