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Yapsangco, Julius Vincent S.

Sense of Urgency and Discipline
As a college student, I should have these qualities in order for me to function well and
avoid panic and cramming. Knowing how to use a day in a week and how to spend the time is my
definition of discipline. As for sense of urgency, for me, it means a person’s awareness on what
to do first. Looking at the scheduled task and their respective deadlines always help me to plan
and have an optimal strategy on spending the time in a day. Being aware of the due task helped
me to know what is urgent and what to prioritize first. From my experience back in senior high
school, the activities being posted are always due on next week, meaning I have 7 days to do my
works and submit it. Even though I have that much time, as soon as the works are posted, I usually
start doing it because I am scared and don’t want to be overloaded with tasks. Another reason
why I do task immediately is that these tasks linger in my mind so I can’t enjoy the free time I
have. If I wasn’t able to start and some works piled, I start with the easiest task or the deadline
that is closest so that I can make progress quickly and stay calm. I also grew in a household were
discipline and time management is a must which I am proud for. These helped me develop my
sense of urgency and discipline. I have these kind of mindset which is a good thing but a curse for
me as well because of too much uneasiness it gives to me which is not good for my mental health.
As of today, I still have these mindset/values but without too much anxiousness because I learned
how to manage my time efficiently while enjoying my life at the same time.

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