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03 Quiz 1


Section BSIT 3-2AA Prompt A

Instructions: (20 points)

1. Insert the provided excerpt from El Filibusterismo into an HTML document.

The death of Capitan Tiago and Basilio’s imprisonment were soon reported in the province, and to the honor of the
simple inhabitants of San Diego, let it be recorded that the latter was the incident more regretted and almost the
only one discussed. As was to be expected, the report took on different forms, sad and startling details were given,
what could not be understood was explained, the gaps being filled by conjectures, which soon passed for
accomplished facts, and the phantoms thus created terrified their own creators.

In the town of Tiani it was reported that at least, at the very least, the young man was going to be deported and
would very probably be murdered on the journey. The timorous and pessimistic were not satisfied with this but even
talked about executions and courts-martial—January was a fatal month; in January the Cavite affair had occurred,
and they1even though curates, had been garroted, so a poor Basilio without protectors or friends—

“I told him so!” sighed the Justice of the Peace, as if he had at some time advised Basilio. “I told him so.”

“It was to be expected,” commented Sister Penchang. “He would go into the church, and when he saw that the holy
water was somewhat dirty, he wouldn’t cross himself with it. He talked about germs and disease, abá, it’s the
chastisement of God! He deserved it, and he got it! As though the holy water could transmit diseases! Quite the
contrary, abá!”
2. Choose a prompt and improve the text using the CSS properties. Follow the conditions below.

Use: Use:
• A font stack of three • A font stack of three
• A bolder font-weight • A lighter font-weight
• A font size in pixels • A font size in percentage
• An underline text-decoration • A strike text-decoration
• A background in hex value • An image background
Note: The application of the conditions must be thoughtfully used.

3. Provide the HTML/CSS codes.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>El Filibusterismo </title>
.prompt {
font-family: "Helvetica Neue, Arial, sans-serif";
font-weight: bolder;
font-size: 20px;
text-decoration: underline;
background-color: #ADD8E6;


<div class="prompt">
<p>The death of Capitan Tiago and Basilio’s imprisonment were soon reported in the
and to the honor of the simple inhabitants of San Diego, let it be recorded
that the latter was the incident more
regretted and almost the only one discussed. As was to be expected, the report
took on different forms,
sad and startling details were given, what could not be understood was
explained, the gaps being filled by conjectures,
which soon passed for accomplished facts, and the phantoms thus created
terrified their own creators.</p>
<p>In the town of Tiani it was reported that at least, at the very least, the young
man was going to be deported and would very
probably be murdered on the journey. The timorous and pessimistic were not
satisfied with this but even talked about executions
and courts-martial—January was a fatal month; in January the Cavite affair had
occurred, and they1even though curates, had been garroted,
so a poor Basilio without protectors or friends—</p>

<p>“I told him so!” sighed the Justice of the Peace, as if he had at some time
advised Basilio. “I told him so.”</P>

<p>“It was to be expected,” commented Sister Penchang. “He would go into the
church, and when he saw that the holy water was somewhat dirty,
he wouldn’t cross himself with it. He talked about germs and disease, abá, it’s
the chastisement of God! He deserved it,
and he got it! As though the holy water could transmit diseases! Quite the
contrary, abá!”</p>


4. Upload a screenshot of the output and specify where each condition is used using MS Word.


These conditions are used in CSS to style HTML elements, as follows the font-family I used are
"Helvetica Neue, Arial, sans-serif"; -This CSS rule sets the font family for an HTML element. The browser will first
try to use Helvetica Neue, and if it is not available, it will use Arial, and if that is not available, it will use a default
sans-serif font. For the font-weight: bolder; it sets the font weight for an HTML element to be bolder than the
default. The weight of the font will depend on the font family being used. The font-size I used is 20px; - it sets the
font size for an HTML element to 20 pixels. The text-decoration: underline; it adds an underline to an HTML
element's text.
Lastly, the background-color: #ADD8E6; - it sets the background color of an HTML element to be a shade
of light blue, specified in hexadecimal color code format.

Performance Standards Points
The students used all the required conditions. 3x5
The student submitted all the required files. 5
The student specified where each condition was used. 5
Total 25

03 Quiz 1 *Property of STI

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