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Teaching Dates and Time DECEMBER 5 - 9, 2022 Quarter 2


I. OBJECTIVES 1. Define research 1. Determine research as a tool in effective campaign and advocacy; 1. Identify key structural elements and language features of an
2. Observe the language of and argumentative text
research 2. Create an advocacy plan and a campaign material for an advocacy. 2. Write an argumentative text/essay applying its correct
elements and language
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types serve as vehicles of expressing and resolving conflicts among individuals or groups; also,
how to use strategies in critical reading, listening, and viewing and affirmation and negation markers to deliver impromptu and extemporaneous speeches.

B. Performance Standard The learner proficiently delivers an argumentative speech emphasizing how to resolve conflicts among individuals or groups.

C. Learning Competency/ (EN10G-IVa-32) Observe the (EN10G-IVa-32) Observe the Language of Research, Campaigns and Identifying Key Structural Elements and Language Features of
Objectives Language of Research, Campaigns Advocacies an
and Advocacies Argumentative Text
II. CONTENT Observe the Language of Research Observe the Language of Campaigns and Advocacies Key Structural Elements of an Argumentative Text


1. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from English 10: Quarter 2 – MELC 1 English 10: Quarter 2 – MELC 1 English 10: Quarter 2 – MELC 2
Learning Resource
Other Learning Resource .


A. Reviewing previous lesson or The teacher asks the students Let the students recall the The teacher asks the students
presenting the new lesson about their prior knowledge of previous lesson. about the previous lesson they
Research, Campaigns and have tackled.

B. Establishing a purpose for the 4 PICS 1 WORD Develop your idea about The teacher asks the students,
lesson Martin Luther King’s line by “Have you experienced
completing the statements on presenting an argument? Did it
the web diagram below. By go well?”
activating your prior
knowledge and skills learned
from the previous quarter,
answer the process questions


C. Presenting examples/Instances The teacher relates the previous Identify Your Advocacy The teacher presents some
of the new lesson activity to the topic that will be Read the short information pictures of the characters in an
discussed. about one of the famous and anime or a drama and asks the
inspiring Filipino youth students to name them.
advocacies and find out how
this group of young people
contribute to the community.
Afterwards, cite an advocacy
closest to your heart that you
have plans on advocating
today or in the future. The teacher asks the students,
“May I know what have you
noticed that is common on
“What do detectives do?”
“How about in the court trials?”
D. Discussing new concepts and The teacher discusses the Discussion about the Basics in Discussion about Argumentative
practicing new skills # 1 definition of Research, its purpose The Language of Campaigns Essay

and the three essential parts of a To learn more about the
Research Paper characteristics and parts of an
argumentative essay, read page
133 of LM.
E. Discussing new concepts and 6 Steps Involved in the Discussion about the Basics in Discussion about Position
practicing new skills # 2 Development of a Questionnaire The Language of Advocacies Statement and Evaluative
and How to Develop a Language
Questionnaire for Research
F. Developing mastery Sort it out! Place the following Think, Share and Act for an Read the statements and
(leads to Formative Assessment 3) research terms in the column where Advocacy identify what key structural
they belong. The following graphic organizers elements of argumentative
present the list of some of the essay are used.
different issues brought by COVID-
19 pandemic to our country. Answer
the questions found
in the table below after going over
the details.
G. Finding practical application of You will develop a questionnaire on Task 4: Plan for an Advocacy Direction: Evaluate the
concepts and skills in daily your research topic, reading. Tell With the pressing issues brought by argument in the editorial
living whether the the COVID-19 pandemic, research excerpt in pp. 258 – 259 and
question in each item below is further about a particular issue and check the checklist if the
applicable and appropriate in come up with an advocacy following features are
research or not. If it is, presentation plan. present and answer the
draw a positive sign (+), if it is not, Here are the standards to follow: following questions by writing
a negative sign. Goal: Offer solutions or options to your answers on your
1. How many times do you read pressing social concerns brought by answer sheet.
books in a week? the pandemic 1. What is the title of the
2. Are you reading right now? Role: researcher, advocate essay?
3. At what age did you start Audience: Filipino Youth 2. What techniques were
reading? Situation: You are requested by the used by the author in
4. Can you read with me? National Youth Commission of the convincing his readers?
5. Didn’t you read the food label? Philippines to pass an advocacy 3. Does the conclusion
plan. You can choose from these resonate with the
types of advocacies: mass introduction?
advocacy, self-advocacy and health 4. Generally, what is the
advocacy. challenge posed by the
Product: Advocacy plan editorial?
Standard: Detailed/accomplished
worksheet advocacy plan
H. Making generalizations and The teacher asks the students The teacher asks the students What I Have Learned The teacher asks the
abstractions about the lesson about the discussion. about the discussion. Self-Check students what they have
Do learned.
a self-check on how well you have
learned the lessons in this module.
Place a checkmark in the
appropriate box for each skill and
for the last part; answer the
questions by reflecting about your
learning journey.
I. Evaluating learning Analyze the language of research Check Your Understanding Direction: Persuade your
used in the items below. Determine Multiple Choice readers to believe in your
the part of research where they stand on anti-bullying or to
belong. Choose the letter of the take a specific action to help
correct answer then write it down it. You can use persuasive or
on your answer sheet. argumentative paragraph to
present your stand.
J. Additional activities for Create a Campaign Material for an Create/Write an
application or remediation Advocacy Argumentative Essay
Choose one from any of the
following topics/social problems and
craft a campaign or an advocacy
material through a song or poem
composition; or poster/slogan
observing the language of

A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

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