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Blog post 3

Right now, I have completed 7 chapters, almost finished my 8th chapter. Progress has
been slow and difficult; my life is getting a bit messy right now, so my mind is distracted. I have
been getting out chapters, but it takes longer to produce quality work. I try very hard to formulate
intelligent and meaningful sentences and paragraphs, I want my book to have good writing, so
the lack of chapters finished so far is not completely a horrible situation because I know it means
I have put in a lot of effort making it intelligent. By the end of the week, I will finish 4 more
chapters. I will also finish the cover art. I expect myself to be distracted this week, so I will try
not to be hard on myself. I tend to be very self-critical.
I have completed more than 40 hours of work on this already, I won’t finish the book in
time, but I have completed enough that I am confident. I will continue working on this for many
months after the school year. I do plan on publishing this somehow, I am confident that a
company will allow it, or maybe I can publish it myself, but that will take a lot of time. I wish to
be a writing or storyteller somehow in my career, so this is a big first step.
Some of the writing quality has dropped a tiny bit, this is because of me rushing and
panicking because of the deadline, now that I know that I do not have to complete the book, I
think I will get out more pages and better quality. I think the stress causes me to have writer’s

Evidence will be on Artifacts and Evidence page on website

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