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Views about Physics and Learning Physics (VAPLP) Survey 8.

) When studying Physics in a textbook or in course materials:

Instructions: a.) I find the important information and memorize it the way it is
The following survey will serve as a starting point in a discussion presented
about science and Physics. Please give honest answers and think about each b.) I organize the material in my own way so that I could
question carefully. understand it
Each question offers two statements. Circling a “1” indicates that 9.) For me, the relationship of Physics courses to everyday life is
you agree completely with the statement in “a)”. Circling “7” indicates usually:
that you agree completely with the statement in ‘b)’. Circling a number in a.) easy to recognize
between the two extremes indicates the extent to which you think the lies b.) hard to recognize
between two statements. For instance, circling “4” indicates that your 10.) in Physics, it is important for me:
response is equally ‘a) and b)’. Finally, you can circle an “8” to show that a.) memorize Physics terms and mathematical formulas
you disagree with both statements. There are no wrong answers. b.) learn ways to organize information and use it
11.) In Physics, mathematical formulas:
1.) Learning Physics requires: a.) express the meaningful relationships among variable
a.) serious talent b.) provide ways to get numerical answers to problems
b.) special talent 12.) After I go through a Physics text or course materials and fell that
2.) If I had a choice: I understand them:
a.) I would never take any Physics course a.) I can solve related problems on my own
b.) I would still take Physics for my own benefit b.) I have difficulty solving related problems
3.) Reasoning skill that are taught in Physics courses can be helpful to 13.) The first thing I do when solving a Physics problem is:
me: a.) repeat the situation with sketches and drawing
a.) in my everyday life b.) search for formulas that relate givens to unknowns
b.) if I were to become a scientist 14.) In order to solve a Physics problem, I need to:
4.) I study Physics: a.) have seen the solution to a similar problem before
a.) To satisfy course requirements b.) know how to apply a general problem solving technique
b.) To learn useful knowledge 15.) For me, solving a Physics problem more than one way:
5.) My score on Physics exams is a measure of how well: a.) is a waste of time
a.) I understand the covered materials b.) helps develop my reasoning skill
b.) I can do things the way they are done by the teacher or in some 16.) After I have answered all questions in homework Physics problem:
course materials a.) I stop working on the problem
6.) For me, doing well in Physics courses depends on: b.) I check my answers and the way I obtained them
a.) How much effort I put into studying 17.) After the teacher solves a problem for which I got a wrong solution:
b.) How well the teacher explains things in class a.) I discard my solution and learn the one presented by the
7.) When I experience a difficulty while studying Physics: teacher
a.) I immediately seek help or give up trying b.) I try to figure out how the teacher’s solution differs from me
b.) I try to figure it out on my own
18.) How well I do on Physics exams depends on how well I can: 27.) Different branches of Physics, like mechanics, electromagnetics,
a.) recall material in the way it was presented in class optics and thermodynamics:
b.) solve problems that are somewhat different from ones I have a.) are interrelated by common principles
seen before b.) are separate and independent of each other
19.) To me, Physics is an important source of:
a.) factual information about the natural world 28.) Physicists use Mathematics as:
b.) ways of thinking about the natural world a.) A tool for analyzing and communicating their ideas
20.) As they are currently used, the ideal gas laws in the kinetic b.) A source of factual knowledge about the natural world
molecular theory:
a.) are the same throughout the universe 29.) Scientific findings about the natural world are:
b.) change depending on where you are in the universe a.) dependent on current scientific knowledge
21.)The laws of Physics are: b.) accidental, depending on the scientists’ luck
a.) inherent in the nature of things and independent on how
humans think 30.) Knowledge in Physics is
b.) invented by Physicists to organize their knowledge about the a.) related to knowledge in Chemistry
natural world b.) independent of knowledge in Physics
22.) The laws of Physics portray the natural world:
a.) exactly the way it is 31.) I answered all the questions in this survey:
b.) by approximation a.) after serious consideration of each issue
23.) Physicists say that electrons and protons in an atom because: b.) without thinking seriously about them
a.) they have seen these particles in their actual form with some
b.) they have made observations that can be explained by such
24.) The ideal gas laws in the kinetic molecular theory:
a.) will always be used as they are
b.) could eventually be replaced by other laws
25.) Physicists’ current idea about the particles making up an atom:
a.) will always be maintained as they are
b.) could eventually be replaced by other ideas
26.) If we want to apply a method used for solving one Physics problem
to another problem, the objects involved in two problems must be:
a.) identical in all aspects
b.) similar in some aspects

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