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Complex Formation of Chromium iii Chloride and Iron iii Chloride

• Surname and initials: Hadebe TL
• Reg. Number: 21750858
• Group: C
• Name of Lecturer: Dr Ndlela
• Date of experiment: 18/04/2023

Aim Is to prepare complexes of Chromium (iii) Chloride and Iron (iii) Chloride

Question Observations Balanced Chemical Equations

We used a test tube to react CrCl3 + Na2C2O4 2CrCl3 + Na2C2O4 --- 2Cr + 2CO2 + 2NaCl3

4.1 there was no colour changed observed but, after Cr + NaCl3 + NaOH --- Cr(OH)3 + 2NaCl3

adding NaOH, a milkish/ashy green precipitate

formed with further addition of drops of NaOH the

solution changed to its original colour.

• This Complex is stable as it does not react

instantly due to their d/f shell semi filled

We used a test tube to react Fe2Cl3 +NH4SCN a FeCl3 + 3NH4SCN --- Fe(SCN)3 + 3NH4Cl

4.2 blood red colour formed, after adding Na2C2O4 Fe(SCN)3 + Na2C2O4 --- Fe(C2O4)2 + 2Na + 3SCN

the solution gradually changed colour to of the

liquid Fe2Cl3, then went to a faint yellow colour.

• The Chemical Equilibria may still change

should we add more of either 1 of the


We used a test tube to react FeCl3+ NaF the 2FeCl3 + 2NaF --- 2FeCl2 + F2 + 2NaCl

4.3 Orange colour faded the solution became clear.

Tube 1- adding a small potion gave a hint of a Tube 1: FeCl3 + 3NH4SCN + 3NaF --- Fe(SCN)3 + 3NaCl + 3NH4F

blood red colour but when adding the solution Tube 2: FeCl3 + NaF + 3NaOH --- Fe(OH)3 + 3NaCl + NaF

remained clear

Tube 2- There was a colour change to feint brown

colour as adding NaOH drops.

• On the 1st Tube the complex is more stable

as it resists colour change or reacting

• Adding NaF 1st makes the solution for

unstable and reactive

We used a test tube to react FeCl3 + KI, nothing 2FeCl3 + 2KI --- 2 FeCl2 + I2 + 2KCl

4.4 happened.

FeCl3 +NaF + KI, Solution changed to be clear. FeCl3 + 3NaF --- 3NaCl + FeF3

FeSO4 + KI + Heat, Solution turned to lite brown 3KI + FeF3 --- 3KF + FeI3

colour upon adding “I” then upon warming up the

solution changed to Mango Orange colour. 2KI + FeSO4 --- FeI2 + K2SO4

FeSO4 + NaF + KI + Heat, Nothing happen when

adding NaF on the FeSO4 soln, after adding KI the NaF + FeSO4 + KI --- FeF + NaSO4 + KI

soln turns in to a yellowish, gold colour, after

heating soln turned to lite orange/ lite brown.

This is an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction:

2 I^1 - 2 e^- → 2 I (oxidation)
2 Fe^3 + 2 e^- → 2 Fe^2 (reduction)
KI is a reducing agent, FeCl3 is an oxidizing agent.

Iron (III) chloride is produced as an aqueous solution from the oxidation of ferrous chloride with chlorine. The primary use of ferric chloride is to
remove impurities in water and for wastewater treatment.

Chromium (III) Chloride Although it is ionic, the solid-state structure is kinetically inert so that anhydrous CrCl3 is surprisingly reluctant to dissolve
in water. However, in the presence of a trace of a reducing agent capable of reducing Cr3+ to Cr2+, the CrCl3 dissolves rapidly to form soluble
complexes containing hydrated Cr3+ ions.

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