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Test • Unit 27
Adverb Clauses and Phrases
Part I
A Write C (correct) or I (incorrect) for each sentence.
C 1. Evelyne enjoys spending money because it gives her a sense of control.
2. While shopping, Mark keeps a record of his spending in a notebook.
3. Even he was in debt, Alex kept buying more electronics.
4. People can become addicted to shopping because it makes them feel good.
5. After overspend, people may feel guilty.
6. Eventhough they are convenient, credit cards can cause major problems for some people.
7. My father loves to shop at the mall, while my mother prefers to shop online.

B Circle the correct word or phrase.

1. Many people enjoy shopping although / because it causes problems for them.
2. While / Since you often feel guilty after shopping, you might consider getting help.
3. Having / While lost his house and car, Stefan realized he had a serious problem.
4. Matt has just bought a new car, since / although he doesn’t have much money.
5. After he saw / After seeing his best friend’s Inerta, Daniel is going to want a new car.
6. It is safe for Celine to have a credit card since / even though she always pays her
bills on time.
7. Even though / Because he felt sick, he spent the afternoon shopping.

Part II
1. Subordinators and Adverb Clauses
Circle the correct word or phrase.
1. Some people go to psychologists because / although they can treat addictions.
2. It has been a month when / since Frida bought anything except food and gas.
3. Although / Because Max spends a lot of money, he is not a shopping addict.
4. Serena is trying to spend less because / though her spending was out of control.

Grammar and Beyond ETM 3 © Cambridge University Press 2019 Photocopiable Test • Unit 27 1
5. I don’t use credit cards much, because / even though I have three different ones.
6. It is enjoyable to spend money although / when you have plenty of it in the bank.

2. Reducing Adverb Clauses

Complete the sentences by reducing the underlined parts of the adverb clauses.
1. Since he is a shopping addict, Charles always takes a friend to the mall with him.
Being a shopping addict, Charles always takes a friend to the mall with him.
2. When she is shopping for clothes, Marcie never buys more than two items at a time.
for clothes, Marcie never buys more than two items at a time.
3. Since he saw the new computer, Helmut wants to replace his old laptop.
the new computer, Helmut wants to replace his old laptop.
4. Before he makes a big purchase, Brian always checks his bank account.
a big purchase, Brian always checks his bank account.
5. Because she has done extensive research on shopping addiction, Muriel understands it
very well.
extensive research on shopping addiction, Muriel understands it
very well.
6. Because she has read articles on problems with credit card use, Brenda now shops more
articles on problems with credit card use, Brenda now shops more
7. Because he is concerned about overspending, my grandfather never shops online.
concerned about overspending, my grandfather never shops

3. Subordinators to Express Purpose

Circle the correct answer.
1. Sherri is avoiding stores she won’t have any money problems this month.
a. in order b. so that c. while
2. My brother is seeing a psychologist to gain control over his shopping habits.
a. so b. so that c. in order
3. You need to stop spending so much money reduce your debt.
a. in order to b. so that c. so
4. I need to go to Flormart I can return the computer I bought there. It isn’t working.
a. in order b. so that c. to
5. Martin paid with his credit card avoid using up all the cash in his wallet.
a. so that b. in order c. in order to
6. Jillian uses her credit card for expensive items.
a. to pay b. in order c. so she pays

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Part III
A Combine each sentence with although or because. Do not change the order of the ideas.
1. Devon does not use credit cards / he earns a very large salary.
Devon does not use credit cards, although he earns a very large salary.
2. Julio is going to buy a new car / he does not need one

3. Alice spent too much at the mall yesterday / she is a shopping addict

4. Many people use credit cards / they can be dangerous

5. Kim is depressed today / she bought too many clothes last week

6. Evan carries large amounts of cash / he thinks it impresses people

B Expand the adverb phrases into adverb clauses.

1. While buying a new suit, Gerald also purchased three shirts and a new tie.
While he was buying a new suit, Gerald also purchased three shirts and a new tie.
2. Having spent too much on things she didn’t need, Mary felt guilty.
Since too much on things she didn’t need, Mary
felt guilty.
3. Before buying something you don’t need, you should make sure you can afford it.
Before something you don’t need, you should
make sure you can afford it.
4. Being a careful person by nature, my mother tried to avoid using credit cards.
Because a careful person by nature, my mother
tried to avoid using credit cards.
5. Steve decided to book his vacation while watching a travel show on TV.
Steve decided to book his vacation while a
travel show on TV.
6. After having returned the extra items she had bought, Noriko felt much better.
After the extra items she had bought, Noriko
felt much better.

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Part IV


How are people’s shopping habits different? Write about how shopping habits differ between
younger people and older people or between men and women. Try to think of examples to
support your ideas. Use adverb clauses in your writing.

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