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Red Alyn M.


Bread and Pastry


1. What is the difference between bread and pastry?

 According to the Wikipedia, pastry is higher fat content, which contributes
to a flaky or crumby texture and it is made with a dough that can be sweet
or savory, while bread in the other hand is prepared from a dough of flour,
usually wheat flour, and water. It has usually one flavor profile. Bread is a
plain baked food while pastry is a sweet baked food and usually has
2. How can you tell if bread or pastry dough has been properly kneaded?
 As far as I’ve remembered, my bread and pastry teacher in my senior high
school said that in baking, kneading the dough properly is important
because the expected outcomes of your bread or pastry is depending on
the kneading process. You can tell if the dough has been properly
kneaded if the gluten is well produced and you can know it by taking a
small piece of dough and flatten it by your fingers and stretch it to the
thinnest, if it doesn’t create holes then the gluten is well produced then it
means that the dough is well kneaded.
3. What are some common bread types from around the world, and how are they
traditionally made?
 As I’ve searched in the google, it says that croissant, baguette and
focaccia is the common bread in the world. According to the Wikipedia,
croissants are a common part of a continental breakfast in lots of
European countries. It is a French related delicacies and a Austrian
viennoiserie pastry stimulated through the shape of Austrian kipferl.
Croissants are named for their ancient crescent form, dough is layered
with butter. It is rolled and folded numerous times then rolled into a skinny
sheets, in a method known as laminating.
 Baguette is a French bread that is lengthy and thin. As stated in the
Wikipedia, the word baguette is means wand or stick. It is made with
wheat flour without additives, water, salt, and yeast or sourdough starter.
 Focaccia is an Italian bread, comparable in stye and texture to pizza. In
different places it is also known as pizza bianca or white pizza. This bread
may be served as side dish or as sandwich bread that may be round,
rectangle, or square shape. According to Britannica focaccia have
originated with the Etruscans. The earliest focaccia have been unleavened
flatbreads that is made from flour, water, and salt.
4. How does the fermentation process work in bread-making, and why it is
 In bread-making, yeast is the one who makes the fermentation. Carbon
dioxide is produced and trapped as tiny pockets of air within the dough
and this causes the dough to rise. After kneading the dough, it is important
that you need to set aside the dough and let it rest for about 30 minutes
for the fermentation process because it allows the dough to rise and
double its size that is needed in bread-making.
5. What is the difference between puff pastry and short crust pastry, and when is
each one used?
 According to the Australian Women’s Weekly, you can differentiate the
puff pastry and short crust pastry by its texture. Puff pastry is flaky, light
and buttery and it is good for pies and pastries, while short crust pastry
has more crumbly, biscuit-like texture which is good for tart or quiche

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