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Postgraduate College for

Women Samanabad, Lahore.
Submitted By: Sibgha Israr 1923110040
Fatima Zaib 1923110016
Kashaf Sarwar 1923110020

Class: BSCS (8th SEM)

Session: 2019-2023

Submitted to: Ma’am Aqsa

Subject: Parallel and Distributed Computing

Title: Amdahl’s Law

Date: 13th May 2023

Table of Contents
Performance Analysis 1
Speedup 1
Efficiency 2
Amdahl’s Law 3
Background and origin of Amdahl’s law 4
Importance of Amdahl’s law 5
Limitations and Assumptions of Amdahl’s law 6
Effects of Varying the Parallelizable fraction 7
Practical Applications of Amdahl’s law 8
Future Directions and Research Opportunities related to Amdahl’s Law 9
References 11

Table of Contents of Images/Figures

Figure 1 Computation time 2
Figure 2 Communication time 2
Figure 2 Combination of both 2

Performance Analysis

• Analysis of execution time for parallel algorithm to determine if it is worth the effort to
code and debug in parallel
• Understanding barriers to high performance and predict improvement
• Goal: to figure out whether a program merits parallelization

Speedup and efficiency

– Expectation is for the parallel code to run faster than the sequential counterpart
– Ratio of sequential execution time to parallel execution time
• Execution time components
– Inherently sequential computations: σ (n)
– Potentially parallel computations: ϕ (n)
– Communication operations and other repeat computations: κ (n, p)
• Speedup ψ (n, p) solving a problem of size n on p processors
– On sequential computer
∗ Only one computation at a time
∗ No interprocess communication and other overheads
∗ Time required is given by
Σ (n) + ϕ (n)
– On parallel computer
∗ cannot do anything about inherently sequential computation
∗ in best case, computation is equally divided between p PEs
∗ also need to add time for interprocess communication among PEs
∗ Time required is given by

∗ Parallel execution time will be larger if it cannot be perfectly divided among p processors,
leading to smaller speedup
– Actual speedup will be limited by

– Adding processors reduces computation time but increases communication time

∗ at some point, communication time increase is larger than decrease in computation time
∗ Elbow out point
· The speedup begins to decline with additional Pes

Figure 1 Computation time Figure 2 Communication time

Figure 1 Combination of both

– Measure of processor utilization
– Ratio of speedup to number of processors used
– Efficiency ε (n, p) for a problem of size n on p processors is given by

It is easy to see that

Amdahl’s law
• Consider the expression for speedup ψ (n, p) above

Since κ(n, p) > 0

This gives us the maximum possible speedup in the absence of communication overhead
Let f denote the inherently sequential fraction of the computation

Then, we have

Definition 1: Let f be the fraction of operations in a computation that must be performed

sequentially, where 0 ≤ f ≤ 1.
The maximum speedup ψ achievable by a parallel computer with p processors performing the
computation is

• Based on the assumption that we are trying to solve a problem of fixed size as quickly as
Provides an upper bound on the speedup achievable with a given number of processors,
trying to solve the problem In parallel
Also useful to determine the asymptotic speedup as the number of processors increases
• Example 1
Determine whether it is worthwhile to develop a parallel version of a program to solve a
particular problem
95% of program’s execution occurs inside a loop that can be executed in parallel
Maximum speedup expected from a parallel version of program executing on 8 CPUs

Expect a speedup of 5.9 or less

• Example 2
20% of a program’s execution time is spent within inherently sequential code
Limit to the speedup achievable by a parallel version of the program

• Example 3
Parallel version of a sequential program with time complexity Θ(n2), n being the size of
Time needed to input dataset and output result (sequential portion of code): (18000 + n) µs
Computational portion can be executed in parallel in time (n2/100) µs
Maximum speedup on a problem of size 10,000

Some important points of Amdahl’s Law are the following:

Background & origin of Amdahl’s Law

Amdahl’s Law is named after Gene Amdahl, a prominent computer architect and
entrepreneur. In 1967, Amdahl introduced this law as a way to quantify the potential speedup
achievable through parallel computing.

At that time, computing systems were transitioning from single-core processors to multiple
cores, which allowed for parallel execution of tasks. Amdahl recognized the need to
understand how the proportion of parallel work in a task affects the overall performance

Amdahl’s Law provides a mathematical framework to estimate the maximum speedup

achievable by parallelizing a program when a certain portion of the program must be
executed serially. This law became a fundamental principle in the field of parallel computing
and influenced subsequent research and developments.
The motivation behind Amdahl’s Law lies in the observation that not all parts of a program
can be parallelized effectively. Some tasks inherently rely on sequential execution or shared
resources, limiting the potential benefits of parallelization. Amdahl’s Law helps us quantify
the impact of these serial portions on overall performance.

By understanding the limitations imposed by the serial portion of a program, software
developers and computer architects can make informed decisions regarding parallelization
strategies, resource allocation, and system design to achieve optimal performance.

Amdahl’s Law has since been used as a guiding principle in various domains, including high-
performance computing, supercomputing, cloud computing, and parallel algorithm design. It
continues to shape the way researchers and practitioners approach parallel computing and
optimize systems for improved efficiency and speed.

Importance of Amdahl’s law in parallel in computing

Amdahl’s Law is of paramount importance in the field of parallel computing. It provides a

quantitative understanding of the potential speedup that can be achieved through
parallelization, considering the presence of serial portions within a program or task. This
understanding is crucial for several reasons:

1. Performance Prediction: Amdahl’s Law enables us to estimate the maximum

speedup achievable by parallelizing a program. By quantifying the impact of the serial
portion, developers and system architects can make informed decisions about the
expected performance improvement. This prediction helps set realistic goals, allocate
resources effectively, and identify potential bottlenecks.

2. Optimization Guidance: Amdahl’s Law guides the optimization efforts in parallel

computing. By identifying the parts of a program that cannot be parallelized,
developers can focus their optimization efforts on the parallelizable portions, such as
reducing parallel overhead, load, balancing, and improving parallel algorithms. This
law helps optimize the utilization of resources, improve efficiency, and achieve better
overall performance.

3. System Design Considerations: Amdahl’s Law influences system design decisions

in parallel computing environments. Understanding the impact of the serial portion
allows architects to design systems that minimize serial bottlenecks. It helps
determine the number of processors or cores needed, the allocation of resources, and
the choice of parallel programming models or frameworks. By considering Amdahl’s
Law, system designers can create efficient and scalable architectures.

4. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: Amdahl’s Law assists in evaluating the cost-

effectiveness of parallelization efforts. It helps assess the trade-off between the
potential performance improvement and the costs associated with parallelizing a
program. By understanding the diminishing returns as the parallel portion increases,
decision-makers can determine the optimal investment in parallel computing
resources and technologies.

5. Algorithmic Design: Amdahl’s Law influences the design of parallel algorithms. It

highlights the importance of minimizing the serial portion to achieve higher speedup.

Developers can use this insight to explore alternative algorithms or algorithmic
modifications that reduce the serial component and improve parallel scalability.

In summary, Amdahl’s Law plays a pivotal role in parallel computing by providing a

quantitative framework to estimate the impact of serial portions on overall performance. It
guides performance prediction, optimization efforts, system design choices, cost-
effectiveness analysis, and algorithmic design. By considering Amdahl’s Law, practitioners
and researchers can make informed decisions to maximize the benefits of parallel computing
and achieve efficient and scalable solutions.

Limitations and Assumptions of Amdahl’s Law

Amdahl’s Law has certain limitations and assumptions that should be considered when
applying it to parallel computing scenarios. Here are some key points to understand:

a) Fixed Workload: Amdahl’s Law assumes that the total workload remains constant
regardless of the number of processors employed. It implies that the size of the
problem being solved or the amount of work to be done remains the same. This
assumption is often reasonable for many parallel computing scenarios. However, in
some cases, the workload may vary with the number of processors, which can
influence the applicability and accuracy of Amdahl’s Law.

b) Fixed Serial Fraction: Amdahl’s Law assumes a fixed proportion or fraction of the
program that must be executed serially. This assumption implies that the serial portion
remains constant regardless of the number of processors used. However, in practice,
the proportion of serial and parallel work may vary depending on factors such as the
algorithm, input size, or problem complexity. If the proportion of serial work changes
significantly with the number of processors, Amdahl’s Law may provide less accurate

c) Independent Work: Amdahl’s Law assumes that the parallelizable portion of the
program can be executed independently by multiple processors without any
communication or synchronization overhead. This assumption implies that the parallel
work can be divided into equal-sized tasks, and each task can be executed
concurrently without requiring interaction or coordination between processors. In
reality, parallel programs often involve communication, synchronization, and data
dependencies, which can introduce additional overhead and impact the achievable

Example 1:
Consider a program that performs image processing tasks. The parallel portion
involves applying filters to different regions of the image in parallel, while the serial portion
involves image I/O operations. Amdahl’s Law assumes a fixed proportion of the program
dedicated to image I/O, regardless of the number of processors used. However, in practice, as
the number of processors increases, the I/O overhead may become more significant relative to
the parallel computation, potentially impacting the accuracy of Amdahl’s Law predictions.

Example 2:

Suppose a parallel program divides a large dataset into equal-sized chunks, and
each processor processes a chunk independently. Amdahl’s Law assumes that the division of
data and computation is balanced, and each processor takes the same amount of time to
process its chunk. However, if the workload is unevenly distributed due to data
characteristics or load imbalances, the actual speedup achieved may deviate from the
predictions of Amdahl’s Law.

These examples highlight that the accuracy and applicability of Amdahl’s Law depend on the
adherence of the workload and system characteristics to its assumptions. While Amdahl’s
Law provides a valuable framework for understanding the impact of serial portions on
parallel performance, it is essential to consider its limitations and adapt it to specific
scenarios for accurate predictions and analysis.

Effects of Varying the Parallelizable fraction

In Amdahl’s Law, the parallelizable fraction refers to the portion of a computation that can
be effectively parallelized. This fraction represents the part of the program that can benefit
from parallel execution, while the remaining fraction must be executed sequentially.
Understanding the effects of varying the parallelizable fraction is crucial for optimizing
performance in parallel computing.

When the parallelizable fraction is small, Amdahl’s Law tells us that no matter how many
processors or cores we allocate to the parallel portion, the overall speedup of the computation
will be limited. This is because the sequential portion, which cannot be parallelized, acts as a
bottleneck, constraining the potential speedup achievable by parallelization.

To illustrate this, let’s consider an example. Suppose we have a program with a total runtime
of 100 seconds, consisting of a parallelizable fraction of 0.8 (80%) and a sequential fraction
of 0.2 (20%). If we parallelize the 80% portion across multiple processors, we can calculate
the potential speedup using Amdahl’s Law.

For simplicity, let’s assume we have an infinite number of processors. In this case, the
speedup is given by the formula:

Speedup = 1 / [(1 – parallelizable fraction) + (parallelizable fraction / number of processors)]

If we plug in the values, we get:
Speedup = 1 / [(1 – 0.8) + (0.8 / number of processors)]

Now, let’s examine the effect of varying the parallelizable fraction:

a) When the parallelizable fraction is 0.8 (80%):

- If we have 10 processors:
Speedup = 1 / [(1 – 0.8) + (0.8 / 10)] ≈ 5

If we have 100 processors:

Speedup = 1 / [(1 – 0.8) + (0.8 / 100)] ≈ 9.09

b) If we decrease the parallelizable fraction to 0.5 (50%):

- If we have 10 processors:

Speedup = 1 / [(1 – 0.5) + (0.5 / 10)] ≈ 3.33

If we have 100 processors:

Speedup = 1 / [(1 – 0.5) + (0.5 / 100)] ≈ 1.96

From these examples, we can observe that as the parallelizable fraction decreases, the
potential speedup diminishes even with a larger number of processors. This highlights the
importance of identifying and optimizing the parallelizable portion of a computation to
achieve significant performance improvements in parallel computing.

By analyzing the effects of varying the parallelizable fraction, developers can determine the
optimal balance between sequential and parallel execution to achieve the best possible
speedup in their parallel computing systems.

Practical Applications of Amdahl’s Law:

Practical applications of Amdahl’s Law in parallel computing involve analyzing and

optimizing the performance of parallel algorithms and systems. Here are some key practical

1. Performance Analysis: Amdahl’s Law allows for the evaluation of the potential
speedup achievable by parallelizing a given computation. It helps identify the critical
portions of a program that limit scalability and overall performance. By quantifying
the impact of the serial component, developers can focus their optimization efforts on
the most significant areas.

2. Algorithm Optimization: Amdahl’s Law assists in identifying the parts of an

algorithm that are inherently serial and cannot be parallelized. By optimizing these
serial portions or finding alternative parallel algorithms, overall performance can be
improved. It helps guide developers in selecting the right balance between serial and
parallel execution to achieve optimal speedup.

3. Resource Allocation: Amdahl’s Law helps in making informed decisions about

resource allocation in parallel systems. By understanding the impact of parallelization
on overall speedup, system administrators can determine the number of processors,
threads, or cores required to achieve the desired performance gains. It aids in efficient
utilization of resources and cost-effective system designs.

4. Performance Prediction: Amdahl’s Law enables performance predictions for

parallel applications. By knowing the proportion of the serial and parallel
components, developers can estimate the potential speedup before implementing
parallelization. This information is valuable in setting realistic expectations, planning
system upgrades, and comparing different parallelization strategies.

5. Bottleneck Identification: Amdahl’s Law assists in identifying performance

bottlenecks in parallel systems. By examining the fraction of the serial portion, it
becomes evident which components or stages limit scalability. This knowledge helps
in optimizing the critical sections to achieve better overall performance and avoid
wasting resources on inefficient parallelization.

6. Load Balancing: Amdahl’s Law highlights the importance of load balancing in
parallel systems. If the workload is not evenly distributed across processors, the serial
portion may become a bottleneck. By balancing the workload and minimizing idle
time, developers can maximize the benefits of parallelization and achieve higher
7. System Design and Architecture: Amdahl’s Law plays a crucial role in designing
efficient parallel systems. It helps architects determine the optimal balance between
serial and parallel components, guiding decisions related to processor count, memory
capacity, interconnect design, and other system parameters. This ensures that the
system is well-suited for the desired workload and can achieve the expected
performance gains.

By leveraging Amdahl’s Law, practitioners can gain insights into the limitations and
potential gains of parallel computing, enabling them to make informed decisions, optimize
algorithms, allocate resources effectively, and design efficient parallel systems.

Future Directions and Research Opportunities related to Amdahl’s Law

Improved Models and Laws: Researchers may explore the development of enhanced models
and laws that can better capture the complexities of modern parallel computing systems.
These new models could address the limitations of Amdahl’s Law and provide more accurate
predictions of performance in increasingly heterogeneous architectures.

1. Overcoming Scaling Limits: As parallel computing systems continue to scale up,

overcoming scalability challenges becomes crucial. This section may discuss potential
solutions and strategies for addressing the diminishing returns and bottlenecks
associated with scaling parallel applications.

2. Emerging Technologies: With the advent of new technologies, such as quantum

computing or neuromorphic computing, researchers can explore how Amdahl’s Law
can be adapted or extended to analyze and optimize performance in these novel
computing paradigms.

3. Energy Efficiency and Power Management: As energy consumption becomes a

significant concern in large-scale parallel systems, future research may focus on
developing energy-efficient algorithms, techniques for dynamic power management,
and optimizing resource allocation based on power constraints.

4. Task Scheduling and Load Balancing: Task scheduling and load balancing are
critical factors in achieving efficient parallel execution. Future research may delve
into advanced scheduling algorithms and load balancing strategies that consider
dynamic workloads, communication patterns, and system heterogeneity.

5. Communication Overhead Reduction: Communication overhead can significantly

impact the performance of parallel applications. This section may explore research
opportunities for minimizing communication overhead through optimized network
topologies, improved communication protocols, and advanced data movement

6. Programming Models and Tools: As parallel computing becomes more accessible

to a wider range of users, future research may focus on developing user-friendly

programming models, frameworks, and tools that facilitate parallel programming and
make it easier to exploit parallelism effectively.

7. Benchmarking and Performance Evaluation: Developing comprehensive

benchmarks and performance evaluation methodologies specific to parallel computing
can be an area of research interest. This would enable better comparison, analysis, and
understanding of the performance characteristics of parallel applications.

Overall, above point highlights the evolving nature of parallel computing and invites
researchers to explore various avenues for advancing the understanding, application, and
optimization of parallel computing systems beyond the scope of Amdahl’s Law. It
underscores the need for continuous research and innovation to overcome challenges and
unlock the full potential of parallel computing.

1. ^ Rodgers, David P. (June 1985). "Improvements in multiprocessor system design". ACM
SIGARCH Computer Architecture News. New York, NY, USA: ACM. 13 (3): 225–231 [p. 226].
doi:10.1145/327070.327215. ISBN 0-8186-0634-7. ISSN 0163-5964. S2CID 7083878.

2. ^ Reddy, Martin (2011). API Design for C++. Burlington, Massachusetts: Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers. Doi: 10.1016/C2010-0-65832-9. ISBN 978-0-12-385003-4. LCCN 2010039601. OCLC

3. ^ Bryant, Randal E.; David, O’Halloran (2016), Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective (3
ed.), Pearson Education, p. 58, ISBN 978-1-488-67207-1

4. ^ McCool, Michael; Reinders, James; Robison, Arch (2013). Structured Parallel Programming:
Patterns for Efficient Computation. Elsevier. p. 61. ISBN 978-0-12-415993-8.

5. ^ Hill, Mark D.; Marty, Michael R. (2008). "Amdahl's Law in the Multicore Era". Computer. 41
(7): 33–38. doi:10.1109/MC.2008.209.

6.^ Rafiev, Ashur; Al-Hayanni, Mohammed A. N.; Xia, Fei; Shafik, Rishad; Romanovsky, Alexander;
Yakovlev, Alex (2018-07-01). "Speedup and Power Scaling Models for Heterogeneous Many-Core
Systems". IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems. 4 (3): 436–449.
doi:10.1109/TMSCS.2018.2791531. ISSN 2332-7766. S2CID 52287374.

7.^ Al‐hayanni, Mohammed A. Noaman; Xia, Fei; Rafiev, Ashur; Romanovsky, Alexander; Shafik,
Rishad; Yakovlev, Alex (July 2020). "Amdahl's law in the context of heterogeneous many ‐core
systems – a survey". IET Computers & Digital Techniques.
14 (4): 133–148. doi:10.1049/iet-cdt.2018.5220. ISSN 1751-8601. S2CID 214415079.


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