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Jurnal Riset Akuntansi & Keuangan Vol. 4, No.3, 2016, pp: 78 - 88 e-ISSN : 2541061X
p-ISSN : 23381507
Jurnal Riset Akuntansi & Keuangan Vol. 4, No.3, 2016, pp: 78 - 88 e-ISSN : 2541061X
p-ISSN : 23381507
Jurnal Riset Akuntansi & Keuangan Vol. 4, No.3, 2016, pp: 78 - 88 e-ISSN : 2541061X
p-ISSN : 23381507
Jurnal Riset Akuntansi & Keuangan Vol. 4, No.3, 2016, pp: 78 - 88 e-ISSN : 2541061X
p-ISSN : 23381507
Jurnal Riset Akuntansi & Keuangan Vol. 4, No.3, 2016, pp: 78 - 88 e-ISSN : 2541061X
p-ISSN : 23381507
Jurnal Riset Akuntansi & Keuangan Vol. 4, No.3, 2016, pp: 78 - 88 e-ISSN : 2541061X
p-ISSN : 23381507
Jurnal Riset Akuntansi & Keuangan Vol. 4, No.3, 2016, pp: 78 - 88 e-ISSN : 2541061X
p-ISSN : 23381507
Jurnal Riset Akuntansi & Keuangan Vol. 4, No.3, 2016, pp: 78 - 88 e-ISSN : 2541061X
p-ISSN : 23381507
Jurnal Riset Akuntansi & Keuangan Vol. 4, No.3, 2016, pp: 78 - 88 e-ISSN : 2541061X
p-ISSN : 23381507

Jurnal Riset Akuntansi & Keuangan Vol. 4, No.3, 2016, pp: 78 - 88 e-ISSN : 2541061X
p-ISSN : 23381507

Judul Pengendalian Intern Dan Pemberian Kredit Usaha: Analisis Peranan dan
Efektifitas Sistem

Nama Penulis Ari Riswanto, Sri Rahayu Ningsih,Dewi Daryati

Jurnal, Vol, No, RISET AKUNTANSI DAN KEUANGAN, 4 (3), 2020, 1169-1176
Tahun, Hal
Tanggal Review 13 Mei 2023
Permasalahan Dalam era globalisasi yang semakin tajam perusahaan mengubah strategi
pemasarannya, dengan meletakan kepuasan konsumen sebagai prioritas utama
dalam mengarahkan kegiatan bisnis. Perusahaan-perusahaan yang mampu
menghasilkan produk atau jasa yang bermutu tinggi dengan
harga yang rendah untuk dapat bertahan dipasar. Selain itu, perkembangan
ekonomi yang telah memasuki era pasar bebas dan Indonesia merupakan
Negara yang dituntut mampu menghadapi kemajuan-kemajuan baik ilmu
pengetahuan maupun teknologi. Di era pasar bebas, memungkinkan setiap
Negara untuk melakukan penjualan kenegara lain dan melakukan hubungan
yang erat dengan berbagai Negara.

Tujuan Untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kontrol peran intenal yang dilakukan
oleh perusahaan dalam memberikan pinjaman usaha kepada calon
nasabah secara efektif dan sesuai dengan sistem yang telah ditentukan.

Populasi: 33 Pegawai “BPR Sukabumi
Sampel, Teknik
Sampel: 33 Pegawai “BPR Sukabumi dengan teknik sampling yaitu
Variabel Variabel dependen: Akuntan Indonesia dalam Standar Profesional
Akuntan Publik
Variabel independen: Konsekuensi dari perkembangan tersebut maka
pengertian internal control ke arah yang lebih luas lagi.
Hipotesis H1: Sistem pengendalian intern meliputi struktur organisasi, metode dan
ukuran yang dikoordinasikan
H2: Aksesibilitas mempengaruhi signifikan akuntabilitas
H3: Pengawasan kualitas sifat –sifat, kebiasaan, kepribadian, gaya hidup
dan keadaan keluarga

Teknik Analisis Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier
Data berganda
Hasil Analisis Hasil analisis menunjukkan tujuannya adalah untuk menemukan mendasari
motif perilaku manusia tersebut. Melalui penelitian tersebut kita dapat
menganalisis berbagai faktor yang memotivasi orang untuk berperilaku dalam
cara tertentu atau yang membuat orang-orang seperti atau tidak suka hal
tertentu. Ini dapat dinyatakan, bagaimanapun, bahwa untuk menerapkan
penelitian kualitas baik

Keterbatasan dan Saran penelitian:

Saran Penelitian Dengan bisa Menambahkan jumlah sampel objek penelitian yang lain
agar didapatkan hasil yang lebih baik.
Call for Paper – 2nd International Seminar on Accounting Society
“The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Accounting for Society 5.0”


Irma Paramita Sofia
Universitas Pembangunan Jaya

This research aim to examine: (1) The Influence of Internal Control on Fraud Prevention (2) The
Influence of Good Corporate Governance on Fraud Prevention. This study uses a quantitative
approach and analysis method which used in this research is multiple regression method. The
population of this research are banking companies in the Jakarta and Tangerang Selatan regions.
The result of this study showed that the internal control have no effect on fraud prevention, good
corporate governance have a positive effect on fraud prevention. In addition, the internal control
and good corporate governance simultaneously influence the fraud prevention.

Keywords: Internal Control, Good Corporate Governance, Fraud Prevention

1. INTRODUCTION demands for the application of good governance in

Fraud (fraud) is an act intentionally done by both the private and public sectors.
one or more people to use resources from an According to Ernst & Young (2014), as
organization improperly (acts against the law) and many as 59 countries involved in the survey
wrong in presenting facts (hiding facts) to gain conducted by E&Y agreed that the incidence of
personal gain (Noviani & Sambharakresna, 2014). fraud did not decrease compared to previous years.
The consequences that must be borne by a In fact, new ways to commit fraud always emerge
company from fraud cases are company collapse, from regulators that the public considers
large investment losses, and can cause significant inappropriate. (Association of Certified Fraud
litigation costs. Various modes of fraud and weak Examiners [ACFE]) 2016, states the estimated loss
control systems in an organization or company of fraud to the company is 5 percent of its revenue
cause fraud can not be stopped or eradicated until which could result in a global fraud loss of around
now. The occurrence of white collar crime in $6,3 billion. Based on survey data conducted by
various countries which has increased has the Indonesian Association of Certified Fraud
prompted various parties to take various Examiners (ACFE), in collaboration with Ernst &
preventive measures and increasingly increase Young in 2016, shows that:
Table 1. ACFE and EY Survey Results (2016)

Type of Industry Percentage

Government 58.8%
Finance and Banking
Industry 15.9%

Health Industry 9.3%

Manufacturing Industry 3.5%
Education Industry 3.1%
Transportation Industry 2.7%
Others 1,3%

From the survey results it can be seen that an agreement between the bank and the customer.
the financial and banking industry is the second In the implementation of this agreement, it can
most disadvantaged industry with a percentage of trigger an act of fraud committed by both parties.
15.9%. In banking operations, there are several Based on information obtained by
activities that can be identified prone to fraud. In researchers from in January 2016
funding activities, usually in conducting financial that in 2015, employees of PT Bank Permata Tbk
transactions the bank and the customer enter into as relation managers embezzled money of Rp 29
Call for Paper – 2nd International Seminar on Accounting Society
“The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Accounting for Society 5.0”
billion, the fund was funded by 17 customers with management can control by implementing GCG
fictitious deposits while in 2016 also occurred The and conduct overall supervision so that it can
same thing was done by a person of PT Bank improve bank performance, protect the interests of
Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk where the loss of stakeholders and meet the applicable laws and
money amounting to Rp 420 million belonged to regulations in general banking industry.
customers due to skimming. Research Question
Fraud in the banking sector can eliminate This research is focused on the study of
the public's trust as a customer which can harm the internal control and the application of good
sustainability of the bank's operational activities. corporate governance in the banking industry.
In order to prevent fraud in banks, Bank Indonesia From the explanation above, there are three
issued circular No. 13/28 / DPNP to all questions as follows:
commercial banks regarding the Implementation 1. Does the application of internal control affect
of Anti-Fraud Strategy for commercial banks. To fraud prevention?
strengthen the internal control system, banks are 2. Does the effect of implementing good corporate
required to have an effective anti-fraud strategy. In governance influence fraud prevention?
developing and implementing an effective anti- 3. Does the application of internal control and
fraud strategy, banks must pay attention to matters good corporate governance can jointly influence
such as (1) internal and external environmental fraud prevention?
conditions, (2) complexity of business activities, This research is expected to produce several
(3) potential, type, and risk of fraud, and (4) benefits including the following:
adequacy of resources power needed. 1. For Banking Companies, this research is
In the case of fraud risk control, the role of expected to contribute to the thought of internal
internal control is needed to oversee the control, the application of good corporate
occurrence of fraud (fraud). Internal control governance and its influence on fraud
functions as evaluating all applicable systems and prevention.
procedures whether those procedures have been 2. This research is expected to be useful and be an
implemented properly and correctly through additional literature for other parties conducting
observation, observation and inspection through research on the application of internal control
the implementation of tasks in each division of the and the application of good corporate
company. governance to fraud prevention.
In addition to preventing fraud, the
Financial Services Authority (OJK) stated in the 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
Financial Services Authority Circular Letter No.13 Agency Theory
/ SEOJK.03 / 2017 regarding the Implementation According to the Institute of Chartered
of Governance for Commercial Banks that the Accountants in England & Wales (2005) Agency
application of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) theory is a theory of economic accountability,
is very necessary to improve bank performance which helps explain audit developments. Agency
protect the interests of the stakeholders, and relationships arise when one or more actors (eg
improve the laws and regulations. owners) involve others as their agents (or stewards)
Implementation of Governance in the to perform services on their behalf. This service
banking industry must be based on five basic performance results in the delegation of some
principles of Good Governance, namely decision making authority to the agent. Delegation
accountability which is the clarity of the of responsibility by principals and the resulting
implementation function and accountability of the division of labor is very helpful in promoting an
Bank's organs so that management is effective, efficient and productive economy.Fraud
responsibility which is the conformity of bank The Association of Certified Fraud
management with related laws and regulations, Examiners (ACFE) (2006) in Rukmawati (2011),
independence which is a professional bank defines fraud as intentional unlawful acts
management without influence and pressure from committed for a specific purpose, carried out by
any party, and fairness which is fairness in people from within or outside the organization to
fulfilling the rights of stakeholders arising based gain personal or group benefits. directly or
on agreements and laws and regulations. indirectly harming other parties. Fraud can be
The implementation of GCG is part of the defined as a deliberate action taken to deceive
bank's control measures in dealing with others into obtaining benefits where the recipient is
widespread fraud problems. The bank's declared not given legal power to own or have the

Call for Paper – 2nd International Seminar on Accounting Society
“The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Accounting for Society 5.0”

right to own (Deepa et al, 2017). Fraud involves information that is adequate, timely and
recording transactions without the essence or accurate as well as company openness in
omission of recording transactions or documents, decision making.
intentional errors in applying accounting policies b. Accountability, which is a principle that
and deliberately mistakenly recording entity requires a clear function or separation of duties
disclosures (Olatunji, 2009). and the implementation of the responsibilities
Internal control of each section in the company so that the
According to government regulation No. company can be managed properly.
60/2008 concerning the Internal Control System is c. Responsibility (Responsibility), namely the
an activity carried out continuously by the principle that requires that the management of
leadership and all employees to provide adequate the company in accordance with and compliant
confidence in the achievement of organizational with the principles of a healthy corporation and
goals through effective and efficient activities so as in accordance with applicable laws and
to detect and minimize the occurrence of actions regulations.
that can harm the country. Meanwhile, according to d. Independency, which is a principle that
the AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public requires professional management of the
Accountants) in Bambang Hartadi (2000: 3) the company without conflict of interest or
internal control system includes the organizational pressure from any party.
structure, all the coordinated methods and e. Fairness, which is a principle that demands the
conditions adopted by the company to protect fair and equal fulfilment of shareholder rights
assets, examine accuracy, and to what extent the in accordance with agreed agreements and in
data trustworthy accounting, improve business accordance with applicable laws and
efficiency and encourage compliance with regulations.
established company policies. Hypothesis
Good Corporate Governance Referring to the research objective, which is
According to the Forum for Corporate to examine the effect of internal control and good
Governance in Indonesia (FCGI), Good corporate governance on fraud prevention, the
Governance is a set of rules that establish the research hypotheses proposed are as follows:
relationship between shareholders, management, H1 = Internal control influences fraud prevention.
creditors, the government, employees and other H2 = Good Corporate Governance affects fraud
internal and external stakeholders with respect to prevention.
their rights and obligations, or can be said as a H3 = Internal control and good corporate
system that directs and controls a company (Sari et governance together affect the prevention of fraud.
al, 2015). Bank Indonesia explained that Good
Corporate Governance is bank governance through Conseptual Framework
the application of several principles, namely: The conseptual framework of this research is
a. Transparency, which is the principle that as follow:
upholds openness in disclosing all material

Control (X1) Fraud
Prevention (Y)

GCG (X2)

Figure 1. Conseptual Framework

From the framework of research thought 3. DATA AND RESEARCH TECHNIQUE
above, it shows that this research is to find out how ANALISYS
the influence of internal control and GCG on fraud Population and Samples
prevention. The population of this research are banking
companies in the Jakarta and Tangerang Selatan
Call for Paper – 2nd International Seminar on Accounting Society
“The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Accounting for Society 5.0”
regions. The sampling method used was purposive Α : Constant
sampling, which is sampling based on the X1 : Internal Control
following criteria: X2 : Good Corporate Governance
1. Employees working in the banking sector. β1 : Regression coefficient of internal control
2. Employees who have a relationship with variable
recording, financial reporting and evaluation β2 : Regression coefficient of Good Corporate
and supervision so that there is a big enough Governance variables
opportunity to commit fraud. e : Standard Error
Data Analysis Method
On this occasion the authors used the method
of multiple linear regression analysis. This model 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
was chosen because this study was designed to t Statistical Test (partial test)
examine the effect of independent variables on the According to Ghozali (2016) a t test was
dependent variable. The multiple linear regression performed to compare the variance explained by
equation model used is as follows: regression to the residue and the results tell whether
Y = α + β1X1 + β2X2 +(X2*X1) e the relationship is partially of statistical
Information: significance or not.
Y : Fraud Prevention
Table 3. t-Test Result

Model B Error t Sig.
1 (Constant) 17,297 5,043 3,430 ,001
PI ,067 ,088 ,759 ,452
GCG ,339 ,099 3,439 ,001

Based on table 3, the resulting internal of 0.001 smaller than the significance level of 0.05
control regression coefficient is 0.067, it can be said (0.001 <0.05), the test shows that H2 is accepted,
that every 1 (one) increase in internal control will which means good corporate governance has a
increase fraud prevention by 0.067. Hypothesis significant effect on fraud prevention.
testing results have a t count of 0.759 smaller than
t table (0.759 <1.681) and obtained a significance Statistical Test F (simultaneous test)
of 0.452 greater than the significance level of 0.05 F test (simultaneous) aims to determine
(0.452> 0.05) then the test shows that H1 is not whether there is a simultaneous influence of
accepted which means that internal control has no independent variables on the dependent variable.
effect on fraud prevention Bank employees. according to Ghozali (2016: 99), where to
In table 3, a good corporate governance determine the F value of the table, α used is 0.05
regression coefficient is generated for 0.339, it can with the degree of freedom for numerator = k - 1 =
be said that every 1 (one) increase in motivation 3 - 1 = 2 and denominator = n - k = 45 - 3 = 42, so
will increase fraud prevention by 0.339. Hypothesis the F table value of 3.22 is obtained.
testing results have a t-count of 3,439 is greater than
t table (3,439> 1,681) and obtained a significance
Table 4. F Test Result
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 28,794 2 14,397 5,928 ,005b
Residual 102,006 42 2,429
Total 130,800 44

Call for Paper – 2nd International Seminar on Accounting Society
“The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Accounting for Society 5.0”

The table above shows that the Anova Determination Coefficient Test
or F test results were 5,928 with a probability The determinant coefficient test is
of 0.005 <0.05. Thus, H3 is accepted. In used to measure how far the model's ability
addition, based on the F table value of 3.22, to explain the variation of the dependent
then F arithmetic> F table (5.928> 3.22), it variable. A small adjusted R2 value means
can be concluded that the regression model that the ability of the independent variables
of internal control variables and good to explain the variation of the dependent
corporate governance together variable is very limited (Ghozali, 2016). The
(simultaneously) affect the prevention of following table presents the results of the
bank employee fraud. determination coefficient test using the IBM
SPSS Statistics 20 program.
Table 5. Determinant Test Result

Adjusted Error of
R the
Model R R Square Square Estimate
1 ,469a ,220 ,183 1,558

respondents do not understand the

Based on the table above, the value of internal controls even though they work.
R Square is 0.220. This shows that 22% of 2. This study shows that good corporate
fraud prevention conducted by bank governance has a significant effect on
employees can be explained by internal fraud prevention. This is due to good
control variables and good corporate corporate governance bank employees
governance, the remaining 78% fraud can encourage fraud prevention activities.
prevention of bank employees is influenced The encouragement can come from
by other factors outside this research such as various parties, both superiors and
internal audit and job satisfaction. colleagues, that can create good corporate
Based on table 5 can also indicate governance within the respondent
whether the predictor of the dependent environment that can encourage fraud
variable is correct. According to Sarwono prevention activities.
(2017), if the value of Std. The error of the 3. This research shows that internal control
Estimate is smaller than the Std value. and good corporate governance together
Deviation, then the predictor for the (simultaneously) affect the prevention of
dependent variable is correct. fraud. This reflects that by increasing
good corporate governance and
5. CONCLUSION increasing the effectiveness of internal
This study aims to examine the effect control, it can increase fraud prevention.
of Internal Control and Good Corporate
Governance on Fraud Prevention.
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“The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Accounting for Society 5.0”

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Tahun, Hal
Tanggal Review 14 Mei 2023
Permasalahan Suatu perbuatan yang dengan Sengaja dilakukan oleh satu orang atau
lebih untuk menggunakan Sumber daya dari suatu organisasi secara tidak
benar (perbuatan Melawan hukum) dan salah dalam menyajikan fakta
(menyembunyikan fakta) untuk mendapatkan keuntungan pribadi
Konsekuensi yang harus Ditanggung perusahaan dari kasus fraud adalah
bangkrutnya Perusahaan, kerugian investasi yang besar, dan dapat
Menimbulkan biaya litigasi yang signifikan.

Tujuan Untuk menguji:

penelitian (1) Pengaruh pengendalian internal terhadap pencegahan fraud

(2) pengaruh good corporate governance terhadap pencegahan fraud.

Populasi, Populasi: perusahaan perbankan di wilayah Jakarta dan Tangerang
Selatan daerah.
Sampel, Teknik
Sampel: 1. Pegawai yang bekerja di bidang perbankan.
2. Pegawai yang memiliki hubungan dengan pencatatan,
pelaporan keuangan serta evaluasi dan pengawasan sehingga terdapat
peluang yang cukup besar untuk melakukan kecurangan.. Teknik
sampling yang digunakan yaitu purposive sampling,
Variabel Variabel dependen: for Corporate Governance in Indonesia (FCGI),
Tata Kelola yang Baik adalah seperangkat aturan yang mengatur
hubungan antara pemegang saham, manajemen, kreditur, pemerintah,
karyawan, dan pemangku kepentingan
Hipotesis H1: Pengendalian internal berpengaruh terhadap pencegahan kecurangan

H2: Good Corporate Governance berpengaruh terhadap pencegahan


H3: Pengendalian internal dan tata kelola perusahaan yang baik secara
bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap pencegahan kecurangan.

Teknik Analisis Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis regresi linier berganda.
Model ini dipilih karena penelitian ini dirancang untuk menguji pengaruh
variabel independen terhadap variabel dependen.

Hasil Analisis Hasil analisis menunjukkan Dengan :

1. Penerapan sistem pengendalian intern pemerintah berpengaruh
terhadap pencegahan kecurangan

2. Pelaksanaan sistem pengendalian intern pemerintah tidak dapat

mempengaruhi adanya good governance.

Keterbatasan dan Keterbatasan:

1. Penelitian ini hanya meneliti pada Bank Permata tbk , sehingga
Saran Penelitian
hasilnya tidak dapat digeneralisasikan untuk semua perbankan
syariah seperti Unit Usaha Syariah (UUS) dan Badan
Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah (BPRS).

2. Pemilihan indikator yang diduga dapat memberikan pengaruh

terhadap fraud hanya mengambil dua variabel dari Islamic
Corporate Governance yaitu pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung
jawab DPS dan Pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawab direksi.
Hal ini memungkinkan adanya indikator lain yang memiliki
pengaruh lebih besar dibanding kedua indikator tersebut..

1. Bagi peneliti selanjutnya dapat melakukan penelitian tidak hanya
pada Bank Syariah pada umunya disarankan untuk memperluas
dengan menambahkan jenis lembaga keuangan syariah lainnya,
seperti Unit Usaha Syariah, Badan Pembiayaan Rakyar Syariah
dan Asuransi Syariah.

2. Untuk lembaga keuangan syariah lainnya sebaiknya dapat

meningkatkan sistem pengendalian internal dan dapat
menerapkan strategi anti fraud yang efektif untuk mencegah dan
mendeteksi indikasi terjadinya fraud terutama internal fraud.



Dekeng Setyo Budiarto *

Isnaini Nur Zulaika
Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta, Jl. PGRI I No 117, Bantul, Indonesia


Article history: Research Purposes. This study aims to examine whether the internal control
Received February 05, 2022 system and the accessibility of financial reports affect the accountability of village
Revised September 13, 2022 financial management. In addition, this study also analyzes the effect of village
Accepted September 20, 2022 financial management accountability on fraud prevention.
Research Method. Data were obtained by distributing 152 questionnaires directly
(offline) to 38 villages in Sleman Regency. The data is processed using Structural
Equation Model (SEM) with Smart-PLS.
Research Result and Findings. The results showed that the internal control sys-
Key words: tem and the accessibility of financial reports affected the accountability of village
Internal Control System; Financial financial management. In addition, village financial management accountability
Report Accessibility; Accountabil- affects fraud prevention. The research implies that the village government can im-
ity; Financial Management; Fraud prove supervision and transparency so that the community believes that village
Prevention funds are appropriately.

Tujuan Penelitian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji apakah sistem pen-
DOI: gendalian internal dan aksesibilitas laporan keuangan berpengaruh terhadap akuntabilitas pengelolaan keuangan desa. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mengkaji
pengaruh akuntabilitas pengelolaan keuangan desa terhadap pencegahan
Metode Penelitian. Data diperoleh dengan menyebarkan 152 kuesioner secara
langsung (offline) pada 38 desa yang berada di Kabupaten Sleman. Data diolah
menggunakan Structural Equation Model (SEM) dengan SmartPLS.
Hasil dan Temuan Penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sistem pen-
gendalian internal dan aksesibilitas laporan keuangan berpengaruh terhadap
akuntabilitas pengelolaan keuangan desa. Selain itu, akuntabilitas pengelolaan
keuangan desa mempengaruhi pencegahan kecurangan. Implikasi hasil penelelitian
adalah agar pemerintah desa dapat meningkatkan pengawasan dan tansparansi
agar masyarakat percaya bahwa dana desa digunakan dengan benar.

INTRODUCTION combination of the central government's financial

In the current reform era, the government balance (APBN) and regional (APBD) funds, which
must provide changes to an accountable are described in detail in the Village Revenue and
government structure to provide community Expenditure Budget (APBDes). The village funds
services (Ichalina & Handayani, 2019). Law are used to fund the implementation of village
Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages is an initial government, village development, community
form of change in accountability and governance in development, and empowerment (Kementrian
implementing broad, complete, and accountable Dalam Negeri, 2018; Aprilia & Yuniasih, 2021).
village autonomy to the community (Artini & Each village receives an allocation of village funds
Putra, 2020). The purpose of autonomy is for for one fiscal year with different amounts according
villages to explore the potential to carry out to the population, poverty rate, village area, and
equitable development with priority-scale activity village level of difficulty (Badan Pengawasan
programs based on village meetings (Bhakti et al., Keuangan dan Pembangunan, 2015; Aprilia &
2015; Indraswari & Rahayu, 2021; Laksmi & Sujana, Yuniasih, 2021; Laksmi & Sujana, 2019). The
2019). The allocation of village funds provided by amount of village funds has increased fraud
the government is at least 10% which comes from a committed by village officials, so this research is

still interesting (Yulianah, 2015). Indonesian the government's financial performance (Ichalina &
Corruption Watch stated that from 2015 to 2017, Handayani, 2019).
there were 154 cases with a total state loss of 47.56 This research is a development of previous re-
billion. In Semester 1 of 2021, there were 62 cases of search by Pasaribu (2021) which examines the effect
corruption in village funds, followed by district of accessibility of financial reports and internal con-
and city governments, with 60 and 17 cases, trol systems on regional financial management ac-
respectively (Primayogha, 2018). countability. The difference between this research
The provision of large amounts of village and the previous one is the location of the research.
funds from the central government has a high risk Previous research only used one research object,
of fraud in managing village finances (Hariawan et while this study expands the object, namely all vil-
al., 2020; Artini & Putra, 2020). Fraudulent actions lages in Sleman Regency, because the wider re-
can cause many losses, such as the destruction of search object will provide complete information
organizational reputation, state financial losses, (Sekaran & Bougie, 2013). The second difference is
damage to employee morality, and hampering that this study adds a fraud prevention variable
development and welfare (Hernanda et al., 2020). because this variable is related to good governance
Therefore, good governance, monitoring, and (Babulu, 2020). The third difference, this study uses
evaluation are needed to use village funds to structural analysis because this model can describe
reduce the risk of fraud (Yesinia et al., 2018). the relationship between variables in a complex
Village financial management must use the and simultaneously (Ginting, 2009). This study will
principle of accountability from the planning answer empirical questions based on previous re-
process to reporting so that village officials can search studies, namely, whether internal control
prevent fraud in the direction of village funds and accessibility affect the accountability of village
(Pasaribu, 2021). fund management. In addition, this study will also
The realization of village financial examine whether the responsibility of village fund
management accountability can be done by management affects the prevention of fraud.
implementing control over overall activities. All
activities must comply with the internal control THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND
system (SPI) guidelines as a control standard in HYPOTHESES DEVELOPMENT
implementing village funds and presenting Theoretical Framework
financial reports (Kristini et al., 2020; Arfiansyah, Institutional Theory
2020). The internal control system also plays a role The institutional theory explains that one of
in creating good village financial management the causes for organizations' creation is pressure
because it can provide confidence that every action from the social environment (Carruthers, 1995). The
will encourage the achievement of organizational institutional theory was initially a theory with a
goals (Yesinia et al., 2018). A sound internal control study in sociology. Still, in research development,
system in the village government will be able to institutional ideas are widely used in economics,
detect mistakes made by the village apparatus politics, and organizations (Darono, 2012). This
because every activity will be easier to monitor and theory is then widely used as a basis for decision-
more transparent (Triyono, Achyani, & making in public sector organizations. Elements of
Arfiansyah, 2019; Putra & Putra, 2018). the institutional theory are institutions,
In addition, to realize accountability, the organizations, and actors (employees), where
public must be given convenience in obtaining institutions provide rules that organizations must
financial statement information because easy access apply in carrying out each of their activities. In
indicates good governance (Puspa & Prasetyo, addition, institutions also influence individuals'
2020). The public can access information through behavior and way of thinking in the organization.
electronic media and websites to realize financial However on the other hand, actors can also
reporting accountability (Pasaribu, 2021). influence institutions by creating or transforming
Information easily accessible by the community is a old institutions into new ones. Alternatively
form of accountability for village officials in indirectly, the institution controls the actors in the
increasing transparency. The easier it is for the organization to act by existing regulations (Scott,
district to obtain information about the use of 2008).
village funds, the accountability of village According to Ashworth, Boyne, & Delbridge
management will be better because the ease of (2009), the underlying reason for organizational
access will ensure that the community believes in changes is the goal of someone who only wants to


get legitimacy (recognition), not improve sis is: H1: The internal control system affects the
performance. In measuring the performance of accountability of village financial management.
public sector organizations, it is necessary to look The Relationship between Accessibility of Financial
carefully because the demands for transparency are Reports and Village Financial Management
increasingly evident in the management of Accountability
government organizations. Organizational changes Practical accessibility depends on easy public
must be accompanied by improved performance access to the reports presented and information
and accountability in delivering financial that can be read and understood (Antika et al.,
information (Ahyaruddin & Akbar, 2016). Other 2020). Currently, granting access can be done
research explains that institutional theory can through various media and forums that pay direct
encourage organizations to apply regulations to attention to government accountability to the
carry out activities in the hope that the organization public. The village government can fulfill the
has a good work environment (Nadila et al., 2021). element of accountability by providing information
This theory explains that institutions must limit on village funds under accessibility criteria, namely
employees' decisions because all activities must be openness, convenience, and accessibility (Puspa &
accounted for in performance and financial reports. Prasetyo, 2020). Therefore, financial reports that are
With the demands for accountability and complete and easy to obtain by the community will
transparency, the level of fraud in the organization improve the accountability of the village
can be reduced (Ashworth et al., 2009; Antika et al., government.
2020). Accountability can be interpreted as an
obligation for the government to report and
Hypotheses Development disclose all activities responsible to the community
Relationship between Internal Control System and Vil- (Mahsun, 2006). One crucial factor in increasing
lage Financial Management Accountability accountability is the ease with which the
The internal control system is used in all gov- community can access information on village
ernment environments, both central and regional funds. The results of previous studies explain that
(Yesinia et al., 2018). One of the objectives of im- the accessibility of financial reports affects village
plementing an internal control system is to provide financial management accountability (Antika et al.,
adequate assurance about the reliability of the fi- 2020; Ichlas et al., 2017; Purwaningrum et al., 2018).
nancial statements presented and disclosed to users By providing access to health facilities for users of
of information (Rae et al., 2017). The village gov- financial statements, the public (audit bodies,
ernment must have reasonable internal control to investors, and the public) can monitor the
disclose relevant and accurate accounting infor- government's policies on using finance and assets
mation so that it can be understood and used by (Fauziyah & Handayani, 2017). Based on these
users, including the community (Laksmi & Sujana, arguments, the hypothesis is:
2019). Reasonable internal control will ensure ac- H2: Accessibility of financial reports affects village
countability, so the community believes in what the financial management accountability.
village government is doing. With an internal con-
trol system, all activities carried out will follow Relationship between Village Financial Management
established guidelines so that the village govern- Accountability and Fraud Prevention
ment can maintain all assets, and ultimately ac- Accountability for managing village funds is
countability for village fund management will in- necessary because the society can assess and
crease (Artini & Putra, 2020). evaluate all activities by comparing targets with
The results of previous studies explain that the their realization (Antika et al., 2020). Village
internal control system affects the accountability of governments can improve village financial
village fund allocation management (Azizah et al., management accountability by providing
2015; Kawatu & Kewo, 2019; Antika et al., 2020). information on all activities following accounting
The internal control system must contain reconcilia- standards (Artini & Putra, 2020). The village
tion procedures between budgeted financial trans- government can improve performance quality by
action data and the realized budget to improve implementing good accountability in village
village fund accountability. Implementation of a financial management to reduce fraud and increase
sound internal control system in village govern- public trust (Ichalina & Handayani, 2019). In
ment will increase accountability in village finan- carrying out activities and exercising authority
cial management (Joseph et al., 2015). The hypothe- related to the community, the community, the

government must be accountable (Sari et al., 2019). Village officials must apply the
principles of transparency and accountability in out its duties and functions in public services
being responsible for all their activities, especially (Triyono et al., 2019). This trust can be demonstrat-
information related to financial reports (Asmawati ed by accountability for village financial manage-
& Basuki, 2019). The results of previous studies ment. The village government is required to pre-
explain that accountability affects fraud prevention sent and disclose information (accessible) needed
(Saputra et al., 2019; Babulu, 2020; Adhivinna & by stakeholders in an accountable manner without
Agustin, 2021). The better the responsibility, the any manipulation. The internal control system can
fraud in village financial management can be encourage the creation of accountability in financial
prevented (Eldayanti et al., 2020). Based on these management (Putra & Putra, 2018). All activities
arguments, the hypothesis is: carried out by village officials in managing village
H3: Accountability of village financial funds must be explained transparently and ac-
management affects the prevention of fraud. countable to the community so that fraud can be
reduced (Arifiyanto & Kurrohman, 2014). Based on
Conceptual Model the findings of several previous researchers, a re-
As a public sector government, the village search model was developed, as shown in Figure 1.
government must be reliable and trusted to carry

Internal Control Sys-

Village Financial
Management Ac- Prevention of Fraud
Accessibility of Finan-
cial Reports

Figure 1. Research Model

RESEARCH METHOD funds without the treasurer's bookkeeping and

Data Collection disbursement of funds without going through the
This study uses primary data by distributing applicable procedures (Badan Pengawasan
questionnaires to respondents. The study was Keuangan dan Pembangunan, 2019)
conducted in Sleman Regency because there was an The population in this study were village
increase in village fund receipts from 2018-2021, government employees in Sleman Regency, totaling
respectively 81.187.698.000 IDR, 86 villages. The sample in this study was village
IDR, 105.030.876.000 IDR, and 110.556.360.000 IDR officials related to village financial management
(Kementerian Keuangan, 2021; Pemerintah (village head/lurah, village secretary/carik, village
Kabupaten Sleman, 2020). Based on the report on treasurer, and section/kaur). This study uses
the supervision results in the third quarter of 2019 purposive sampling according to predetermined
by the Financial and Development Supervisory criteria. The criteria used are as follows:
Agency (BPKP) of the Special Region of 1. Villages that received Village Funds (DD) in
Yogyakarta, there was one case in the management the last 3 (three) years, namely in 2018-2020,
of village funds in Banyurejo Village, Sleman always experienced an increase (Pemerintah
Regency. The problem of misappropriation Kabupaten Sleman, 2020).
occurred between 2015 and 2016. This problem first 2. Villages that distribute financial assistance for
emerged from BPKP's findings that it was aware of the management of Village-Owned Enterprises
irregularities in managing village funds in (BUMDes) (Badan Usaha Milik Desa, 2018) .
Banyurejo Village (Badan Pengawasan Keuangan 3. Village apparatus related to village financial
dan Pembangunan, 2019). Based on Sleman management (village head, secretary,
Regency Government Inspectorate at the time of treasurer, and chief).
the investigation, the estimated state loss was The researchers distributed 152 questionnaires to
around 633 million IDR (Kejaksaan Negeri Sleman, 38 villages in Sleman Regency based on these crite-
2019). The problem is the management of village ria.


RESULTS AND DISCUSSION financial reports. Most employees worked <5 years
The respondents' characteristics in Table 2 (58.4%) and were dominated by male employees.
show that most of the village government These characteristics are interesting to be studied in
employees have a bachelor's degree (66.4%). more depth, especially regarding accountability
However, several non-graduate employees have and fraud prevention.
attended training in preparing village fund

Table 1. Measurement of variable

Variable Indicators Measurement
Internal Control System (X1 ) 1. Control environment Likert scale with 8 question.
(Rae et al., 2017) 2. Risk assessment
3. Control activities
4. Information and Communication
5. Monitoring
Accessibility of Financial Re- 1. Openness Likert scale with 5 question.
ports (X2 ) 2. Ease
(Jatmiko & Setiawan, 2020) 3. Accessible
Village Financial Management 1. Honesty and legal accountability Likert scale with 9 question.
Accountability (Y) 2. Process accountability
(Fauziyah & Handayani, 2017) 3. Program accountability
4. Policy accountability
Prevention of Fraud (Z) 1. Establishing an anti-fraud policy Likert scale with 6 question.
(Sariwati & Sumadi, 2021) 2. Procedure
3. Control technique
4. Sensitivity to fraud

Table 2. Respondent Demographics

Male 85
Female 40
Village head 29
Village secretary 30
Village Treasurer 31
Village Section 35
Bachelor 83
Others 42
< 5 Years 73
Years of Work > 10 Years 31
≤ 10 Years 21
Business 36
Educational Background Law 9
Others 80

After analyzing the characteristics of the and discriminant validity with an outer loading
respondents (Table 2), the next step is to test the value (Table 4) and cross-loading (Table 5). In
hypothesis using Smart-PLS. PLS analysis uses two addition to the validity test, the measurement
approaches: the measurement model and the model uses a reliability test with Cronbach's alpha
structural model (Hair et al., 2010). The values and composite reliability (Table 3).
measurement model uses a validity test, namely The convergent validity test in this study used
convergent validity with an AVE value (Table 3) the AVE value with the AVE value limit > 0.5; the

indicators used are valid (Table 3). The discrimi- nant validity test uses the outer loading value of
<0.7 (Table 4). The next validity test is the cross- valid. Reliability testing shows that all constructs
loading value (Table 5). The value of the cross- are reliable with Cronbach alpha and composite
loading target variable, which is greater than the reliability > 0.7.
other variables, means that the indicators used are
Table 3. Construct Reliability and Validity
Cronbach's Alpha Rho_A Composite Reliability AVE
Internal Control System (X1) 0.946 0.949 0.955 0.728
Accessibility (X2) 0.895 0.900 0.923 0.706
Accountability (Y) 0.946 0.949 0.954 0.701
Fraud Prevention (Z) 0.867 0.876 0.899 0.599

Table 4. Outer Loading Value

Internal control system (X1) Accessibility (X2) Accountability (Y) Fraud Prevention (Z)
X11: 0.896 X21: 0.839 Y1: 0.934 Z1: 0.733
X12: 0.901 X22: 0.903 Y2: 0.757 Z2: 0.797
X13: 0.842 X23: 0.839 Y3: 0.821 Z3: 0.808
X14: 0.875 X24: 0.833 Y4: 0.901 Z4: 0.847
X15: 0.784 X25: 0.782 Y5: 0.812 Z5: 0.709
X16: 0.907 - Y6: 0.860 Z6: 0.741
X17: 0.769 - Y7: 0.847 -
X18: 0.839 - Y8: 0.796 -
- Y9: 0.791 -

Table 5. Cross Loading

Indicator Internal control system (X1) Accessibility(X2) Accountability (Y) Fraud Prevention (Z)
X11 0.896 0.350 0.358 0.351
X12 0.901 0.308 0.390 0.420
X13 0.842 0.362 0.352 0.314
X14 0.875 0.346 0.399 0.327
X15 0.784 0.371 0.391 0.393
X16 0.907 0.340 0.415 0.437
X17 0.769 0.266 0.349 0.182
X18 0.839 0.343 0.464 0.469
X21 0.341 0.839 0.404 0.305
X22 0.326 0.903 0.422 0.327
X23 0.254 0.839 0.342 0.279
X24 0.379 0.833 0.409 0.244
X25 0.349 0.782 0.362 0.288
Y1 0.456 0.431 0.934 0.321
Y2 0.261 0.348 0.757 0.372
Y3 0.378 0.399 0.821 0.372
Y4 0.425 0.362 0.901 0.421
Y5 0.407 0.365 0.812 0.346
Y6 0.375 0.427 0.860 0.263
Y7 0.438 0.417 0.847 0.406
Y8 0.396 0.368 0.796 0.258
Y9 0.308 0.370 0.791 0.333
Z1 0.361 0.323 0.223 0.733
Z2 0.353 0.283 0.380 0.797
Z3 0.370 0.316 0.262 0.808
Z4 0.363 0.270 0.354 0.847
Z5 0.270 0.216 0.338 0.709
Z6 0.301 0.216 0.309 0.741


Table 6. R Square
R Square Adj. R Square
Accountability of Village Financial Management 0.307 0.295
Fraud Prevention 0.171 0.164

Table 7. VIF Testing

Accountability of Village Financial Management Fraud Prevention
X1 → Y 1.184 -
X2 → Y 1.184 -
Y→Z - 1.000

Table 8. Hypotheses testing

Beta Mean SD T Statistic P Values
X1 → Y 0.330 0.332 0.112 2.946 0.003**
X2 → Y 0.333 0.343 0.082 4.062 0.000**
Y→Z 0.413 0.425 0.077 5.375 0.000**
** Sig < 1%

Table 6 shows the structural model testing us- izational goals (Azizah et al., 2015). The village
ing the R Square coefficient for the accountability government has implemented an excellent internal
variable for village financial management and control system; for example, there has been a sepa-
fraud prevention. The results of the structural ration of duties between the village head and the
model test show that the small R Square value is in village treasurer. Segregation of responsibilities
the fraud prevention equation (0.171) and the vil- will create reasonable control because activities are
lage financial management accountability equation not easy to manipulate. The village government has
(0.307). These results provide an opportunity for also implemented Government Number 60 of 2008
further research to examine various variables relat- concerning the Internal Control System by super-
ed to fraud prevention, such as village apparatus vising the use of village funds. The authorization
competence (Eldayanti et al., 2020), organizational process is carried out as a form of accountability so
culture (Aprilia & Yuniasih, 2021), morality that activities are by budget and realization. There-
(Laksmi & Sujana, 2019), and whistleblowing fore, the better the internal control system in the
(Hariawan et al., 2020). In addition, the results of administration of government organizations, the
the R square in this study are still low but still rele- better the responsibility of village fund manage-
vant for social science (Moksony, 1999). The follow- ment (Artini & Putra, 2020).
ing structural test uses VIF (Variance Inflation Fac- The results of testing the second hypothesis
tor) with a limit of < 3 (Table 7). prove that the accessibility of financial statements
The results of hypothesis testing using the affects the accountability of village financial man-
bootstrapping technique are presented in Table 8 agement. Government financial reports can provide
with a significance level (p-value) <0.05. The results helpful information for making economic, political,
showed that all hypotheses were accepted. Table 8 social, and financial performance decisions. Gov-
explains that internal control affects village finan- ernment financial reports are also beneficial for
cial management accountability. This result is in assessing efficiency and effectiveness in serving the
line with the findings, which state that the govern- community, so the information must be easily ac-
ment's internal control system aims to make finan- cessible (Ichalina & Handayani, 2019). This study's
cial management accountable and transparent to results align with an institutional theory that ex-
central and local governments so the wider com- plains that organizations will try to be better by
munity can account for that village's financial man- realizing accountability to gain legitimacy by the
agement (Puspa & Prasetyo, 2020). Implementing community. The village government strives to real-
the internal control system strengthens the institu- ize good governance by providing the broadest
tional theory that the organization will carry out possible access to the community so that all infor-
activities efficiently and effectively. The organiza- mation is helpful. The village government has pro-
tion's internal control system will increase the reli- vided socialization related to village fund account-
ability of financial information and facilitate organ ability reports and provided opportunities for the


community to provide input on the use of village because it is only in 1 Regency. Suggestions for
funds. The village government carries out socializa- further research can expand the research object and
tion through the Musrenbangdes so that the com- combine it with the interview method. Future re-
munity can assess whether village development search can also test the mediation effect by adding
activities are under their needs so that the village the hypothesis of a direct relationship between in-
government can achieve accountability objectives. ternal control and accessibility to fraud prevention.
Finally, the results of the third hypothesis
prove that village financial management accounta- REFERENCES
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better, and the community's involvement can re- Moralitas Individu dan Budaya Organisasi
duce fraud. terhadap Pencegahan Kecurangan (Fraud)
dalam Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa (Studi
CONCLUSIONS Empiris pada Pemerintah Desa se-Kota
This study shows a significant influence of the Denpasar). Hita Akuntansi dan Keuangan, 2(2),
internal control system and the accessibility of fi- 25–45.
nancial reports on the accountability of village fi- Arfiansyah, M. A. (2020). Pengaruh Sistem
nancial management. In addition, village financial Keuangan Desa dan Sistem Pengendalian
management accountability affects fraud preven- Intern Pemerintah terhadap Akuntabilitas
tion. The results of this study also answer the ques- Pengelolaan Dana Desa. Journal of Islamic
tion that accessibility is more important than the Finance and Accounting, 3(1), 67–82.
internal control system. This means that ease of Arifiyanto, D. F., & Kurrohman, T. (2014).
access will ensure that the management of village Akuntabilitas Pengelolaan Alokasi Dana Desa
funds is optimal; with the openness of information, di Kabupaten Jember. Jurnal Riset Akuntansi
the village government will try to comply with all dan Keuangan, 2(3), 473–485.
regulations so that problems do not occur in the
future. The results of this study have implications Artini, N. L. W., & Putra, I. P. D. S. (2020).
for the village government to increase the Pengaruh Penyajian Laporan Keuangan
knowledge of village officials about internal control Daerah, Aksesibilitas Laporan Keuangan dan
and transparency so that village fund budget man- Sistem Pengendalian Intern terhadap
agement is getting better and reducing fraud. Akuntabilitas Pengelolaan Keuangan
This study has two limitations: First, the re- Daerah. Hita Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 1(2),
searcher only uses a questionnaire so that the an- 188–218.
swers obtained can change according to the re-
spondent's circumstances (Sari et al., 2019). Second,
the number of samples in this study is still limited


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Nama Penulis Dekeng Setyo Budiarto,Isnaini Nur Zulaika
SEPTEMBER 2022 – hlm 162-172
Tahun, Hal
Tanggal Review 14 Mei 2023
Permasalahan Di era reformasi saat ini, pemerintah harus
memberikan perubahan struktur pemerintahan yang
akuntabel untuk memberikan pelayanan masyarakat. Undang-Undang
Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa merupakan bentuk awal
perubahan akuntabilitas dan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan dalam
penyelenggaraan otonomi desa yang luas, utuh, dan akuntabel kepada
masyarakat Otonomi bertujuan agar desa menggali potensi untuk
melakukan pemerataan pembangunan dengan program kegiatan skala
prioritas berdasarkan musyawarah desa Alokasi dana desa yang
disediakan pemerintah paling sedikit 10% yang berasal dari gabungan
dana perimbangan keuangan pemerintah pusat (APBN) dan dana daerah
(APBD), yang dijabarkan secara rinci dalam Anggaran Pendapatan dan
Belanja Desa (APBDes).

Tujuan Untuk mengkaji menguji apakah sistem pengendalian internal dan

penelitian aksesibilitas laporan keuangan berpengaruh terhadap akuntabilitas
pengelolaan desa. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mengkaji pengaruh
akuntabilitas pengelolaan keuangan desa terhadap pencegahan
Populasi, Populasi: pegawai pemerintah desa di Kabupaten Sleman yang
berjumlah 86 desa
Sampel, Teknik
Sampel: perangkat desa yang terkait dengan pengelolaan
Sampling keuangan desa(kepala desa/lurah, sekretaris desa/carik,
desa bendahara, dan seksi/kaur)
Variabel Variabel dependen: Akuntabilitas
Variabel independen: Audit Internal dan Pengendalian Internal
Hipotesis H1: :Sistem pengendalian intern berpengaruh terhadap akuntabilitas
pengelolaan keuangan desa

H2: Aksesibilitas laporan keuangan mempengaruhi akuntabilitas

pengelolaan keuangan desa.

H3: Akuntabilitas Dari Desa Keuangan manajemen mempengaruhi

pencegahan penipuan.

Teknik Analisis Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah menggunakan data primer
dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada responden..
Hasil Analisis Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa:
1. sebagian besar pegawai pemerintah desa adalah sarjana (66,4%).
Namun, beberapa pegawai yang belum lulus telah mengikuti
pelatihan penyiapan dana desa laporan keuangan

2. Sebagian besar pegawai bekerja <5 tahun (58,4%) dan

didominasi oleh pegawai laki-laki. Karakteristik tersebut menarik
untuk dikaji lebih dalam, terutama mengenai akuntabilitas dan
pencegahan kecurangan..

Keterbatasan dan Keterbatasan:

1. peneliti hanya menggunakan kuesioner sehingga jawaban yang
Saran Penelitian
diperoleh dapat berubah sesuai keadaan responden

2. jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini masih terbatas karena

hanya ada di 1 Kabupaten.
1. dapat memperluas objek penelitian dan menggabungkannya
dengan metode wawancara

2. juga dapat menguji efek mediasi dengan menambahkan hipotesis

hubungan langsung antara pengendalian internal dan aksesibilitas
terhadap pencegahan kecurangan..

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