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Why was the Vipeholm Study done and why have

this symposium?


Department of Cariology, Faculty of Odontology. Unimrsitj of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden

In the 193O's it had been elearly documented of a disturbance of the general condition
that the dental health in Scandinavia was of the patient, e.g. a deficieney disease, or
extremely poor. This led, in Sweden, to some whether it was due to loeal oral factors relat-
important decisions. The first of these was ed to the diet."
the resolution in the Swedish Parliament in Today this statement may seem strange but
1938 that a Publie Dental Service be orga- it was made just a few years after DEAN had
nized. When the service was planned, it was shown that fluoride in the drinking water
found that the costs would be very hea\'y as could have a caries protective effect. Further-
the need of dental care was tremendous. This more, SoGNNAES (2) had just suggested tlie
finding resulted in a proposal to the Parlia- hypothesis that a high sogar intake could af-
ment about the need for research on preven- fect the metabolism ofthe tooth during its de-
tion, and the Swedish government requested velopment. He pointed out that the caries
the Medical Board "to perform in collabora- eun'e during World War II first reached a
tion with the Board of the Dental School a minimum several years after the deepest drop
general investigation concerning what mea- in the consumption of sugar. It also should be
sures should be taken to decrease the fre- stressed that reliable animal models had not
quency of the most common dental diseases yet been developed and that results from
in Sweden." studies on humans were contradictory. The
Comprehensive committee work started situation at the time ofthe study has been re-
which gradually resulted in the decision to viewed by GnsTAFSsoN (3) and this paper
perform a clinical study on diet and dental should be read by those who, on the basis of
caries at Vipeholm Hospital, a hospital for our present knowledge and ethical require-
the mentally deficient outside Lund. It was ments, criticize the Vipeholm study.
thought that an institution of this type with In this connection it ought to be empha-
a large number of practically permanent pa- sized that before the invesdgation started the
tients would provide an opportunity to per- plan was presented to the government and
form long-term nutritional studies under to the parliament and that the Medical
well controlled conditions. In the introduc- Board in Sweden was responsible for the
tion (1) it was stated: "Studies hitherto avail- study. The physicians at the hospital checked
able had not provided a definite answer to the general health of the patients at regular
sueh basic questions as to whether dental intervals and dentists regularly examined
caries should be regarded as the expression their teeth.

continued to appear despite the avoidance

Studies and organization of refmed sugar and maximum restriction of
The studies at Vipeholm started in 1945 and natural sugars and other earbohydrates.
ended in 1954. They can be divided in three: In addition to the medical examination
I. The clinical experimental studies ofthe of the patients, a number of supplementary
relationship between diet and dental studies were performed. The most important
caries (4) of these was on the reliability of the method
II. Supplementary studies (5). Biochemical studies included examina-
III. Special studies tions ofthe sugar content of blood and urine
The clinical experimental studies started as well as pH, viscosity, buffer capacity, calci-
with a preparatory period in 1945, during um, and phosphate concentration in saliva.
which the padents were selected and the Microbiologie studies were concentrated oo
recording methods were developed. After the lactobacilli.
that followed the Vitamin Study (1946-47), A number of special studies were also un-
during which the effect of different supple- dertaken by members ofthe group, for exam-
ments on caries activity was examined. ple studies on consumption of sweets and
The purpose of the Carbohydrate Study earies activity in schoolchildren and in
was to examine how the caries activity, as Hungarian farmworkers, genetic studies on
studied under controlled conditions, is influ- earies free military recruits, fluoride in drink-
enced by the ingestion of earbohydrates- ing water and caries prevalence in ehildren,
During Carbohydrate Study I, extreme con- inhibition of acid production by substances
ditions were applied with regard to the car- isolated from the chocolate bean. Altogether,
bohydrate consumption. During Carbohy- around 25 studies were published frotn the
drate Study II the basic diet was roughly research station at Vipeholm.
representative of Swedish standards. The The study was carried out under the di-
type of sweets was, with exception of toffees, rection of the Medical Board and the gene-
the same as consumed outside the institution. ral director J. A. HojER had meetings with
The daily amount was similar to that con- the staff several times a year. The sugar
sumed by some ehildren in Lund. and confectionary industry supported the
The results are well known and will be studies. A scientific committee was appoint-
discussed in detail by NEWBRUN. Here only ed for the management of the donations
the main diagram (Fig. 1) is shown. It has and in this committee were experts from
often been reproduced and shows that sugar both the Medieal Board and the industries.
in sticky form can inerease caries activity. It The work at the research station was led
should be noted that the main conclusion is by BENGT E. GUSTAFSSON, later professor of
based on intragroup comparisons, i.e. the medical microbial ecology at the Karolin-
effect of variations in the sugar intake was ska Institute in Stockholm. GUSTAFSSON was
examined under controlled conditions. a top flight scientist and served for several
A finding which did not attract as much years as head of the Swedish Medieal Re-
attention was that about 20% ofthe patients search Council. It was very mueh thanks
did not develop any new carious lesions at to him that the Vipeholm study became a
all, although they had a frequent intake of solid scientific contribution. Another im-
sweets between meals for long periods. This portant member of the team was the statis-
is illustrated in the lower part ofthe diagram tician Professor C. E. QPENSEL. The rest of
in Fig. 2. us were ntainly young enthusiasts in train-
Another observation which has been dis- ing. Altogether, around 15 persons worked
cussed very little was that carious lesions at the research station.

g- 2-

plays a key role in the establishment of

Why this symposium? mutans streptococci on teeth and that high
The Vipehoim investigation proper (1) can sugar concentrations might favor these mi-
be regarded as a classical study in the litera- croorganisms. The reason for this, as well as
ture ofdental caries. It is therefore of interest the metabolic activity of cariogenic bacteria,
to review some of the main findings on the will be discussed by J, CARLSSON and G,
basis of newer knowledge. This seems all the ROLLA,
more important as the caries prevalence has In different parts of the world,, the caries
dropped considerably at the same time as prevalence varies widely, Mutans streptococ-
the consumption of sugar and sweets has ci are found in large numbers in populations
increased. This contradictory situation, with low sugar intake and low caries acdwty
which can generally be explained by the as well, and P, CARLSSON will discuss this
protective effect offluorides,will be discussed finding on the basis of some microbiological
by NEWBRUN, observations made in connection with the
The result^ will also be discussed in rela- Vipehoim Study, Finally, D. BIRKHED will
tion to the extensive new knowledge which talk about the development and practical
has been gained about the microbiolog)' of use of sugar substitutes with the knowledge
dental caries. We have learnt that sucrose of the Vipehoim study as a base.

A completely different reason for arrang- Dental Caries Study. Purposes and organisa-
ing this symposium is that the Vipehoim tion, Acta Odontol Scand 1954; 11: 195-206.
Study has become a classical reference in 2, SoGNNAES RF, Analysis of wartime caries re-
duction in European children, with special
the dental literature and that it could be of
regard to observations from Norway, Am J Dis
interest to discuss why. In my opinion the Child 1948; 75: 792 (only),
main explanations are: 1) a relevant problem 3, GUSTAFSSON BE. The Vipehoim Dental Caries
was examined under controlled conditions; Study. Survey of the literature on carbohy-
2) it was shown with convincing evidence drates and dental caries. Ada Odontal Scand
that consumption of sugar can increase caries 1954; 11: 207-31.
activity in man; 3) supplementary studies 4, GUSTAFSSON BE, QUEKSEL C-E,, SWENANDES-
completed the picture and supported the re- LANKE L, et al. The Vipehoim Dental Caries
Study. The effe,ct of different levels of carbohy-
sults of the main study.
drate intake on earies activity in 436 indivi-
duals observed for five years. Acta Odontol Scani
1954; 11: 232-64,
The Vipehoim Dental Caries Study. Reliabili-
Reference ty ofthe method in the determination of caries
1. HojER JA, MAUNSBACH AB, The Vtpehoim activity. Ada Odontol Scmd 1954; 11: 365-88.

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