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wordlist1 26-04-2023

Apr. 26, 2023

of, pertaining to, or having the nature of crime, especially as opposed to civil
criminal charges
criminal acts
synonyms: illegal, illegitimate, illicit, lawbreaking, unlawful
antonyms: lawful, legal
one who is guilty of a crime or crimes.
synonyms: convict, felon, outlaw

of decisive importance; critical.
Having a first-aid kit can be crucial in an emergency.
This information was crucial in making the decision.
antonyms: incidental, minor, unimportant

of the outside or outer part; being outside.
He cleaned only the external surfaces of the oven.
Cold-blooded animals need warmth from external sources like the sun.
synonyms: exterior, outer, outermost, outside, outward
antonyms: inner, internal

to lose color or brightness gradually; dim.
The black shirt had faded to gray after many washings.
My skin was so tan this summer, but it faded.
synonyms: dim
antonyms: brighten

freedom from work or other duties or responsibilities that require time and effort;
free time.
Life was hard for our ancestors, and they had little leisure.
In his leisure, he likes to read mystery novels.
antonyms: toil, work

fully grown or developed, as a plant, animal, or human.
A mature cat is capable of having kittens.
The height of a mature oak tree can be over one hundred feet.
synonyms: adult, grown
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wordlist1 26-04-2023
Apr. 26, 2023

antonyms: immature, young

existing or intended to exist indefinitely or perpetually; everlasting.
a permanent position on the faculty.
synonyms: perpetual
antonyms: ephemeral, evanescent, impermanent, provisional, temporal,
temporary, transient, transitory

providing or intending to provide protection.
protective clothing.

an identifiable segment or part of a landscape, area, society, political system, or
the like.
We were not allowed to enter the Russian sector of the city without
Jobs will have to come from the private sector of employment.

a person's position or rank in relation to others or in the view of others.
He feels that his status, now that he is a limousine driver, is higher than it was
when he was driving a taxi.
The report suggested that male police officers are granted a higher status by
society than women police officers.
synonyms: position, rank, standing, station

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