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1) What ls a Link
Alink refers to the connectivity between two devicea. h inchudes the type of cables and protocols wed in
order device to be eble to communicate with the other.

2) What are the layers of the oSI reference model?

There are 7OSI layers: Physical Lsyer, Data I Lsyer, Network Layer, Transport Layer, Session
Layer, Prosentstion Layer snd Application Layer.
3) What s backbone network?
Abackbone network is a centralized infrastructure that is designed to distribute different routes end data
to vsrious nctwors. It also handls managcmont of bandwicth and various channcls.
4) What ls a LAN?
LAN is short for Local Area Network It refers to the connection between computers and other network
deviccs that aro located within s small physical location
5) What sa node?
Anode refers to a poit or joint where s connection takes place. It can be computer or device hat is pert
of a nctwork. Two or more nodes are necded in ordcr to form a ntwork connection.

6 What are routers?

Rouers can conect two or more network segments. These are intelligent network devices that store
information in its routing table such as paths, hops and botlenccks. With this info, they are able to
determine the best path for data transfer. Routers operate at the OSI Network Layer.
T) What s polnt to polnt link?
krefers to adirect conection between two computers on anetwork Apoint to point connection does not
necd any other nctwork dericcs othcr than connccting acable to the NIC cards of both computers.
8) Wbat Is anonymous FTP?
Anonymous FTP is a way of granting uSer access to files in public servers. Users that are allowed access
in thesc scrvers do not nood to identify themsclves, but instcad log in as an ananymous gsest

9) What is subnet mask?

Aubnet mask is combined with an P address in order
nihntto identify two parts:: the extended network
address and the host address Like an P address a subnct made up fof 32 bits
10) What is the madmum length allowed for a UIP able?
Asingle segment ofUIP cable has an allowable length of 90 to 100 meters. This limitatiancan be
overcome by using repcaters and switches.
11) What Is data encapsulation?
Data encapsulation is the process of breaking down information into smaller manageable chuniks before it
is transritcd scross the nctwork It is also in this proccss that the sourcc and destinstion addresscs are
attached into the headers, along with parity checks.
12) Describe Network Topology
Network Topology refers to the ayoutut of a computer network It shows how devices and cables are
physically laid out, as well as how they conncct to anc another.
13) What is VPN?
VPN means Virtual Private Network, a technology that allows &socure tunnel to
be crested across a
nctwork such as the Intermct For coxamplo, VPNs allow you to ostablish a sccure ial-up corncction to a
remote sarver.

14) Brlefly describe NAT.

NAT is Network Address Translation. This is a protocol that providese way for multiple computers
common nctwork to share single conncction to the Internct. on a

15)) What Is the job of the Network Layer under the OSI reference model?
The Network layer is responsible for data routing, packet switching and control of networkk congestion.
Routers opcrate under this laycr.
16) How does a network topology affect your decision in setting up a network?
Network topology dictates what media you must use to interconnoct devices. It also servcs As baais on
what materials, connoctor and terninations that is spplicablo for tho sctup.

17) What is RIP?

RIP, short for Routing Information Protocol is used by routers to send data from one network to another.
t cficiently managcs routing data by broedcasting its routing table to all othcr routc within the
network. k determines the network distance in units of hops.

18) What are different ways of securlng a computer network?

There are several ways to do this. Install reliable and updated anti-virus program on all computers. Make
sure firewalls aro setup and configurod properly. Uscr authentication will also help a lot. Al of theso
combined would make a highly secured network.
19) What s NIC?
NIC is short for Network Interface Card. This is a peripheral card that is attached to aPC in order to
connoct to a nctwork. Bvery NIC has its own MAC address that identifics the PC on the nctwork.

20) What ls WAN?

WAN stands for Wide Area Network. It is arn intercornection of computers and devices that are
geographically disperscd. It connocts nctworks olocatod in different regions and countrics.
21) What Is the Importance of the OSI Physical Layer?
The physical layer does the conversion from data bits to electrical signal, and vico versa. This is where
network devices and cable types are considered and sctup.

22) How many layers are there under TCP/P?

There are four layers: the Network Layer, Intermet Layer, Transport Layer end Application Layer.

23) What are proxy servers and how do they protect computer networks?
Proxy servers primarily prevent external users who identifying the IP eddresses of an indernal network
Without knowledgo of the correct IP sddress, even the physical location of tho nctwork carnot be
identified. Proxy servers can make a network vitually invisible to external users.

24) What is the functlon of the OSI Sesslon Layer?

This layer provides the protocols and means for two devices an the network to communicate with cach
other by holding a session. This includes setting up the session, managing information exchange during
the session, and tcar-down procoss upon termination of the session.

25) What s the importance of implementing a Fault Tolerance System? Are there
Afmult tolerance system ensures continuous data svailability. This is done by elininating asingle point of
talure. However,
Gocidental this type of system would not be able to protect dats in some cases, such as in
26) What does 10Base-T mean?
The 10 refers to the data tranaer rate, in this case is 10Mbps. The word Base relers to base band, as
oPpose to broad band. Tmeans twisted pair, which is the cable usod for that network.
27) What is a private IP address?
Private IP addresses are assigned for use on intranets.cnsures
arc not routablc on odemal public nctworks.
addresses are used for internal networks nd
no canflicts are
sare prcsent arnong intamal
network while at the same time the same range of private IF ddresses are reusable for multiple intrancts
since they do not "see" cach other.

28) What s NOS?

NOS, or Netwock Operating System, is specialized sotware whose main tsk is to provide network
Connectivity to a computer in oder for it to be ablc to communicatc with other computes and connccted

29) What s DoS?

DoS, or Denial-of-Service attack, is an attempt to prevent users from being able to sccess the internet or
any other nctwork scrvices. Such sttacks may come in difarent forms and are donc by agroup of
perpetustors. One common method of doing this is to overloed the system server so it cannot anymore
process legitimate traffic and will be forced to reset.
30) ts OSI and what role does it play in computer networks?
OSI(Open Systems Interconnect) serves as areference model for dats communicstion. It is made up of 7
layers, with cach layer defining a particular aspect on how network deviccs cornoct and communicate
with one another. One layer may deal with the physical media used, while another lsyer dictates how dats
is actually transmitted scross the nctwork.

31) What s the purpose of cables belng shielded and having twisted palrs?
The main purpose of this is to prevent crosstalk. Crosstalks are electromagnetic interferences or noise ths
can affcct data being transmitted across cablcs.
32) What is the advantage of address sharing?
By using address translation instead of routing sddress sharing provides an inherent security bernefit.
That's becausc host PCs n the Intermet can only see the public IP sddress of the otermal intarfaco on th
computer that provides Bddress translstion and not the pivste IP sddresses on the intenal network.
33) What are MAC addreses?
MAC, or Medis Access Control, uniquely identifies a device on the network It is also known as physics
Bddress or Ethermet sddress. AMAC address is mBde up of 6-byte parts.
34) What s the equivalent layer or layers of the
referonce nodel? TCP/TP Appication layer in terms of OSI
T Application layer actually has throe cournterparts on the OSI model: the Sessian layer,
Layer and Application Layer.
35) How an you
By 1looling st the firstldentify the IP ciass ofa gtven IP
octet of any given IP address, you canaddress?
ist octet begins with e Obit, that address is ClasS A Ifit begins identify whother it's ClassA Bor C. If the
B address. If it begins with 110, then it'sa with bits 10 then that address is s Class
Class C nctwork
36) What is the main
OSPF, or Open Shortest purpose
of OSPF?
Path First,4, isa link-state routing protocol that uses routing tables to deternine the
best possible peth for data cxchange.
37) What are firewalls?
Firewalls serve topprotect an irternal network from otermal attacks, These odemal threats can be hackers
Who want to stcal dats or computer viruses that can wipc out data in m instant.
tirom extemal networks from gaining acccss to the It also provents othcr scrs
private network
38) Describe star topology
Star topology consists of a central hub that connects to nodes. This is ane of the casicst to setup and

39) What are gateways?

Gateways provide connectivity betwecen two or more network segments. It is uSually a computer
that runs
the gatcWay softwaro and providos translation serviccs. This translation is a key in allowing different
systems to communicate on the network.

40) What is the disadvantage of a star topology?

One major isadvantage of star topology is that once the central hub or switch get damaged, the entire
nctwork bocomcs umusable.

41) What s SLIP?

SLIP, or Serial Line Interface Protocol, is ectually an old protocol developed during the early UNDX days.
This is anc of thc protocols that ac uscd for remote 8CCCSs.

42) Give some eramples of private network addresses. with a subnct mask of with subnct mask of with subnet mask of
43) What ls tracert?
Tracert is a Windows utility program that can used to trace the route taken by data from the router to the
destination nctwork It also shows tho number of hops taken during the entirc transmission route.

44) What are the functlons of a network admlnistrator?

Anetwok administrator has many responsibilities that can be summarize into 3key functions:
nstallation of a nctwork, configuration of nctwork settings, and maintenance/troubleshooting of
45) Dscribe at one disadvantage of a peer to peer network
When you are accessing the resources that are shared by one of the workstations on the network, that
worcstation takosa perfomance hit.
46) What is Hybrid Network?
Ahybrid nctwork is a netwark setup that malces use of bothclient-server and peer-t0-pecr rchitecture.
47) What s DHCP?
DHCP is short for Dynamic Host Configurstion Protocol. ks main task is to sutomstically asign en lP
address to devices across the nctwrork It first chccks for the net available address not yet talken by any
device, then assigns this to a nctwork devico.

48) What is the maln Job of the ARP?

The main task of ARPor Address Resclution Protocol is to map aknown P address to aMAC layer

49) What is TCPP?

TCPPPis short for Transmission Cantrol Protoool / Internet Protocol This is a set of protoool layers that
also knowmas
S dcsigcd to make data cxchange possible an different typcs of computer nctworks,
heterogencous network.

50) How can you manage a network uslng a router? security and data logging. You
Routers have built in console that lets you configure different settings, likesccess, or whst particular time
can assign restrictions to computers, such ss what resourccs it is allowed
of the day they can browse the internet. You can cven put restrictions on what websites are not viewable
across the entire network

51) What protocol can be applled when you want to transfer les between different
platforms, such between UNDX Systems and Windows servers?
Use FIP (File Transfer Protocol) for file transfers between such different servers. This is
possible because FTP is platfom independent.
52) What is the use of a default gateway?
nctwork The
Default gateways provide means for the local nctwork to connect to the external
of the extemal
default gateway for connecting to the extermal network is usually the address
routcr port.
What can be
53) One way of securing a network 0s through the use of passwords.
considered as good passwords?
just letters, but by combining letters and numbers. A
Good passwords are made up of notand
passwordthat lowercase letters is favorable than one that uscs all uppe:
combincs updsmust be no words that can casily be gucssed by hacke
caso or all lower case letter8.
better than short oncs.
Such as dates, names, favorites, ctc. Longer passwords are also
UTP cables?
54) What is the proper termination rate for ohms.
The proper termination for unshielded twisted pair nctwork cable is 100
$5) What Is netstat?
Notstat sa command line utility program, It provides uscfal infotmation about tho curent
TCP/IP scttings of a connection.

56) What is the number of network IDs ln a Css C etwork?

For a Chss C network, the number of ueable NetworkD bits is 21. The mumber of posaible
hwork Ds is 2 raised to 21 or 2,097.152. The number of host IDs per network D 0s 2 raicd to
8rninus 2, or 254.

S) What happens when you use cables longer than the prescribed length?
Cables that are too long would result in signal loss. This moans that data transmisaion and
reception would be affected, because the signal degradca over length.
S8) What common software problems can lead to network folloing:
Softwaro related
client server nbe any or a combination of
application conflicts
error in configuration
protocol mismatch
security issues
user policy and rights issucs
59) What is ICMP?
ICMP is Internot Control Mossago Protocol. It provides mossaging and communication for
protocols within the TCP/TP stack. This is also the protocol that managcs cTor messagcs that are
used by network tools such as PING.

60) What s Ping?

Ping is a utility program that allows you to chock connoctivity botween network devices on the
network. You can ping adevice by using its IP address or devico namns, such asa computer

61) What s peer to peer?

Poor to poer aro networks that does not reply on a server. Al PCs on this notwork act as
individual workstations.

62) What Is DNS?

DNS is Domain Name Sorver. The main function of this notwork service is to provide host
names to TCP/P address resolution.
63) What advantages does flber optics have over other media?
One major advantage of fiber optics is that is it loss susceptible to electrical interference. It als
suDports higher bandwidth, meaning more data can be transmitted and received
degrading is also very minimal over long distances.
64) What Ls the diference between a hub anda switch?
Ahub acts as a mutiport repeater. However, as more and more devices connect to i, i wonld
not bo able to efficientty manage the volumo of traffic that passCs through it. Aswitch provkde a
bettcr alternative that can improve the performance cspecially when high traffic vohume is
cxpected across all ports.
65) What are the different network protocols that are supported by Windows RRAS
There are thrce main nctwork protocols supported: NetBEUL TCP/P, nd 1PX.

66) What are the marimum networks and hosts in a ctass A, Band C networkt
For Cla A, there are 126 possible networks and 16,777,214 hosts
For Clas B, there are 16,384 posibie networks and 65,534 hosts
For Class C, there are 2,097,152 possible networks and 254 hosts
67) What ls the standard color sequence of a stralght-through cable?
orange/white, orange, groon/whito, blue, bluewhile, grecn, brownwhits, brown.
69) What protocoks fall under the Appllcatlon layer of the TCP/P stack?
The following are the protocols under TCP/P Application Layer: FTP, TFTP, Telaet and SMTP.
69) You need to connect two computers for nle sharing, Is it possi ble to do this wthout
sing a hub or router?
Yca you can connect two computers together using only onc cable. Acrosaover type cable can
of onc cable is conocted to the data
be usc in this scenario. In this sctup, the data transmit pin
rocoive pin of the other cablo, and vico versa.

70) What is ipconfig?

Ipconfig is a utility program that is commonly used to identify the addresscs information of a
computer on a network. It can show the physical address 2s well as the IP address.

71) What is the difference between a stralght-through and crossover cable?

A straight-through cable is used to connect computers lo a switch, hub or router. A orosover
or Hub ub.
cable is used to connect two similar devices together, such as a PC to PC

72) What is cllent'server? Servers provide

Client/server is a type of network wherein one or more computers act as servors,
Cients refers to workstation that
a centralized repository of resources such as printers and files.
access the server.

73) Describe networking.

Networking refers to the inter connection betWeo
sand peripberals for data
be done using wired lne or through wireless nk.
communication. Networking can

you move the NIC cards from one PC to another PC, does the MAC address gets
7) When
transferred as well?
Yes, that's because MAC
moans that a PC can haveaaddresses
are hard-wined into the NIC circuitry, not the PC. Ths also
different MAC addrese wben the NIC card was replace by another

75) Explain cdustering support

Clustering support refers to the ability of a nctwork operating systen to connoct multiple sarve
Ina taui-Holcrant group. The main purposc of this is the in the event that one servcr fais, all
proccssing will continue on with the next server in the cluster.
76) In a network that contalns two servers and twenty workstations, where is the best place
to install an Anti-virus program?
An anti-Virus program must be installed on all servers and workstations to cnsure protcction.
Thats because individual users can access any workstation and introduce acomputer virus when
phugging in their removable hard drives or flash drives.

77) Describe Ethernet.

Ethernet is one of the popular notworking technologies used these days. It was developod during
the carty 1970s and is based on specifications as stated in the TEEE. Ethernet is uaed in local area

78) What are some drawbacks of implementing a ring topology?

In case one workstation on the notwork suffers a malfunction, it can bring down the entire
network. Another drawback is that when there are adjustments and reconfigurations needed to be
perforned on aparticular part of the network, the entire network has to be temporarily brought
down as well.

79) What is the difference between CSMA/CD and CSMA/CA?

CSMACD, or Colision Dotect, rotransmits data framos whonovor a collision oocuTod.
CSMACA, or Collision Avoidance, will first broadcast indent to send prior to data transmission.
80) What is SMTP?
SMTP is hort for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. This protocol deakh with all Internal mail, and
provides the neccssary mail delivery services on the TCP/P protocol stack.
81) What is multicast outing?
Multicast routing is a tangetod form of broadcas ting that sornds mossage to aselected group of
user, instead of scnding it to all users on a subnct.
82) What is the importance of Encryption on a network?
Encryption is the process of translating information into a code that is unreadablo by the ugor. It
jis then translated back or decrypted back to its normal readable format using a secret key or
password. Encryption hetp ensure that information that is intercepted halfway would remain
unreadable because the user has to have the correct paasword or key for it.
83) How are IP addresses arranged and displayed?
Paddresses are displycd as a series of four decimal numbers that are scparated by period or
dota. Another term for this arrangoment is the doted docimal format. An examplo is
84) Explain the importance of authentkcation.
Authentication is the proccaa of verifying a user's credentials before he can log into the network
Tis normally performed using a usemame and password. This provides a secure mcans of
limiting the access from unwanted intruders on the network.
85) What do mean by tunnel mode?
This is amode of data exchange wherein two communicating computers do not usc IPSec
themselves. Instead, the gateway that is connecting their LANs to the transit nctworkt creatcs a
virtual turnel that uscs the PSec protocol to secure all comunication that psses through it
36) What are the different technologes Involved In establlshing WAN links?
Analog conncctions - using conventional tolephone linos;
lir Digital connoctions - uaing digita
grade telephone lincs; switched connections -uaing multiple scts of links betwocn sender and
recciver to move data.

n thoWhat
evontis that
link fail,ofthere
always bo another vailable. Mosh topology is actually
one of the most fault-tolerant network topology.
88) When troubleshooting computer network problems, what common hardware-related
problems can occur?
Alarge percentage of a network is made up of hardware. Problems in these arcas can range from
hard drives, broken NICs and even hardware startups. Incorectly hardware
configuration is also one of oso culprits to look into,

89) What can be done to fixr signal attenuation problems?

Acommon way of dealing with such a problem is to uso repcaters and hub, becauso it will holp
regenerate the signal and therefore prevent signal los8. Checking if cables are property
teminated is alsoa must.

90) How does dynamlc bost conflguratlon protocol ald in network adminstration?
Instoad of having to visit each client computer to configuro astatic IP addros, the network
administrator can apply dynamic host configuration protocol to create a pool of P addresscs
known as scopes that can be dynamically 2ssigned to clients.
91) Explain proflle in terms of networking concept?
Profiles aro the configuration settings made for cach user. A profile may be created that puts a
User in a group, for examplk.
92) What s sneakernet?
Spcakernet is believed to be the carlicst form of notworking wherein data is physically
transportcd using removable mcia, such as disk, tapes.
93) What is the role of EEE in
IEEE, or the Institute of Electricalcomputer networking?
and Electronics organization composed of
enginces that issDes and man: agcs standards for e l n , 1 an
and electronic devices. This inchudcs
nctworking devices, network interfaces, cablings and connectors.
94) What protocols fall under the TCP/P Internet
Lhere are 4 protocols that are being managed by this layer. Those are ICMP, IGMP, P and ARP.
95) When it comes to networking, what are rights?
Rghts refer to the authorizod pemission to perform spocific actions on the network Each uscr
on the nctwork can be:e assigncd individual rights, depending on what must be allowed for that

96) What is one baslc requirement for establkhing VLANS?

A VLAN roquires dedicated oquipment on cach end of the conoction that allows messages
cntering the Intemet to be encrypted, as well as for authenticating users.
97) What is IPv6?
Pv6, or Internet Protocol version 6, waa developed to roplace Pv4. At prosont, Pv4 is being
uscd to control internet traffic, butis expected to get saturatcd in the ncar future. IPv6 was
designed to overcome this limitation.

98) What is RSA algorithm?

RSA is ahort for Rivost-Shamir-Adleman algorithm. It is the most commonly used public key
encryption algorithm in use today.
99) What is mesh topology?
Meah topology is asetup wherein each device is connected diroctiy to every other device on the
network. Consequently,it requires that cach device have at least two nctwork connections.
100) what is the maximum segment length ofa 100Base-FX network?
The maximum allowable length for a notwork ogment using 100Baso-FX is 412 metes. The
maximum length for the entire network is 5 kilomcters.

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