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Strategic Management


LESSON 1: INTRODUCTION TO STRATEGIC 1. Analysis of strategic goals (vision, mission,

MANAGEMENT and strategic objectives) along with the
analysis of the internal and external
Learning Objectives: environments of the organization.
1. Define strategic management and explain its
four key attributes 2. Strategic decisions – these decisions
2. Explain the strategic management process broadly speaking, address two basic
3. Explain the levels of strategic decision making questions: what industries should we
4. Explain the hierarchy of goals (vision, mission compete in? How should we compete in
and strategic objectives) those industries?

3. Actions that must be taken. Firms must

I. DEFINING STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT take the necessary actions to implement
Strategic management consists of the their strategies-the ideas, decisions, and
analyses, decisions, and actions an organization actions that enable a firm to succeed.
undertakes in order to create and sustain This requires leaders to allocate the
competitive advantages (Dess, McNamara, Eisner, necessary resources and to design the
Lee, 2019). It is the integrative management field organization to bring the intended
that combines analysis, formulation, strategies to reality.
and implementation in the quest for competitive
advantage (Rothaermel, 2019). Second. The essence of strategic
management is the study of why some firms
In any competitive situation, a good strategy outperform others. Thus, managers need to
enables a firm to achieve superior performance determine how a firm is to compete so that it
relative to its competitors. Strategy is a set of can obtain advantages that are sustainable
goal-directed actions a firm takes to gain and over a long period of time. That means
sustain superior performance relative to focusing on two fundamental questions:
competitors (Rothaermel, 2019). A god strategy
needs to start with a clear and critical diagnosis 1. How should we compete in order to
of the competitive challenge. A firm that achieves create competitive advantages in the
superior performance relative to other marketplace?
competitors in the same industry or the industry
average has a competitive 2. How can we create competitive
advantage (Rothaermel, 2019). advantages in the market place that are
unique, valuable, and difficult for rivals to
There are two main elements that go to the copy or substitute?
heart of the field of strategic management.
The Four Key Attributes of Strategic
First, the strategic management of an Management
organization entails three ongoing processes: • Directs the organization toward overall
goals and objectives
• Includes multiple stakeholders in
decision making
• Needs to incorporate short-term and 3. Implement (I)
long term perspectives
• Recognizes trade-offs between efficiency The tasks of analyze, formulate, and implement
and effectiveness are the pillars of research and knowledge about
strategic management. Although we will study
First, strategic management is directed each of these tasks one at a time, they are highly
toward overall organizational goals and interdependent and frequently happen
objectives. That is, effort must be directed at simultaneously (Rothaermel, 2019).
what is best for the total organization, not just a
single functional area. Why do we often refer to strategy as a process?
The answer is that it is never a once-and-for all
Second, strategic management includes event---it goes on and on. There is a need to
multiple stakeholders in decision making. continually review strategic objectives because
Stakeholders are those individuals, groups, and the environment within which organizations
organizations that have stake in the success of operate is continually changing. The purpose of
the organization, including owners, employees, strategy is to make an organization fit into its
customers, suppliers, the community at large. environment.

Third, strategic management requires

incorporating both short-term and long-term
perspectives. That is, managers must maintain
both a vision for the future of the organization
and a focus on its present operating needs.

Fourth, strategic management involves the

recognition of trade-offs between effectiveness
and efficiency. Effectiveness means tailoring to
the needs of an organization rather than wasting
effort or “doing the right thing”. Efficiency is
performing actions at a low cost relative to a Source: Rothaermel, F.(2019). Strategic
benchmark, or “doing thing right”. Management. 4th ed.



The AFI Strategy Framework

The AFI strategy framework is a model
that links three interdependent strategic
management tasks---analyze, formulate, and
implement--that together, help managers plan
and implement a strategy that can improve
performance and result in competitive
advantage. A successful strategy details a set of
actions that managers take to gain and sustain Source:
competitive advantage. Effectively managing the
strategy process is the result of three broad tasks:
1. Analyze (A)
2. Formulate (F)
I. Strategic Analysis (Prelim Topic) effective entrepreneurial initiatives ((Dess,
The purpose of strategic analysis is to gather McNamara, Eisner, Lee, 2019)
information and to analyze it systematically and
thoroughly. None of us would be wise to make an The second stage in the strategic process involves
important decision about anything in life without taking the important information gathered from
adequate and relevant information, and nor the strategic analysis stage and using it to make
would tourism, hospitality and events an intelligent and informed strategic selection or
organization (Evans, 2015) choice of the most appropriate courses of action
for the future. Specifically, strategic choices are
Strategic analysis includes the following: required. Specifically strategic choices are
1. Analyzing Organizational Goals and required for tourism, hospitality and events
Objectives – A firm’s vision, mission, and organizations in relation to three key aspects:
strategic objectives form a hierarchy of 1. How will the organization compete?
goals that range from broad statement 2. What is the strategic direction that the
s of intent and bases for competitive organization will take?
advantage to specific, measurable 3. What methods will be utilized by the
strategic objectives. organization?

2. Examination of an organization’s III. Strategic Implementation (Final Topic)

internal environment (internal analysis). Strategy implementation involves actions made
The purpose on internal analysis is to by firms that carry out the formulated strategy,
establish the organization’s strengths including strategic control, organizational design
and weaknesses. and leadership (Dess, McNamara, Eisner, Lee,
3. Examination of the organization’s
external environment (external The third stage in the strategic process involves
analysis). This takes the form of a taking the selected strategic options and actually
thorough analysis of two layers of putting them into practice.. This is a complex
external environment-the micro and stage of the process as it concerns putting
the macro environment. detailed aspects of the strategy into practice. It
involves actually carrying out the strategy and
II. Strategic Formulation (Midterm Topic) this brings into focus a number of other
Strategy formulation involves decisions made by managerial issues. There are a number of areas
firms regarding investments, commitments, and which we need to be aware in order to effectively
other aspects of operations that create and implement a strategy within tourism, hospitality
sustain competitive advantage. and events organizations (Evans, 2015)

Strategy formulation is developed at several III. LEVELS OF STRATEGIC DECISIONS

levels. First, business-level strategy addresses the Management decisions in an organization can be
issue of how to compete in a given business to classified in three broad and sometimes
attain competitive advantage. Second, overlapping categories: strategic, tactical and
corporate-level strategy focuses on two issues: operational. These can be illustrated as a
(a) what business to compete in and (b) how hierarchy in which higher level decisions tend to
businesses can be managed to achieve synergy. shape those at lower levels of the organization.
Third, a firm must develop international
strategies as it ventures beyond its national
boundaries. Fourth, managers must formulate
• are made by senior leaders
• affect the whole organization
• are medium to long-term in nature
• are complex and often based upon
certain or incomplete information

Managers at the strategic level require multi-

conceptual skills--the ability to consider the
effects of multiple internal and external
influences on the business and the possible ways
in which strategy can be adjusted to account for
such influences.
Strategic, tactical and operational decisions
within an organization differ from each other in Tactical Level Decisions
terms of their: Tactical decisions are concerned with how
• Focus strategic level objectives are to be met and how
• Level in the organization at which they strategies are implemented. They are dependent
are made upon overall strategy and involve fine tuning and
• Scope adjustment. They are usually made at the head of
• Time horizon business unit, department or functional area level
• Degree of certainty or uncertainty and they have an effect only in parts of the
• Complexity organization. They are normally medium-term in
timescale, semi-complex and usually involve
The differences between the three levels of some uncertainty but not as much as at the
decision making are summarized in the table strategic-level.
Operational Level Decisions
Operational decisions are concerned with the
short-term objectives of the business and with its
day-to-day management. They are dependent
upon strategy and tactics. These decisions are
made at junior managerial or supervisory level,
are based on a high degree of certainty, and are
not complex.


Strategic Level Decisions
Strategic decisions (which are our primary focus)
Organizational Vision
are concerned with:
A vision is a goal that is massively inspiring,
• The acquisition of sustainable
overarching, and long term. It represents a
competitive advantage
destination that is driven by and evoke passion
• The setting of long-term objectives
(Dess, McNamara, Eisner, Lee, 2019). Vision
• The formulation, evaluation, selection
statement answers the question “What do we
and monitoring of strategies to achieve
want to become?” and often considered the first
these objectives
step in strategic planning.
Strategic decisions normally have a number of
characteristic features in that they:
A vision captures an organization's aspiration opportunities in the environment. In
and spells out what it ultimately wants to essence, it must be challenging but
accomplish. An effective vision pervades the doable.
organization with a sense of winning and • Timely - There must be a time frame for
motivates employees at all levels to aim for the achieving the objective.
same target, while leaving room for individual
and team contributions. To provide meaning for LESSON 2: STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT –
employees in pursuit of the organization's goal, TOURISM, HOSPITALITY AND EVENTS
vision statements should be forward-looking and CONTEXT
Learning Objectives:
Mission Statements 1. Define goods and services
A company’s mission statement differs 2. Describe the key characteristics of service
from its vision in that it encompasses both the products and how they are relevant to THE
purpose of the company and the basis of organizations
competition and competitive advantage. It 3. Explain the defining characteristics of THE
describes what an organization actually does, products in particular
that is the product and services it plans to provide, 4. Explore some of the ways in which managers
and the markets in which it will respond to the key features of THE products
compete. Mission statements are enduring
statements of purpose that distinguish one I. GOODS AND SERVICES
business from other similar firms. It identifies the
scope of a firm’s operations in product and It is important to consider the nature of the
market terms and addresses the basic question products that comprises Tourism, Hospitality and
that faces all strategists: “What is our business?” Events. In general, there are two basic types of
products: goods and services
Strategic Objectives
Strategic objectives are used to • Goods are tangible - things you can own
operationalize the mission statement. That is, • Services are intangible - things done on
they help to provide guidance on how the your behalf or for your benefit.
organization can fulfill or move toward the
“higher goals” in the goal hierarchy-the mission You do not own service products, but instead you
and the vision. Thus, they are more specific and have to use them. For example, as a customer
cover a more well-defined time frame. Setting you do not own an aircraft seat on a flight, a hotel
objectives demands a yardstick to measure the room, or an event that you attend, but instead
fulfillment of the objectives. you make use of the services offered (Evans,
For objectives to be meaningful, they need to
satisfy several criteria. An objective must be:
• Specific - This provides a clear message as
to what needs to be accomplished
• Measurable - There must be at least one
indicator (or yardstick) that measures
progress against fulfilling the objective.
• Appropriate - It must be consistent with
the organization's vision and mission.
• Realistic - It must be an achievable target
given the organization's capabilities and
are produced and consumed
simultaneously (Kotler, 2016).

5. Ownership - When a consumer buys a

service he or she does not usually receive
ownership of anything tangible. Service
buyers are therefore buying only access
to or use of something, which has
important management implications.
Since transfer of ownership is not
involved, the task of building a
relationship with customers, of retaining
their custom, and building brand loyalty
becomes more difficult (Evans, 2016)

Service Product Characteristics II. SIX TOURISM, HOSPITALITY AND

1. Intangibility - Unlike physical products, EVENTS CHARACTERISTICS
services cannot be seen, tasted, felt,
heard, or smelled before they are The five characteristics of services cited in the
purchased. To reduce uncertainty caused preceding sections change the emphasis of a
by intangibility, buyers look for tangible manager’s task when compared to dealing with
evidence that will provide information physical products. The characteristics apply to all
and confidence about the service (Kotler, service products to some degree – which includes
2016). banking, insurance and professional services
(legal accounting, etc.). Thus the characteristics
2. Inseparability - In most hospitality considered previously, whilst certainly applicable
services, both the service provider and to THE sectors are not unique to these sectors,
the customer must be present for the but applicable across all service sectors. Six
transaction to occur. Customer-contact further characteristics can be identified, which
employees are part of the product. are particularly applicable to these sectors
Inseparability also means that customers (though to varying degrees in the three sectors).
are part of the product. The third Consequently these characteristics have a
implication of inseparability is that particular influence on decision making for
customers and employees must managers operating in these three sectors (Evans,
understand the service delivery system 2016).
(Kotler, 2016)
The six characteristics which are particularly
3. Perishability - Services cannot be stored. applicable to THE sectors includes:
If service providers are to maximize 1. High cost
revenue, they must manage capacity and 2. Seasonality
demand because they cannot carry 3. Ease of entry/exit
forward unsold inventory (Kotler, 2016) 4. Interdependence
5. Impact on society
4. Heterogeneity - Service quality depends 6. The effect of external shocks
on who provides the services and when
and where they are provided. Services
III. KEY SERVICE CHARACTERISTICS are used so as to enable students to understand
AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS FOR the complete nature of strategic decision making
MANAGERS and the inter-related nature of such decisions.

Summary of Key THE Characteristics and their Cases that covers various facets of tourism,
Implications for Managers hospitality and events management provide an
illustration of the specific strategies management
There are 11 characteristics of THE identified challenges that managers face in these contexts.
in this section. Some characteristics are common Case studies are thus a valuable tool in several
to the service industry , but some are particularly ways. Case Studies:
important to THE settings. It is important that • Provide experience of organizational
managers working in the THE are aware of these problems and issues that it might not be
factors and consider the managerial implications possible or feasible to encounter directly.
that are associated with each. The strategy which • Serve to illustrate the theory and
organizations put in place should reflect an concepts of strategic management
understanding of these characteristics and the applied to relevant examples from THE
impacts they might have on the organizations • Allow active participation in strategic
concerned (Evans, 2015). analysis, choice and implementation and
of presenting results persuasively
A summary of the key characteristics of THE • Illustrate the linkages inherent in
and their implications for managers is provided strategic management in that internal
below: decisions have impacts on other parts of
the organization and on external
A summary of the key stakeholders
character • Illustrate the holistic nature of strategic
management in that decisions often
require knowledge of other subject fields
such as marketing, finance, and human
resource management.

In all cases considered, however, it is important

to realize that what you are normally being asked
to do is to place yourself in the position of a
manager of an organization or within an industry
sector at a particular moment in time.

The important point is not what actually

happened to the company in reality, but given the
available information, how would you have made
IV. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT IN THE sense of the information available to you at the
CONTEXT: THE CASE STUDY METHOD time and what actions would you have
recommended in the circumstances.
TOURISM, HOSPITALITY AND EVENTS 1. Why Analyze Strategic Management Cases?
CONTEXT: THE CASE STUDY METHOD It is often said that the key to finding good
answers is to ask good questions. Strategic
Case study analysis invariably forms part of most managers and business leaders are required to
courses in strategic management. Case studies evaluate options, make choices, and find
solutions to the challenges they face every day. The types of skills that are required to
To do so, they must learn to ask the right prepare an effective strategic case analysis can
questions. The study of strategic management benefit you in actual business situations. Case
poses the same challenge. The process of analysis adds to the overall learning experience
analyzing, decision making, and implementing by helping you acquire or improve skills that may
strategic actions raises many good questions: not be taught in a typical lecture course. Three
• Why do some firms succeed and others capabilities can be learned by conducting case
fail? analysis:
• Why are some companies higher
performers than others? 1. Differentiate - Effective strategic management
• What information is needed in the requires that many different elements of a
strategic planning process? situation be evaluated at once. This is also true in
• How do competing values and beliefs case analysis. When analyzing cases, it is
affect strategic decision making? important to isolate critical facts, evaluate
• What skills and capabilities are needed to whether assumptions are useful or faulty, and
implement a strategy effectively? distinguish between good and bad information.
Differentiating between the factors that are
How does a student of strategic management influencing the situation presented by a case is
answer these questions? By strategic case necessary for making a good analysis. Strategic
analysis. Case analysis stimulates the real-world management also involves understanding that
experience that strategic managers and company problems are often complex and multilayered.
leaders face as they try to determine how best to This applies to case analysis as well. It requires
run their companies. It places students in the students to dig deep. being too quick to accept
middle of an actual situation and challenges them the easiest or least controversial answer will
to figure out what to do. usually fail to get to the heart of the problem.

A strategic management case is a detailed 2. Speculate - Strategic managers need to be able

description of a challenging situation faced by an to use their imagination to envision an
organization. It usually includes a chronology of explanation or solution that might not readily be
events and extensive support materials such as apparent. The same is true with case analysis.
financial statements, product lists, and Being able to imagine different scenarios or
transcripts of interviews with employees. contemplate the outcome of a decision can aid
Although names or locations are sometimes the analysis. Managers have to deal with
changed to provide anonymity, case usually uncertainty since most decisions are made
report the facts of a situation as authentically as without complete knowledge of the
possible. circumstances. The ability to speculate about
details that are unknown or the consequences of
One of the main reasons to analyze strategic an action can be helpful.
management cases is to develop an ability to
evaluate business situations critically. In case 3. Integrate - Strategy involves looking at the big
analysis, memorizing key terms and conceptual picture and having an organization wide
frameworks is not enough. To analyze a case, it is perspective. Strategic case analysis is no different.
important that you go beyond textbook A strategic manager needs to comprehend how
prescriptions and quick answers. It requires you all the factors that influence the organization will
to look deeply into the information that is interact. Changes made in one part of the
provided and root out the essential issues and organization affect other parts. Thus, a holistic
causes of a company's problems. perspective that integrates the impact of various
decisions and environmental influences on all Five Steps to Follow When Conducting A Strategic
parts of the organization is needed. Management Case Analysis:

2. How to Conduct a Case Analysis 1. Become Familiar with the Material.

The process of analyzing strategic management • Read quickly through the case one time
cases involves several steps. to get an overall sense of the material
• Use the initial read-through to assess
First, unless you prepare for a case discussion, possible links to strategic concepts
there is little you can gain from the discussion and • Read through the case again, in depth.
even less that you can offer. Effective strategic Make written notes as your read
managers don't enter into problem-solving • Evaluate how strategic concepts might
situation without doing some homework-- inform key decisions or suggest
investigating the situations, analyzing and alternative solutions.
researching possible solutions, and sometimes • After formulating initial
gathering the advice of others. Good problem recommendations, thumb through the
solving often requires that decision makers be case again to help assess the
immersed in the facts, options, and implications consequences of the actions you propose.
surrounding the problem. In case analysis, this
means reading and thoroughly comprehending 2. Identify Problems
the case materials before trying to make an When conducting case analysis, one of your most
analysis. important task is to identify the problem. Earlier
we noted that one of the main reasons to
The second point is related to the first. To get the conduct case analysis is to find solutions. But you
most out of a case analysis, you must place cannot find a solution unless you know the
yourself "inside" the case. Think like an actual problem. Another saying you may have heard is
participant in the case situation. There are "A good diagnosis is half the cure." In other words,
several positions you can take: once you have determined what the problem is,
• Strategic decision maker. This is the you are well on your way to identify a reasonable
position of the senior executive solution.
responsible for resolving the situation
describe in the case. It may be the CEO, Some cases have more than one problem, But
the business owner, or a strategic the problems are usually related. For a
manager in a key executive position. hypothetical example, consider the following:
• Board of directors. Since the board of Company A was losing customers to a new
directors represents the owners of a competitor. Upon analysis, it was determined
corporation, it has a responsibility to step that the competitor had a 50 percent faster
in when a management crisis threatens delivery time even though its product was of
the company. As a board member, you lower quality. The managers of company A could
may be in a unique position to solve not understand why customers would settle for
problems. an inferior product. It turns out that no one was
• Outside consultant. Either the board or marketing to company A's customer that its
top management may decide to bring in product was superior. A second problem was that
outsiders. Consultants often have an falling sales resulted in cuts in company A's sales
advantage because they can look at a force. Thus, there were two related problems:
situation objectively. inferior delivery technology and insufficient sales
Another tip when preparing a case analysis is task is to make a set of recommendations that
to articulate the problem. Writing down a your analysis supports. Describe exactly what
problem statement gives you a reference point to needs to be done. explain why this course of
turn to as you proceed through the case analysis. action will solve the problem. The
This is important because the process of recommendations should also include
formulating strategies or evaluating suggestions for how best to implement the
implementation methods may lead your way proposed solution because the recommended
from the initial problem. Make sure your actions and their implications for the
recommendation actually addresses the performance and future of the firm are
problems you have identified. interrelated.

3. Conduct Strategic Analyses Recall that the solution you proposed must
• The first step is to determine which solve the problem you identified. Make a logical
strategic issues are involved. Is there a argument that shows how the problem led to the
problem in the company's competitive analysis and the analysis led to the
environment or is it an integral recommendations you are proposing. Remember,
problem? an analysis is not an end in itself; it is useful only
• Once you have identified the issues that if it leads to a solution.
apply to the case, conduct the analysis.
For example you may need to conduct a LESSON 3: VISION AND MISSION ANALYSIS
five-forces analysis or SWOT analysis
Learning Objectives:
4. Propose Alternative Solutions 1. Describe the nature and role of vision and
It is important to remember that in strategic mission statements in strategic management.
management case analysis, there is rarely one 2. Identify the components of mission statements
right answer or one best way. Therefore, it is 3. Discuss how clear vision and mission
helpful to consider several different solutions. statements can benefit other strategic
After conducting strategic analysis and management activities
identifying the problem, develop a list of 4. Evaluate mission statements of different
options. What are the possible solutions? What organizations
are the alternatives? First, generate a list of all the
options you can think of without prejudging any I. VISION VERSUS MISSION
one of them. This point illustrates the purpose of
developing alternatives: to evaluate what will
happen if a company chooses one solution over

The point of this step in the case analysis

process is to find a solution that both solves the
problem and is realistic. A consideration of the
implications of various alternative solutions will A vision statement should answer the basic
generally lead you to a final recommendation question, "What do we want to become?". A clear
that is more thoughtful and complete. vision provides the foundation for developing a
comprehensive mission statement (David and
5. Make Recommendations David, 2015).
The basic aim of a case analysis is to find solutions.
Your analysis is not complete until you have A vision is a goal that is massively inspiring,
recommended a course of action. In this step the overarching, and long term. It represents a
destination that is driven by and evoke passion found the firms with a formalized mission
(Dess, McNamara, Eisner, Lee, 2019). Vision statement have twice the average return on
statement answers the question “What do we shareholder's equity than those firms without a
want to become?” and often considered the first formalized statement (David & David, 2015).
step in strategic planning.
Ten Benefits of Having a Clear Mission and
A vision captures an organization's aspiration and Vision
spells out what it ultimately wants to accomplish. 1. Achieve clarity of purpose among all managers
An effective vision pervades the organization and employees.
with a sense of winning and motivates employees 2. Provide a basis for all other strategic planning
at all levels to aim for the same target, while activities, including internal and external
leaving room for individual and team assessment, establishing objectives, developing
contributions. To provide meaning for employees strategies, choosing among alternative strategies,
in pursuit of the organization's goal, vision devising policies, establishing organizational
statements should be forward-looking and structure, allocating resources, and evaluating
inspiring. performance.
3. Provide direction
Example: 4. Provide a focal point for all stakeholders of the
5. Resolve divergent views among managers
6. Promote a sense of shared expectations among
all managers and employees
7. Project a sense of worth and intent to all
8. Project an organized, motivated organization
The mission statement is a declaration of an worthy of support
organization's "reason for being". A clear mission 9. Achieve higher organizational performance
statement is essential for effectively establishing 10. Achieve synergy among all managers and
objectives and formulating strategies (David and employees
David, 2015). A company’s mission statement
differs from its vision in that it encompasses both III. COMPONENTS OF A MISSION
the purpose of the company and the basis of STATEMENT
competition and competitive advantage. It Mission statements can and do vary in length,
describes what an organization actually does, content, format, and specificity. Most
that is the product and services it plans to provide, practitioners and academicians of strategic
and the markets in which it will management feel that an effective statement
compete. Mission statements are enduring should include these nine mission statement
statements of purpose that distinguish one components: (Adopted from David and David,
business from other similar firms. It identifies the 2015)
scope of a firm’s operations in product and
market terms and addresses the basic question 1. Customers - Who are the firm's customers?
that faces all strategists: “What is our business?” 2. Products or Services - What are the firm's
major products or services?
II. TEN BENEFITS OF HAVING A CLEAR 3. Markets - Geographically, where does the firm
The importance of vision and mission statements 4. Technology - Is the firm technologically
to effective strategic management is current?
documented in many literature. Rarick and Vitton
5. Concern for survival, growth, and profitability - position by increasing its power vis-a-vis these
Is the firm committed to growth and financial forces.
6. Philosophy - What are the basic beliefs, values, I. THE ROLE OF ENVIRONMENTAL
aspirations, and ethical priorities of the firm? SCANNING, MONITORING AND
7. Self-concept - What is the firm's distinctive COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE AND
competence or major competitive advantage? FORECASTING
8. Concern for public image - Is the firm
responsive to social, community, and We will now address three important processes -
environmental concerns? scanning, monitoring, and gathering competitive
9. Concern for employees - are employees a intelligence to developed forecasts. Figure 2
valuable asset of the firm? illustrates relationships among these important
Template for Evaluating the Mission Statement

Source: (Dess, McNamara, Eisner, Lee, 2019)

Environmental Scanning involves surveillance of

a firm's external environment to predict
environmental changes and detect changes
already underway. This alerts the organization to
critical trends and events before changes develop
a discernible pattern and before competitors
recognize them. Experts agree that spotting key
trends requires a combination of knowing your
business and your customer as well as keeping an
eye on what's happening around you. Such a big
picture/small picture view enables you to better
Learning Objectives:
identify the emerging trends that will affect your
1. Explain why environmental scanning,
environmental monitoring, and collecting
competitive intelligence are critical inputs to
Environmental Monitoring tracks the evolution of
environmental trends, sequences of events, or
2. Discuss the impact of the general environment
streams of activities. They may be trends that the
on a firm's strategies and performance
firm came across by accident or ones that were
3. Explain how forces in the
brought to its attention from outside the
competitive environment can affect profitability,
organization. Monitoring enables firms to
and how a firm can improve its competitive
evaluate how dramatically environmental trends factors. The results make decision-making much
are changing the competitive landscape. easier.

Competitive Intelligence (CI) helps firms define Different macro-environmental factors can affect
and understand their industry and identify rivals business strategies. So, it is vital to follow the
strengths and weaknesses. This include the PESTEL framework. The aim is to assess how
intelligence gathering associated with collecting exactly the factors influence business
data on competitors and interpreting such data. performance.
Done properly, competitive intelligence helps a
company avoid surprises by anticipating Political Factors
competitors moves and decreasing response Politics plays an important role in business. This is
time. because there is a balance between systems of
control and free markets. As global economics
Environmental Forecasting involves the supersedes domestic economies, companies
development of plausible projections about the must consider numerous opportunities and
direction, scope, speed, and intensity of threats before expanding into new regions. It also
environmental change. Its purpose is to predict applies to firms identifying optimal areas for
change. It asks: How long will it take a new production or sales. Political factors may even
technology to reach the marketplace? Will the help determine the location of corporate
present social concern about an issue result in headquarters.
new legislation? Are current lifestyle trends likely Some of the political factors you need to watch
to continue? Some forecasting issues are much are:
more specific to a particular firm and the industry · Tax policies
in which it competes. · Stability of government
· Entry mode regulations
II. THE GENERAL ENVIRONMENT (PESTEL · Social policies (e.g. social welfare etc.)
FRAMEWORK) · Trade regulations (e.g. the EU & ASEAN)

2.1 The PESTEL Framework Economic Factors

Economic factors are metrics that measure the
health of any economic region. The economic
state will change a lot of times during the firm’s
lifetime. You have to compare the current levels
of inflation, unemployment, economic growth,
and international trade. This way, you can carry
out your strategic plan better.
Some examples of economic factors you can
judge are:
· Disposable income of buyers
· Credit accessibility
· Unemployment rates
Image Source: · Interest rates
· Inflation
A PESTEL analysis is a tool or framework for
marketers. You can use it if you are seeking to Social Factors
analyze and screen the external marketing Social factors assess the mentality of individuals
environment of your company. The strategic or consumers in a given market. These are also
management tool gauges macro-environmental known as demographic factors. Social indicators
like exchange rates, GDP, and inflation are critical company too. Running water for a hydro-power
to management. They can tell when it is a good plant is an example.
time to borrow. These factors help find out how Few common environmental factors are:
an economy might react to certain changes. · Waste disposal laws
The following are some social factors to focus on: · Environmental protection laws
· Population demographics: (e.g. aging · Energy consumption regulation
population) · Popular attitude towards the environment
· Distribution of Wealth
· Changes in lifestyles and trends Legal Factors
· Educational levels This step involves learning about the laws and
regulations in your region. It is critical for avoiding
Technological Factors unnecessary legal costs.
This step entails recognizing the potential This is the last factor in the PESTEL framework.
technologies that are available. Technological These factors overview the legal elements. Often,
advancements can optimize internal efficiency start-ups link these elements to the political
and help a product or service from becoming framework. Many legal issues can affect a
technologically obsolete. The role of technology company that does not act responsibly. This step
in business is increasing each year. This trend will helps to avoid legal pitfalls. You should always
continue because R&D drives new innovations. remain within the confines of established
Recognizing evolving technologies to optimize regulations.
internal efficiency is a great asset in management.
But, there are few threats. Disruptive innovations Common legal factors that companies focus on
such as Netflix affect business for CD-players. The include:
best strategy is to adapt according to the changes. · Employment regulations
Your strategies should sidestep threats and · Competitive regulations
embrace opportunities. · Health and safety regulations
· Product regulations
This is a large challenge for management. Below · Antitrust laws
is a list of common technological factors: · Patent infringements
· New discoveries and innovations
· Rate of technological advances and It is common to conduct a PESTEL analysis before
innovations serious decisions. Managers might conduct it
· Rate of technological obsolescence before any large projects are undertaken.
· New technological platforms (e.g. VHS and Understanding all the influencing factors is the
DVD) first step to addressing them.

Environmental Factors Remember, there are many factors other than

Both consumers and governments penalize firms these which can have an effect on business
for having an adverse effect on the environment. success. The evaluation is a one-to-one process.
Governments levy huge fines upon companies for Each company should do it for themselves and
polluting. Companies are also rewarded for find the key drivers of change. You must identify
having a positive impact on the environment. The the factors which have strategic and competitive
consumers are willing to switch brands if they consequences.
find a business is ignoring its environmental
duties. Analyzing the total macro-environment is an
extensive task. Even though, it is complex,
The impact on the environment is a rising understanding the PESTEL framework of basic
concern. Note that the environment benefits the influences will allow you to maintain an organized
and strategic approach. These will isolate each It is a critical part of planning process. If you gain
opportunity or threat. a proper understanding of where the power lies,
you can take advantage of the company’s
After writing down the PESTEL framework, strengths. You can also improve your firm’s
company managers can create strategies. The weaknesses. Overall, you will not take any wrong
macro-environmental factors will shape the steps.
strategies. I am sure that the thinking process will
be as sensitive as current and future The tool is generally used to identify whether new
environmental factors. products or services will be profitable. It also
helps to understand the balance of power.
(PORTER’S FIVE FORCES MODEL) The analysis peeks at the strength of 5 vital forces
which affect business competition. The five
2.2 Porter’s Five Forces Model different forces are:
· Supplier power
· Buyer power
· Competitive rivalry
· The threat of substitution
· The threat of new entry

Supplier power is the ability of vendors to

increase prices of your inputs. Buyer power refers
to the customers’ power drive down prices.
Competitive rivalry is the strength of competition.
The threat of substitution is the degree to which
different products and services can be used
instead of your offering. The threat of new entry
Porter’s Five Forces Analysis is how easily new competitors can enter the
For both small and big businesses, managing market.
business effectively is difficult. One of the most
essentials skills needed is the ability to assess the The analysis entails thinking about how each of
competitive environment. Entrepreneur and these forces affects your business. You are
managers must comprehend the competitive expected to identify the strength of each of the
environment of the business. forces. By doing so, you can swiftly assess the
strength of your business position. The analysis
There are several ways to analyze the market and also increases your chances to earn more
business environment. SWOT ANALYSIS is the profit in the industry.
most commonly used tool. Applying Porter’s Five
Forces analysis is also a great way. (image After assessing the forces, you have to find ways
source: to affect the forces. Remember that your aim is
to move the balance of power more in your
The Porter’s Five Forces tool is a very powerful favour.
tool. It is simple but excellent for judging exactly
where power lies. As it helps to understand not Now, let’s discuss the 5 forces which determine
only the strength of current competitive position competitive power in details.
but also the strength of an expected position, it is
very useful.
Supplier Power • Any other differences
Often, the first step is to assess how easy it is for • Switching costs involved for suppliers
the suppliers to increase prices of inputs. This and buyers
depends on the following factors: • Customer loyalty
• The number of suppliers of the key input
• How unique their product or service is Threat of Substitution
• Their strengths and how much control The ability of your buyers to find an alternative is
they have over you considered here. If you provide unique software
• The cost of switching from one to which automates a significant process,
another consumers can easily substitute by conducting
the process manually. They may choose to
Fewer number of supplier choices means you outsource it as well. If the substitution is easy and
need suppliers’ help more. This also means that viable, it weakens your business. Factors you can
fewer suppliers make them more powerful. assess are:
• Performance of the substitute product
Buyer Power • Cost of change
When assessing buyer power, you have to ask
yourself how easy it is for the customers to bring Threat of New Entry
prices down. This depends on the following Other’s ability to enter the market can affect
factors: power too. The below factors affect this:
• The number of buyers • Time and cost of entering the market and
• The importance of each customer to a competing
business • If there are few economies of scale in
• The cost to consumers switching from place
your offering to products and services by • The amount of protection for the key
another company. technologies

If you handle only some powerful purchasers, The new businesses can swiftly enter the market
they often dictate the terms to you. and weaken your position. However, if the
market has strong and durable barriers to entry,
Competitive Rivalry you can maintain a favourable position.
The critical thing to consider here is the number
and capability of your business competitors. If How does Porter’s Five Forces Model vary from
there are many competitors and if they offer SWOT
equally appealing products and services, you will SWOT is one of the most commonly used
perhaps have very little power. This is because businesses tool. Both the analyses in discussion
suppliers and buyers will choose the competing can portray the strengths and weakness of your
companies if they do not like the deal you are business. However, there are some major
offering. distinctions. The level of specificity, competition
and time orientation are some differences.
You will be very powerful if your product or
service is unique. If competitors cannot offer SWOT can be described a more general and
what you provide, you will have immense overall assessment. Typically, the Five Forces
strength. In short, the factors to be considered in model focuses on a single growth decision. SWOT
this step are: is often used to get a picture of firm’s current
• The number of competitors position. After conducting the SWOT analysis, you
• The quality different between your can consider future strategic options. Five Forces
product and competitor’s product
assesses the viability of a specific product or Example of External Factor Evaluation (EFE
service. Matrix)

SWOT focuses on your business and its position

while you can use Five Forces to analyze
competitors. Porter’s Five Forces helps find out
how competitors could inhibit you. Time
orientation is another factor which differentiates
SWOT and the Five Forces model. SWOT primarily
assesses your current position and the future
endeavors. On the other hand, Porter’s Five
Forces analysis focuses mostly on future
decisions of your company.



2.3 The Competitive Profile Matrix


The key question in analyzing the competition.

The Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM) is a tool

that compares the firm and its rivals and reveals
their relative strengths and weaknesses.

Understanding the tool

In order to better understand the external
environment and the competition in a particular
industry, firms often use CPM. The matrix
identifies a firm’s key competitors and compares
Source: Strategic Management by David, F. and them using industry’s critical success factors. The
David, F., 2017. analysis also reveals company’s relative strengths
and weaknesses against its competitors, so a
Regardless of the numbers of key opportunities company would know, which areas it should
and threats included in the EFE Matrix, the improve and, which areas to protect.
highest possible total weighted score for an
organization is 4.0 and the lowest possible total An example of a matrix is demonstrated below.
weighted score is 1.0. The average total weighted
score is 2.5. In external evaluation, a low total
score indicates that the companies strategies
aren't well designed to meet the opportunities
and defend against threats.
success in an industry is rarely determined by one
or few factors. In our first example, the most
significant factors are ‘strong online presence’
(0.15), ‘market share’ (0.14), ‘brand reputation’

The ratings in CPM refer to how well companies
are doing in each area. They range from 4 to 1,
where 4 means a major strength, 3 – minor
strength, 2 – minor weakness and 1 – major
weakness. Ratings, as well as weights, are
assigned subjectively to each company, but the
process can be done easier through
benchmarking. Benchmarking reveals how well
Critical Success Factors companies are doing compared to each other or
Critical success factors (CSF) are the key areas, industry’s average. Just remember that firms can
which must be performed at the highest possible be assigned equal ratings for the same factor. For
level of excellence if organizations want succeed example, if Company A, Company B and Company
in the particular industry. They vary between C, have the market share of 25%, 27% & 28%
different industries or even strategic groups and accordingly, they would all receive the rating of 4
include both internal and external factors. In our rather than receiving ratings 2, 3 & 4.
example, we have included 11 CSF, which is
usually not enough. The more critical success Score & Total Score
factors are included the more robust and The score is the result of weight multiplied by
accurate the analysis is. The following list rating. Each company receives a score on each
provides some of the general CSF, but the list is factor. Total score is simply the sum of all
not definite and you should include industry individual score for the company. The firm that
specific factors in your matrix: receives the highest total score is relatively
stronger than its competitors. In our example, the
strongest performer in the market should be
Company B (2.94 points).

Benefits of the CPM:

• The same factors are used to compare
the firms. This makes the comparison
more accurate.
Weight • The analysis displays the information on
Each critical success factor should be assigned a a matrix, which makes it easy to compare
weight ranging from 0.0 (low importance) to 1.0 the companies visually.
(high importance). The number indicates how • The results of the matrix facilitate
important the factor is in succeeding in the decision-making. Companies can easily
industry. If there were no weights assigned, all decide which areas they should
factors would be equally important, which is an strengthen, protect or what strategies
impossible scenario in the real world. The sum of they should pursue.
all the weights must equal 1.0. Separate factors
should not be given too much emphasis
(assigning a weight of 0.3 or more) because the
Using the tool Example
Step 1. Identify the critical success factors This is competitive profile matrix example of
To make it easier, use our list of CSF and include smartphones operating systems. The main
as many factors as possible. In addition, following competitors: Google’s Android OS, Apple’s iOS
questions should be helpful identifying industry’s and Microsoft’s Windows Phone operating
CSF: systems will be compared to each other to find
• Why consumers prefer Company A over out their relative strengths and weaknesses.
Company B or vice versa?
• What resources, capabilities and
competences firms possess?
• What sustainable competitive
advantages companies have in the
• Why some companies succeed and
others fail in the industry?

Step 2. Assign the weights and ratings

The best way to identify what weights should be
assigned to each factor is to compare the best
and worst performing companies in the industry.
Well performing companies will usually
undertake activities that are significant for
success in the industry. They will put most of their
resources and energy into those activities as
compared to low performing organizations.
The CPM analysis reveals that Android is the
Weights can also be determined in discussion
strongest player in the industry with relative
with other top-level managers.
strengths in market share, distribution channels,
Ratings should be assigned using benchmarking
customization features, openness and cloud
or during team discussions.
integration. On the other hand, iOS prevails in
frequency updates, marketing capabilities and
Step 3. Compare the scores and take action
the rate of OS crashes. Windows Phone is the
You should compare the scores on each factor to
weakest of them all and doesn’t have any relative
identify where company’s relative strengths and
strengths against its rivals. The companies should
weaknesses are. In our first example, Company A
create their strategies according to their
had relative strength in ‘level of product
strengths and weakness and improve their
integration’, ‘product range’ and ‘variety of
ratings in the most significant industry’s areas.
distribution channels’. Therefore, Company A
should protect these areas while trying to
improve its weaknesses in ‘sales per employee’
and ‘market share’. The company should also
improve its strategy to become more successful
in the industry.

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