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1 / 1axios cirvular error
Data: Monday, 15 May 2023 at 16:54:50 - (Asia/Calcutta)

P 1:


axios cirvular error



The "circular error" in Axios typically refers to an error that occurs when the application attempts

to serialize an object that contains circular references. Circular references occur when an object

references itself, either directly or indirectly through a chain of references.

In Axios, this error typically occurs when sending data as part of a request, as Axios uses the

"JSON.stringify()" method to serialize the data. If the data being serialized contains circular

references, this method will throw a "TypeError" with a message similar to "Converting circular

structure to JSON".

To fix this error, you need to ensure that the data being sent does not contain circular

references. This can be achieved by either removing the circular references from the data or by

manually serializing the data using a different method that can handle circular references.

One popular library for serializing objects with circular references is called "flatted" , which can

be used with Axios to prevent circular errors. Here's an example:


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const axios = require('axios');

const flatted = require('flatted');

const data = {

a: 1,

b: {

c: 'test'


data.b.d = data;'/api', flatted.stringify(data))

.then(response => {



.catch(error => {



In this example, the "flatted.stringify()" method is used to serialize the "data" object before it's

sent as part of the request. This method can handle circular references, preventing the circular

error in Axios.

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JSON.parse on json



"JSON.parse()" is a built-in JavaScript method that is used to parse a string of JSON data into

a JavaScript object. When you pass a JSON string to "JSON.parse()" , it returns a JavaScript

object that represents the data in the JSON string.

Here's an example of using "JSON.parse()" to parse a JSON string:


const jsonString = '{"name":"John","age":30,"city":"New York"}';

const jsonObject = JSON.parse(jsonString);


In this example, the "jsonString" variable contains a string of JSON data representing an object

with name, age, and city properties. The "JSON.parse()" method is called with "jsonString" as

the argument, which returns a JavaScript object containing the same properties as the JSON

string. The "jsonObject" variable is then assigned to the returned object from "JSON.parse()" ,

and "console.log()" is used to output the resulting JavaScript object to the console.

It's worth noting that "JSON.parse()" can throw an error if the input string is not valid JSON. For

example, if the input string is missing a closing brace or contains invalid characters,

"JSON.parse()" will

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P 3:


if it is already a json and i am trying to parse



If you have a JSON string that you're trying to parse using "JSON.parse()" , you may encounter

a "SyntaxError" if the string is already in JSON format. This is because "JSON.parse()"

expects a string in JSON format, and passing a JSON string to the method will result in an error.

Here's an example:


const jsonString = '{"name":"John","age":30,"city":"New York"}';

const jsonObject = JSON.parse(jsonString);


In this example, "jsonString" is already a JSON string, so calling "JSON.parse()" on it is

unnecessary and will result in an error. Instead, you can simply assign the JSON string to a

variable and use it as an object:


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const jsonString = '{"name":"John","age":30,"city":"New York"}';

console.log(; // This will output "undefined"

In this example, "jsonString" is assigned to a variable, and we try to access the "name"

property on it. However, since "jsonString" is a string and not a JavaScript object, accessing

the "name" property will result in "undefined" .

To access the properties in a JSON string, you need to parse it first using "JSON.parse()" to

convert it into a JavaScript object:


const jsonString = '{"name":"John","age":30,"city":"New York"}';

const jsonObject = JSON.parse(jsonString);

console.log(; // This will output "John"

In this example, "jsonString" is parsed using "JSON.parse()" to convert it into a JavaScript

object, and we can then access the "name" property on the resulting object.

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