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Tone in literature

 Tone in literature refers to the author’s attitude toward a

certain topic,Through specific word choice, the author
reveals their feelings and opinions to the reader, conveying
the author’s intentions behind the text. The tone of a story is
always described using an adjective
 It’s often Described as a “mood” that Show the experience
of reading the poems
 Tone Influence how the reader understand the text
Types of Tone in literature

 Formal.  Cooperative
 Informal.  Surprised
 Optimistic.  Curious.
 Worried.  Assertive.
 Friendly.  Encouraging.
 Hopeful.  Humorous.
 Sincere.  Joyful.
 Hypocritical.  Fearful.
 Pessimistic.  Sad.
 Serious.
Example of tone in a poem: For
a Lady I Know
She even thinks that up in
Her class lies late and snores,
While poor black cherubs rise at
To do celestial chores
Context for “ For a Lady I Know ”

 The poem “for a lady” is a poem in which Cullen

criticizes a woman of the upper class. Cullen is criticizing
the women because the lady thinks that life after death is
no different than life before.
 “Her class lies late and snores, while poor black cherubs
rise at seven to do celestial chores.
 ” Shows that she thinks that even though in heaven the
lower class still have to awake early and do chores,
while the upper class sleeps in and does nothing. It is a
very short poem and he just gets to the point across, that
she is racist.
Summary for the “For a Lady I Know”

 The poem is talking about how a high-class woman thinks that,

even in Heaven, she will be served by servants and slaves
 She thinks that she can still Be relaxed and sleep all morning,
and do whatever she wants while an African-American
Servants will be there to serve her every need and wake up
early and wait for her
 It is obvious that this woman believes Heaven will be exactly
like Earth
 Her view could even be considered somewhat childish. Also,
the author seems to be making fun of this woman for what she
believes and maybe wants to get her attention in order to
change her beliefs
Themes for “For a Lady I know”

Racism toward African American people by white American.

>Racism means: unfair and harmful treatment Of people based on Their Race
>Race means: it’s a concept used to describe a group of people who share
physical characteristics, such as skin color and facial features. They may also
share similar social or cultural identities and ancestral backgrounds

Classism: differential treatment based on social class or

perceived social class. Classism is the systematic oppression of
subordinated class groups to advantage and strengthen the
dominant class groups
Tones for “For a Lady I know”

 The author is seemingly making fun of What she thinks

heaven will be like ( he is mocking her )

 The tone is humourous and satirical

 Satire: the use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to

expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly
in the context of contemporary politics and other topical
By batool &marah

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