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Amir, M., Kaplan, Z., Efroni, R., & Kotler, M. (1999). Suicide Risk and Coping Styles in
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Patients. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 68(2), 76–

^Suicide relation to PTSD. Patients experiencing PTSD were more likely to have suicidal
thought compared to any other anxiety or stress disorder. 30% of the 115,000 soldiers to die after
coming back from Vietnam after the Vietnam war had been from suicide.

Carter, R. (2015). How to stop making a crisis out of a drama: towards better portrayal of mental
ill health in television and film. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 350.

^A journal going in depth about the characterization of people with mental health issues
and how they are portrayed in television and film. They are often portrayed with violence,
lunacy, incompetence, and an inability to be treated.

Mayer, L. S., & McHugh, P. R. (2016). Sexuality and Gender: Findings from the Biological,
Psychological, and Social Sciences. The New Atlantis, 50, 10–143.

^Research paper on sexuality and gender, it goes over mental health in the LGBTQ+
community, and especially in the transgender community.

Medrano, J., Malo, P., Uriarte, J. J., & López, A.-P. (2009). Stigma and prejudice in Tintin.
BMJ: British Medical Journal, 339(7735), 1406–1407.

^A journal on the stereotyping and prejudice of mental illness in Tintin. Tintin comics
were made in the 1930’s, so they are very likely to be prejudice. Even if Tintin is outdates, the
ideas around mental illness remain in literature and writing today.

Mukerjee, M. (1995). Hidden Scars. Scientific American, 273(4), 14–15.

^Scientific review of abuse on PTSD. Goes over childhood abuse linking to PTSD in life,
the effects of it, etc.

LavenderTowne. (2022). Making your oc not suck (this title is a joke do not panic). YouTube.
Retrieved April 3, 2023, from

Traynham, S., Kelley, A. M., Long, C. P., & Britt, T. W. (2019). Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Symptoms and Criminal Behavior in U.S. Army Populations: The Mediating Role of
Psychopathy and Suicidal Ideation. The American Journal of Psychology, 132(1), 85–95.

^Psychology journal on PTSD and criminal behaviour. This journal will give me some
insight into how PTSD develops, the symptoms, the possible criminal activity due to the illness,
and how it can be treated. I won’t use a lot of this journal because it seems to focus a lot on
criminal activity, and I don’t want my character to be a criminal BECAUSE of their illness, I
find that would be the opposite of what I’m trying to portray with my character.

Vaid-Menon, A., & Vaid-Menon, A. (2020). Beyond the gender binary. Penguin Workshop.

^Pocket book written by nonbinary person detailing their experiences as a nonbinary

person of colour and how they wished people would have treated them.

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