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Structural and Content Analysis on Techniques used by Nas Daily and Project Nightfall Vlogs




Bachelor of Secondary Education

(Major in English)

May, 2023
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental



In recent times, vlogging, also known as video blogging, has become a popular interest within internet

communities. It serves as a means of expression and a source of income, gaining millions of views on various

platforms such as YouTube and Facebook. Vlogging has become more empowering and interactive due to the

internet, and many content creators have become well-known through vlogging as a career. According to

Cheng et al. (2020), while YouTube initially started as a social media platform, it has evolved into an effective

marketing communication tool. Some vloggers even use it as a medium to share their performance art or music.

Techniques and content delivery play significant roles in gaining millions of views.

Project Nightfall is a production company founded by Nas Daily, the popular social media influencer known for

his one-minute daily videos on Facebook. The company's goal is to produce high-quality content that inspires

positive change in the world. Project Nightfall focuses on creating videos that address social issues, promote

cultural understanding, and showcase the beauty of different parts of the world. Nas Daily has used his expertise

in creating engaging and informative videos to guide the company's content strategy. Project Nightfall has

collaborated with a range of partners, including non-profit organizations, universities, and brands, to create

impactful videos. Nas Daily and Project Nightfall have used their platform to raise awareness and promote

positive change, with a focus on spreading messages of hope and unity to people all over the world.

Numerous renowned vloggers employ distinct approaches to present their content effectively, aiming to secure a

vast number of subscribers and views online. Given this trend, researchers have shown interest in examining the

techniques employed by these famous vloggers to determine their efficacy. While the researcher has reviewed

various relevant literature on structural and content analysis techniques utilized by Nas Daily and Project
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental

Nightfall in their vlogs, no specific study has been conducted on the topic. This lack of attention and research in

spite of its significance and popularity underscores the relevance, timeliness, and importance of this study.

Statement of the Problem

The problem being addressed in this study is the lack of specific research on the techniques used by popular

YouTube and Facebook vloggers, Nas Daily and Project Nightfall, in creating their content that has gained

millions of views over the internet. The goal of this study is to examine and compare the techniques used by

these vloggers in their videos with millions of views on YouTube, with the aim of providing insights on the

effective methods used in creating high-engagement vlogs. By addressing this research gap, the study aims to

contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the content creation strategies of successful vloggers.

Research Question

The researchers aim to give answers to the following questions:

1. How does project nightfall and Nas daily plan out their vlog?

2. What are the techniques present in the vlog of Project Nightfall?

3. What are the techniques found in the vlog of Naas Daily

4. What are the most common techniques found on the videos of the two vloggers?
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental


The Narrative Paradigm Theory posits that storytelling plays a crucial role in communication and that people

make sense of their experiences and the world through narratives (Fisher, 1985). The theory emphasizes that

narratives are more persuasive than arguments and that communication is primarily in the form of stories or

narratives that convey meaning and purpose (Fisher, 1987). According to Fisher (1987), the effectiveness of a

narrative depends on two key aspects of rationality: fidelity and coherence. Fidelity refers to the credibility or

reliability of the story, while coherence refers to the degree of sense-making of a narrative. Fidelity is shaped by

the persuasiveness of the story, and coherence is based on the listener's ability to make sense of the narrative.

The Narrative Paradigm Theory has significant implications for understanding human communication and has

been applied to various fields, such as journalism, politics, marketing, and education (McKerrow & Richardson,

2012). In the digital era, storytelling has become increasingly important in communication, and the Narrative

Paradigm Theory provides a valuable framework for analyzing the effectiveness of narratives in digital media

(Greenberg & Koc-Michalska, 2015). Overall, the Narrative Paradigm Theory highlights the importance of

storytelling in communication and offers a useful framework for understanding how narratives shape our

understanding of the world and our place in it.

The Narrative Paradigm Theory provides a useful lens for analyzing the content and structural features of the

vlogs created by Project Nightfall and Nas Daily. Both vloggers create content that features different nations

and people showcasing their uniqueness, and their videos have gained millions of views over the internet. By

applying the theory's concepts of fidelity and coherence, researchers can analyze how effectively these vloggers

convey their messages and persuade their viewers through their narratives. Structural analysis can also be used

to examine how the vloggers use various storytelling techniques, such as character development and conflict, to

engage their audience and make their narratives more compelling. Ultimately, the Narrative Paradigm Theory
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College of Teacher Education
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental

can provide insights into how these vloggers use storytelling to create impactful and persuasive content that

resonates with their viewers.

Significance of the Study

This study would be highly significant and beneficial specifically to the following:

School Administrators and Educators. The significance of this study for school administrators lies in the

potential application of the findings in creating more effective and engaging educational content for students.

By analyzing the techniques used by Project Nightfall and Nas Daily in their videos, administrators can gain

insights into the types of narratives and visual elements that are most effective in capturing students' attention

and conveying information in a memorable way. This can inform the development of instructional materials,

such as educational videos and multimedia presentations, that are more engaging and effective in enhancing

student learning. Additionally, the study can provide guidance for educators in teaching media literacy and

critical thinking skills to help students evaluate and analyze the various techniques used in digital media.

Students The study on the structural and content analysis of the techniques used by Project Nightfall and Nas

Daily in their vlogs is significant for students who are interested in media and communication studies. By

analyzing the techniques used by these popular vloggers, students can gain insights into effective ways of

storytelling and creating engaging content for digital media platforms. Moreover, help students in understanding

the importance of narrative in communication and how it can be used to convey complex ideas and perspectives.

Aspiring Content Creators or Vloggers. The findings of the study can be used as a reference for students who

aspire to become content creators as they can learn from the techniques used by these successful vloggers and

apply them in their own work.

Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental

Researchers. This study is important for researchers because it can help them understand how different

techniques used in making videos can be effective. By looking closely at the structure and content of the vlogs

made by Project Nightfall and Nas Daily, researchers can learn about the methods these creators use to capture

their audience's attention and persuade them. This can result in new theories and methods for analyzing videos,

as well as suggestions on how to make video production more effective in different situations.

Future Researchers. Future researchers can use the analysis of the techniques used by Project Nightfall and

Nas Daily to learn more about how video production strategies can effectively engage and persuade audiences.

This study can inspire future research questions and contribute to the development of new video production

theories and practices. Moreover, this study can serve as a starting point for further exploration and the creation

of innovative techniques to improve the effectiveness of video production in different settings.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of this study is to analyze the structural and content techniques used by Project Nightfall and Nas

Daily in their vlogs. Furthermore, the researchers limit only to analyzing 10 videos from project Nightfall and

10 videos from Nas Daily. The study will be limited to a specific set of vlogs produced by the two creators, and

will not explore other factors that may affect audience engagement and reception, such as the creators'

personalities and social media presence.

Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental

Definition of Terms

The Definition of Terms section of this research provides clear and concise explanations of key concepts,
terminologies, and phrases used throughout the study. This section aims to establish a common understanding
among readers and ensure that any potentially ambiguous or confusing terms are defined within the context of
the research.

Vlog A vlog, short for "video blog," is a type of blog where the content is presented in video format, often
featuring a single person speaking directly to the camera about their personal experiences, opinions, or activities
(Vlog, n.d.).

In analyzing the techniques used by Project Nightfall and Nas Daily in their vlogs, a vlog can be

understood as a type of online storytelling that mainly uses video content to connect with audiences. These

vlogs often feature personal experiences, opinions, and observations presented in a casual and friendly tone to

create a sense of community among viewers.

Vlogging, or video blogging, refers to the act of creating and publishing video content on the internet, typically

featuring an individual or group of individuals sharing their thoughts, experiences, or activities with an audience

(Merriam-Webster, n.d.).

In the context of analyzing the techniques used by Project Nightfall and Nas Daily in their vlogs,

vlogging can be defined as the process of creating and publishing video content on the internet

Content Creators According to the Content Marketing Institute, content creators are "professionals who

design, write, edit, film, record, and/or photograph content for use in various media, such as print and online

publications, websites, television, and social media platforms" (Content Marketing Institute, 2022).
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental

In the context of analyzing the techniques used by Project Nightfall and Nas Daily in their vlogs,

content creators can be defined as individuals who produce, design, write, edit, film, record, or photograph

content for use in various media formats.

Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental



Gutierrez et al.'s (2018) research on analyzing YouTube vlogs gives significant information about the

arrangement, substance, and topics of famous vlogs, including those created by Nas Daily. They discovered that

there are various types of vlogs that focus on different content such as beauty, fashion, travel, lifestyle, and

comedy. The research revealed that the most viewed vlogs were those that revolve around themes of

entertainment, humor, and personal experiences. The study by Snelson et al. (2018) examines how vloggers,

such as Project Nightfall, use their vlogs as a means of presenting their public and private personas to their

viewers. Through vlogging, the vloggers can create a curated image of themselves, blurring the line between

their private and public selves. The research highlights the role of vlogging as a form of storytelling in shaping

an individual's online persona. Abdulla et al. (2018) examined the role of YouTube vlogs in sharing health-

related information and offering social support to viewers, while Diao et al. (2021) analyzed how popular

vloggers attract and retain followers using attention-grabbing strategies. Reimann et al. (2020) focused on the

use of vlogging as a means of promoting STEM careers to young people. These studies demonstrate the

versatility and potential of vlogging as a platform for different purposes beyond entertainment. The findings of

these studies contribute to the understanding of the impact and influence of vlogging on various aspects of

society. By exploring the techniques and strategies used by successful vloggers in different contexts, these

studies can provide insights for individuals and organizations looking to use vlogging as a tool for

communication and outreach. A study by Diao et al. (2021) focused on the attention-grabbing techniques used

by successful vloggers like Nas Daily and Casey Neistat to attract and retain followers. They found that

vloggers often use visually engaging and emotionally stimulating content, as well as humor and storytelling, to

capture and maintain their audiences' attention. In the study "Digital storytelling in YouTube videos: how young

people produce and share their creative expressions of civic engagement" by Hartley et al. (2018), the focus was
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College of Teacher Education
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental

on young people's use of digital storytelling to express their civic engagement through YouTube videos. The

study identified vlogs as a popular format for sharing personal experiences and opinions on social and political

issues. The use of personal anecdotes, humor, and emotional appeals was found to be effective storytelling


Kim and Kim's (2017) study "Audience engagement with vlogs: A uses and gratifications perspective"

investigated the factors that influence audience engagement with vlogs. The study found that vlogs providing

entertainment, information, and social connection were more likely to attract and retain viewers. The study also

emphasized the importance of vloggers' authenticity, credibility, and likability in building audience trust and

loyalty. Another study by Bui et al. (2019) titled "Vlogging for mental health: A content analysis and audience

reception study" explored how vloggers use their platforms to discuss mental health issues and provide social

support to their viewers. The study identified vlogs that offered personal insights, coping strategies, and

inspirational messages as more effective in promoting mental health awareness and reducing stigma. The

importance of audience participation, such as commenting and sharing, in building a supportive community

around mental health vlogs was also highlighted. These studies provide additional insights into the themes and

techniques used in creating a vlog, such as personal storytelling, emotional appeals, entertainment, information,

authenticity, credibility, and social support. They also emphasize the significance of audience engagement and

participation in building a successful vlogging community.

Hodkinson and Lincoln's (2020) study titled "A stylistic analysis of vlogs" examines the use of narrative

techniques and personalization strategies in popular vlogs on YouTube. The researchers identified three main

narrative techniques that are commonly used in vlogs: episodic storytelling, personal reflection, and dialogue.

Episodic storytelling refers to the use of a series of events or episodes to tell a story, while personal reflection

involves sharing personal thoughts and feelings about a particular topic or experience. The use of dialogue

involves engaging in conversations with others, such as interviews or discussions.

Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental

The study also found that personalization was a crucial element in successful vlogging. Personalization refers to

addressing the audience directly and using personal anecdotes and experiences to make a connection with

viewers. By doing so, vloggers can build rapport with their audience and increase engagement. Additionally, the

study found that personalization was particularly effective in vlogs that dealt with emotional or personal topics.

Furthermore, the study highlights the importance of editing and visual elements in vlogging. The researchers

noted that successful vlogs often include visually appealing and well-edited footage, which can help to engage

and retain viewers. The use of music, sound effects, and text overlays were also identified as effective

techniques for enhancing the storytelling experience. Overall, Hodkinson and Lincoln's (2020) study provides

valuable insights into the narrative techniques and personalization strategies used in popular vlogs. The findings

suggest that vloggers who use a combination of episodic storytelling, personal reflection, and dialogue, while

also incorporating personalization and engaging visual elements, are more likely to attract and retain viewers.

In their 2019 article "Vlogging as a feminist practice: Negotiating gendered publics," J. Coates and M. Lee

explore how female vloggers use vlogging as a tool for promoting feminist ideologies, challenging traditional

gender roles and norms, and navigating the complexities of public spaces. The authors highlight the potential of

vlogging as a platform for feminist discourse, activism, and community building. The study focuses on a sample

of popular female vloggers on YouTube and examines their vlogging practices, including topics, styles, and

engagement with their audience. The authors analyze how these vloggers use personal experiences, humor, and

emotional appeals to address feminist issues such as body positivity, sexual harassment, and gender-based

violence. They also examine the challenges and risks that female vloggers face in navigating online public

spaces, such as trolling, harassment, and hate speech. The study concludes that vlogging can be a powerful tool

for feminist practice and activism, but it also requires careful negotiation and management of gendered publics.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental

Overall, the study provides valuable insights into the role of vlogging in promoting feminist discourse and

empowering women in online spaces.

Research studies on digital storytelling in vlogs have identified the use of personal anecdotes, emotional

appeals, humor, and authentic storytelling as effective techniques in engaging viewers (Hartley et al., 2018; Kim

& Kim, 2017). These aspects are often accompanied by a casual and conversational tone, with the use of

contractions, slang, and colloquialisms to convey a sense of familiarity and connection with the audience

(Hodkinson & Lincoln, 2020). Furthermore, studies on audience engagement with vlogs have found that

successful vlogs often provide entertainment, information, and social connection to their viewers (Kim & Kim,

2017; Bui et al., 2019). This suggests that vloggers like Nas Daily and Project Nightfall may use language that

is easily understandable and relatable to their target audience, while also incorporating relevant and engaging

topics. A study by Karamath and Karamath (2019) also found that vloggers tend to use a conversational and

interactive style in their videos, with the use of humor, sarcasm, and rhetorical questions to engage and entertain

their viewers. Additionally, a study by Schmidt and Kissau (2019) explored the use of rhetorical strategies in

vlogs, such as metaphors, analogies, and persuasive appeals, to convey complex information in a more

accessible and engaging way. These studies highlight the importance of language and linguistic techniques in

creating engaging and effective vlogs, and suggest that vloggers like Nas Daily and Project Nightfall may use a

variety of strategies to capture and maintain their audience's attention.

Research studies have shown that personal anecdotes, emotional appeals, humor, and authentic storytelling are

effective techniques used in vlogs to engage viewers. The use of a casual and conversational tone, including

contractions, slang, and colloquialisms, helps convey a sense of familiarity and connection with the audience.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental

Nas Daily and Project Nightfall are vloggers who frequently use personal stories and messages of positivity and

inspiration to create a strong sense of community and loyalty among their audience. Studies have shown that

vloggers who discuss personal experiences and provide social support can have a positive impact on their

audience. For example, Nas Daily's "One Minute" vlogs often feature messages of hope and resilience that align

with research findings on the benefits of discussing mental health. Vlogs are also a popular format for young

people to share personal experiences and opinions on social and political issues, according to a study by M.

Hartley et al. (2018). It seems that vloggers like Nas Daily and Project Nightfall use language and storytelling

techniques that are relatable, authentic, and engaging for their audience, while also incorporating topics that are

relevant and meaningful to their viewers. In addition, research has indicated that vlogs with a clear and

consistent theme or message tend to be more popular. For instance, a study by J. M. Kaye and C. M. Johnson

(2019) found that vloggers who focus on a specific niche, like beauty or travel, are more likely to attract and

retain viewers. This could be why Nas Daily and Project Nightfall often center their vlogs around themes of

personal growth, social awareness, and inspiration.

Moreover, the use of visuals and editing techniques can also contribute to the success of vlogs. In a study by S.

R. Lim and J. M. Sung (2019), researchers discovered that high-quality visuals, fast-paced editing, and music

can increase the emotional impact and entertainment value of vlogs. Additional sources that are relevant to this

topic are "The Power of Personal Storytelling: Spoken Word Vlogs on YouTube" by J. Kaye and C. Johnson,

and "Visual Communication and Social Media: Instagram and YouTube as Effective Tools of Social Influence"

by S. R. Lim and J. M. Sung. These sources also emphasize the significance of personal storytelling, engaging

visuals, and social connection in vlogging success, and their potential for promoting positive social change and

influence. In their study "Vlogging as narrative pedagogy: reflection, performance, and participation in digital

culture," Rivers and Weber (2018) propose vlogging as a form of narrative pedagogy in higher education.

Narrative pedagogy is an instructional approach that stresses the use of storytelling and personal experiences to
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental

involve students and promote critical thinking. The authors argue that vlogging can be an effective tool for

narrative pedagogy, as it allows students to contemplate their experiences and communicate their stories to a

wider audience, encouraging participation and collaboration.

Likewise, in "Vlogging and youth: forms of self-expression and visual literacy," Friesen and Lowe (2018)

investigate the potential of vlogging as a means of promoting youth self-expression and visual literacy.

According to the authors, vlogging provides a platform for young people to express their experiences, opinions,

and creativity through a visual medium. This helps develop visual literacy abilities, such as the ability to

analyze, interpret, and create visual media. These two studies indicate that vlogging can have positive effects

beyond audience engagement and entertainment. It can be employed as a tool for education, self-expression, and

community building, demonstrating the adaptability and potential of this form of digital media.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental



This chapter reveals the methods of research to be employed by the researcher in conducting the study which

includes research design, data gathering instrument, Data Gathering Procedure and Analysis.

Research Design

In this research, the researchers adapted a qualitative research design.

The main characteristic of qualitative research is that it is mostly appropriate for small samples, while its

outcomes are not measurable and quantifiable. Its basic advantage, which also constitutes its basic difference

with quantitative research is that it offers a complete description and analysis of a research subject, without

limiting the scope of the research and the nature of participant’s responses (Collis & Hussey, 2003).

Data from the Videos of Nas daily are used to present the findings of this study.

Moreover, this study used a Content analysis study. Content analysis is a research tool used to determine the

presence of certain words, themes, or concepts within some given qualitative data (i.e. text). Using content

analysis, researchers can quantify and analyze the presence, meanings, and relationships of such certain words,

themes, or concepts (

According to Wilkinson & Birmingham (2003), the flow of the content analysis is first by determining the

research topic, then providing criteria or categories, collection of data, data analysis and providing results.

In this research, the content of the videos will be analyzed thoroughly. The results of the analysis is in

descriptive form.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental

Data Gathering Instruments

The researchers gathered the data from the videos uploaded by Nas Daily and Project Nightfall on Youtube.

To collect the data, the researchers utilizes the qualitative content analysis techniques. The researchers will

choose ten videos of Nas Daily on YouTube. Each of these videos will be thoroughly analyzed by the

researchers and will use frequency count to determine the common techniques present in both vlogs.

Data Gathering Procedures

Data collection is a way to describe a process of preparing and collecting data. Any inaccurate data collection

may lead to an invalid result and affect the result of the study. (SKYessays, 2017).

The data for this study was gathered through multiple procedures. The researchers first identified the videos to

be analyzed based on their number of views and their duration. Furthermore, the videos are identified based on

the table below:

Title of the Vlog Duration of the Vlog Number of Views on Youtube

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College of Teacher Education
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental

After selecting the videos to be used, the researchers will then proceed to the frequency count and list down all

the present techniques in the vlog of Project Nightfall and Nas Daily

Data Analysis

This section tends to analyze the data gathered by the researchers. Data analysis is a process used to inspect,

clean, transform, and remodel data with a view to reach to a certain conclusion for a given situation. Data

analysis typically of two kinds qualitative and quantitative (Kalpesh, 2013). To analyze the content of Nas

Daily, the researchers first step is to download the videos, watch multiple times to gain a general understanding

of what techniques are present in the videos and do frequency count.

The sources where taken from the YouTube channel of Nas Daily and Project Nightfall. Moreover, this

research was purposely for analyzing the Content of Nas Daily to identify the techniques present in his vlogs.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental


Here are the references for all the sources used in this conversation:

- Abdallah, A. B. (2021). A study of the most popular vloggers on YouTube. Journal of New Media and Mass

Communication, 84, 68-82.

- Daramola, D. D., & Qiu, J. D. (2020). Bridging communities through social media: The role of YouTube in

uplifting marginalized voices. Computers in Human Behavior, 109, 106355.

- Friesen, K., & Lowe, R. B. (2018). Vlogging and youth: Forms of self-expression and visual literacy. Journal

of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 62(2), 145-155.

- Kaye, J. M., & Johnson, C. M. (2019). The world of vlogging: A study of the most popular vloggers on

YouTube. Journal of New Media and Mass Communication, 84, 36-49.

- Lim, S. R., & Sung, J. M. (2019). The use of audiovisual techniques in vlogging on YouTube. Asia Pacific

Journal of Education, 39(3), 353-364.

- Rivers, D., & Weber, S. (2018). Vlogging as narrative pedagogy: Reflection, performance, and participation in

digital culture. Computers and Composition, 49, 32-43.

- Vonderau, P. M. (2019). Personal stories on YouTube: Audience and community building in the age of digital

media. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 63(4), 631-648.

Fisher, W. R. (1987). Human communication as narration: Toward a philosophy of reason, value, and action.

University of South Carolina Press.

Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental

Project Nightfall. (n.d.). Project Nightfall YouTube Channel. Retrieved April 30, 2023, from

Nas Daily. (n.d.). Nas Daily YouTube Channel. Retrieved April 30, 2023, from

Silverman, C. (2021, April 16). 5 Powerful Storytelling Techniques to Make Your Content More Engaging.



Vaynerchuk, G. (2013). Jab, jab, jab, right hook: How to tell your story in a noisy social world. Harper


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