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Adjectives :

An adjective describes a noun ( kata sifat adalah kata

yang digunakan untuk menambahkan arti pada kata
benda atau kata yang menerangkan kata benda)
Contoh: hardworking

Adjectives can be put before uncountable noun or

countable noun.
Kinds of adjective :
1. qualitative adjective
Modifies a noun : tall, clever, diligent, busy

2. Distributive adjective :
It is reffering to individuals, numbers of a class : each,
very, either, neither

3. Possesive adjective :
It is reffering to possession : my, your, his, our, her, their,
4. demonstrative adjective
It is used to point a noun : this, that, these, those
5. interrogative adjective
It is used to asked about noun : who, whose, which, what,
when, where, how
6. quantitative adjective
It is modify the amounts of noun : some, any, many, much, e
few, a little
5. color adjective
It is to modify the color of noun : blue, green, orange, violet,
purple, scarlet
Forming adjective
noun+ suffix
❖ Noun + al ->
- nature- natural
- Ratio – rational

❖ Noun + less
- Taste – tasteless
- Job – jobless

❖ Noun + full
- Hope – hopefull
- Power - powerfull
❖ Noun + Y
- Wind – windy
- Blood – bloody

❖ Noun + ful
- Hope – hopeful
- Power- powerful

❖ Noum + ous
- Delight – delicious
- Mistery - misterious
Verb + suffix
Verb + able
Obtain – obtainable
Break – breakable

Verb + ive
Depend – depensive
Educate – educative
Adjective with prefix
Im + adjective
Polite - Imimpolite
Possible - Imposibble

Il + adjective
Literate - illiterate
Legal – illegal

Ir – adjective
Religious – irreligious
Regular - irregular
In + adjective
Adequate – inadequate
Human – inhuman

Un – adjective
Afraid – unafraid
Accustomed – unaccustomed
1. Sebelum kata benda

a. The contaminated needle must be disposed of.

Adjective noun

b. The naughty doctor ordered me to observe

Adjective noun

the patient‟s vital signs.

2. Setelah kata kerja seperti: like ; be, seem, appear,
look, sound, smell, taste, feel, become, get.

a. The patient seems withdrawn today
Verb adjective
b. I felt relief that the operation was a success
Verb adjective

c. The water in the tank is murky

Be verb adjective
❖ underline the adjective of words below!

1. The newborn baby became restless when his diaper was

2. The overweight child prefers sedentary activities
3. Normally, a toothbrush head gets worn, split and uneven
after three months
4. He appeared uneasy when we asked about her disease
5. The cough syrup tastes bitter. However, the young boy was
brave enough to swallow it
6. Certain bacteria or tissues are acid-fast

7. Studies show that almost two-thirds of those taking

anti-high blood pressure medicines stop taking them within
three years.

8. Menstrual flow become a problem if it is very heavy or

frequent and might lead to iron deficiency anaemia

9. Hormonal imbalances and lack of physical activities can

contribute to childhood obesity
10. Natural milk product are the best source of
calcium as they enhance calcium absorption within
the body.

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