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Laygo, Lory Mae M.


What does the saying "the Earth is like a gas station" mean?

Earth is like a gas station, for me it is because earth consists of land, air, water and life. Where air is
made up of different gasses. We use gases such as oxygen to live and plants and trees need carbon dioxide.
Human beings, animals, living, and non-living things are able to use gasses in order to survive and function.

Do you think it is possible for Artificial Intelligence to outsmart human? How and Why?

I think it is possible for an AI to outsmart humans. Though human brain is said to be the “most powerful
supercomputer” in the world and the main inspiration of AI or artificial, AIs can still outsmart people. Logically,
AIs are made from different ideas from different human brains, it means AIs have broad information. Artificial
Intelligence should not be ignored because it is not just useful for our everyday life using technologies, but it can
be scary too. Some experts are predicting that in the near future where AIs are smarter than humans where it
can resolve human problem. I believe than AIs, having a lot of information, algorithms, data and having a high-
level of intelligence can control things where humans cannot do, and it can gather more information to be more
powerful than humans. We are very familiar with Alexa, Bixby, and Siri which are the Google Assistant or voice
assistants. They can communicate to people and have more knowledge than us. They can perform human tasks
like turning off lights, driving a car, and even robots are taking jobs from humans and AIs is increasingly
becoming integral parts of our lives.


1. Flourishing
- it means developing or thriving successfully
2. Eudaimonia
- human flourishing or of living well
- it is taken to mean happiness
3. Well-being
- state of feeling healthy, wealthy, and happy
- this includes having good mental health, high life satisfaction, a sense of meaning or purpose
4. Level Headedness
- Calm and sensible in every difficult situation
5. Beatitudes
- Series of blessings declared by Jesus during His “Sermon on the Mount”
- It comes from the Latin word beatus meaning “blissful”, “happy”, “fortunate”, or “flourishing”.

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