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Ethics, Governance & Leadership- N1MBA07

Assignment 1- UNIT 1

Date of submission- 16.03.2023

1 Discuss various principles of ethics and is implications 10 3 1 3,4,6
in the modern business world.
2 Define Indian Ethos and explain them articulately. 10 1 1 3,4,6
3 What are all the ethical concerns for a manager in an 10 1 1 3,4,6
4 Write about “ethics in business competition” 10 2 1 3,4,6
5 Why ethics are much important in business world 10 1 1 3,4,6
6 Explain the ethics to be followed in marketing with 10 2 1 3,4,6
7 Elaborate on falling ethical standards in advertising 10 3 1 3,4,6
8 What are the major issues involved in false advertising? 10 2 1 3,4,6
9 What are the marketing ethics? Why should a firm 10 2 1 3,4,6
follow these? Explain
10 What are the ethical aspects relating to consumer 10 1 1 3,4,6
behavior? Explain
11 Explain ethical issues in HRM. 10 2 1 3,4,6
12 Relate ethical concepts in selection, training and 10 3 1 3,4,6
13 Explain the ethics to be followed in workplace 10 2 1 3,4,6
15 What do you mean by ethical investment? How far do 10 2 1 3,4,6
modern companies cater to ethical investment?
16 Briefly state and explain the code of ethics adopted by 10 3 1 3,4,6
the business firms in combating frauds.
17 Why should a firm follow ethics in finance? Explain 10 1 1 3,4,6
18 Explain the following: 10 2 1 3,4,6
a) Cyber crime.
b) Information technology.
c) Intellectual property rights.
19 Explain the ground rules for ethical behavior in work 10 3 1 3,4,6
20 Narrate a situation of unethical practice you 10 4 1 3,4,6
experienced and explain how you tackled that situation
21 Who is whistle blower? How can you protect the rights 10 3 1 3,4,6
of whistle blowers in any organization as well as in the

1 Explain the basic principles of the citizens charter movement 10 3 2

and bring out its importance.
2 The Citizens’ Charter is an ideal instrument of organizational 10 4 2
transparency and accountability, but it has its own limitations.
Identify the limitations and suggest measures for greater
effectiveness of the Citizens’ Charter.

3 A policy that makes one or several persons better off without 10 4 2

hurting anyone else is desirable. Comment

4 To what extent, in your view, the Parliament is able to ensure 10 4 2

accountability of the executive in India?

5 Performance of welfare schemes that are implemented for 10 4 2

vulnerable sections is not so effective due to the absence of
their awareness and active involvement at all stages of the
policy process. Discuss

6 E-governance is not only about utilization of the power of 10 4 2

new technology, but also much about the critical importance
of the ‘use value’ of information. Discuss

7 Hunger and Poverty are the biggest challenges for good 10 4 2

governance in India still today. Evaluate how far successive
governments have progressed in dealing with these
humongous problems. Suggest measures for improvement.

8 ‘Poverty Alleviation Programmes in India remain mere show 10 4 2

pieces until and unless they are backed by political will’.
Discuss with reference to the performance of the major
poverty alleviation programmes in India.

9 “Effectiveness of the government system at various levels and 10 4 2

people’s participation in the governance system are
interdependent” Discuss their relationship in the context of

10 Has the Cadre based Civil Services Organization been the 10 4 2

cause of slow in India? Critically examine

11 ‘Simultaneous election to the Lok Sabha and the State 10 4 2

Assemblies will limit the amount of time and money spent in
electioneering but it will reduce the government’s
accountability to the people’ Discuss.

12 “In the Indian governance system, the role of non-state actors 10 3 2

has been only marginal.” Critically examine this statement.

13 Many State Governments further bifurcate geographical 10 4 2

administrative areas like Districts and Talukas for better
governance. In light of the above, can it also be justified that
more number of smaller States would bring in effective
governance at the State level? Discuss.

15 Electronic cash transfer system for welfare schemes is an 10 4 2

ambitious project to minimize corruption, eliminate wastage
and facilitate reforms. Comment.

16 Define governance. Mention any three hindrances in the way of 10 2 2

good governance.
17 Explain any four challenges before political parties in India. 2 2
Assignment -5
Date of submission- 29.05.2023

1 What is the purpose of corporate governance? 10 2 3 1,3,4,5,6

2 “Directors are the key persons in corporate governance 10 4 3 1,3,4,5,6

structure”. Comment

3 What is the difference between Corporate governance 10 2 3 1,3,4,5,6

and management?

4 Explain about stewardship theory in corporate 10 2 3 1,3,4,5,6


5 Elucidate the structures and processes of corporate 10 4 3 1,3,4,5,6


6 What do you mean by stake holders? Who are the 10 2 3 1,3,4,5,6

major stake holders involved in business?

7 Does political lobbying affect corporate social 10 2 3 1,3,4,5,6

responsibility? Elaborate with examples.

8 Write a brief note on: 10 2 3 1,3,4,5,6

a) Stake holders.

b) Social development.

c) Corporate social responsibility.

9 How corporate could be responsible to stake holders 10 2 3 1,3,4,5,6

10 Case study: 10 4 3 1,3,4,5,6

Mr. Naren is the environmental compliance manager
for a small plastics manufacturing company. He is
currently faced with the decision whether or not to
spend money on new technology that will reduce the
level of a particular toxin in the wastewater that flows
out the back of the factory and into a lake. Recently, a
scientist from university has quoted in news paper
about that toxin. The factory’s emission levels are
already within legal limits. However, he knows that
environmental regulations for this particular toxin are
lagging behind scientific evidence. In fact, a scientist
from the university had been quoted in the newspaper
recently, saying that if emission
levels stayed at this level, the fish in the lakes and
rivers in the area might soon have to be declared unsafe
for human consumption. Further, if companies in the
region don’t engage in some self -regulation on this
issue, there is reason to fear that the government -
backed by public opinion - may force companies to
begin using the new technology and may also begin
requiring monthly emission level reports (Which would
be both expensive and time consuming).
But the company’s environmental compliance budget is
tight. Asking for this new technology to be installed
would put Jonica’s department over -budget and could
jeopardize the company’s ability to show a profit this
(a) What motives would the company have to install
the new technology?
(b) What motives would the company have to delay
installing the new technology?
(c) Why might the companies in this region prefer for
the government to impose new regulations?

11 In the light of the Satyam Scandal (2009), discuss the 10 4 3 1,3,4,5,6

changes brought in corporate governance to ensure
transparency, accountability.


1 Characterize the relationship between gender and leadership 10 5 4 4,6

and explain how emotional intelligence may contribute to
leadership effectiveness.

2 Explain any two leadership skill categories and explain how 10 4 4 4,6
they assist in ensuring that leaders can perform their duties

3 What is leadership? 10 2 4 4,6

4 Explain the traits of a leader. 10 2 4 4,6

5 Leaders are born or made? What is your opinion? 10 2 4 4,6

6 Explain the significance of leadership development. 10 3 4 4,6

7 Does a leader need to be motivated? How can leaders 10 3 4 4,6

maintain themselves to stay motivated?

8 Does every manager need to be a leader? Explain. 10 3 4 4,6

9 Is there any trend that could be called “the new leader”? Or 10 5 4 4,6
have things really not changed that much over the last 2000
10 Can someone be a good leader, but not a good manager? 10 2 4 4,6
Which is better for a company?

11 One of the main trends in the new economy is people working 10 3 4 4,6
at home, connected to work by net. How can one be a leader
with much less eye-to-eye contact?


1 ‘Effective leadership is about not postponing 10 5 5 3,4,5,6

decisions’- How this statement is described by
Chanayka ?

2 A leader should sacrifice his happiness for the sake of 10 5 5 3,4,5,6

his subjects. Comment on the statement by quoting
suitable example from Indian scriptures.

3 Leaders can be made by proper mentorship. Verify 10 5 5 3,4,5,6

this statement in the context of King Chandragupta
Mourya and his mentor Chanakya.

4 ‘Ethical leaders lead the society towards prosperity’. 10 5 5 3,4,5,6


5 Describe the characteristics of a good leader 10 5 5 3,4,5,6

according to Bhagavadgeeta.

6 Write a brief note on the qualities of a good leader in 10 5 5 3,4,5,6

Indian history. Narrate one incident which describes
his/ her leadership quality.

7 Many universities across the globe are looking at 10 5 5 3,4,5,6

Indian ancient scripts for solutions to business
problems. Do you agree? Justify your answer with
suitable examples.

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