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Context and Rationale of the Study

Action Research Questions

Proposed Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy

Action Research Methods

Participants and/or Other Sources of Data and Information

Data Gathering Methods

Ethical Issues

Data Analysis Plan

Action Research Work Plan and Timeline


Plan for Dissemination and Advocacy



Curriculum Vitae of the Researcher

Reading Instruments
I. Context and rationale

Spelling is a complex written language skill, which requires a learner to possess a

Number of language abilities, including phonological, morphological, visual memory skills,

Semantic relationships as well as adequate knowledge of spelling rules (Staden, 2010).

As such, learning to spell words correctly is considered an important activity for

Several reasons. One is this precise spelling makes the reader understand what is written, so

That the message is clear and more when it is a second language.

Therefore, a student must have good spelling proficiency to convey the written

Message without being distracted. Okyere (1990) emphasized that spelling is an essential

Ability to master a language, because it allows the clear expression of thought in any written


Believes that spelling correction should be strengthened during the effort involved

In the production and editing of texts, a process that, when well oriented, begins with the

Planning and use of a series of high cognitive skills that allow a student to write according

To your communicative intention.

Spelling is an important component of effective

Message communication, since it eliminates semantic ambiguities, lexical and syntactic:

Mastery of spelling conventions facilitates understanding between readers and writers.

Consequently, spelling is considered one of the indispensable skills in written

Communication and a major component of a total language arts curriculum. Warda (2005)

Stated that spelling also affected the written performance of students. It is expected that

With little spelling the confidence and writing skills less and less clearly than entrusted

Spellers. Despite its importance, spelling in English presents a considerable challenge for

Most students of a second language (Al-Jarf, 2010; Bowen, 2011).

Writing, which includes spelling, is one of the abilities being fostered in language arts classes in primary
and secondary schools today. The proficiency with which a pupil uses a language is defined not only by his
capacity for verbal expression but also by his capacity for written expression. The ability to spell words
precisely and quickly enough to convey the intended meaning to the reader is a requirement for this skill.
Without mastering this ability, the student will be deprived of one of the most important instruments for
interfacing with others.
Even if numerous practices are evident in the Division of Iloilo City, there is still room for development.
Schools are more likely to have students with spelling issues if there are a large number of students who
do not have a normal spelling status.

Mabini Elementary School is one of the schools in the Iloilo City legislative District of the city proper. This
will allow the researchers to know and reflect on the teaching process of teachers in terms of spelling for
the improvement of the teaching-learning process of the fourth grade learners during modular learning
There will be twenty-five leaners who will be given a pre-test and post-test examination to determine their
spelling abilities and to test their learning. and to know the problems and issues of the learners in spelling
before and after the intervention.
The researcher wanted to find out the Mabini elementary school fourth grade learners spelling skills
During modular learning.

Since the role of the school is to improve the academic performance of the learners through spelling, a
remediation program is a necessity. This will surely provide an avenue for teachers to come up with
effective strategies in teaching spelling, resulting in learners become good in spelling.

II.Action Research Questions

This study aims to determine the Spelling Skills of a 4th grade pupil of a Mabini Elementary School during
Modular Learning.

1.What is the effect of modular learning in the spelling proficiency of the learner before the intervention?

2.What is the effect of modular learning in the spelling proficiency of the learner after the intervention?

3.Is there a significant difference before and after the intervention?

4.What spelling enhancement activities could be developed from the results of the study?

III. Proposed Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy

There was no prevailing cultural notion that words ought to be spelled consistently. People so
spelled words according to how they heard them or how they made sense, the researcher provided an
assessment using a pre-test and post-test designed for the learners identified as poor spelling learners.
This assessment will improve the learners' spelling skills where they are provided with flashcard before the
test intervention. In addition, this is a great help in improving the spelling skills of fourth grade learners.

According to Atinaja (2000), the basic objective in teaching spelling is to develop the

spelling ability of every learner. It familiarizes the pupils with the sound symbol and

instructional characteristics of English vocabulary in order that they

may become distinctive observers of words. Pupils always encounter words in their daily

lessons. However, it is noted that most of them do not possess such power of spelling. Their

inability to spell words correctly is observed when the teacher dictates words to them. Some

add letters, if not, they spell the words as they are pronounced. It is therefore necessary that

these problems are given attention. The teacher should execute varied strategies in order to

help the pupils improve their spelling ability.

This kind of problem in school is normal but needs immediate action especially if it is to
the learner’s performance where spelling is involved.

This study is also anchored on a Social theory which referred to the use of abstract and

often complex theoretical frameworks to describe, explain, and analyze the social world. A

good social theory revealed things that otherwise remained hidden. It also made predictions

about future actions, activity or situations. In general, the appeal of social theory derived from

the fact that it takes the focus away from the individual (which was how most humans looked

at the world) and focused it on the society itself and the social forces that affect our lives.

This sociological insight (often termed the "sociological imagination") looked beyond the

assumption that social structures and patterns are purely random, and attempted to

provide greater understanding and meaning to human existence and needs.

With the emphasis on the spelling skills of learners at Mabini elementary school during modular learning
as a societal concern among the schools, specifically here in Iloilo City, this theory will be adopted. It
will make us understand why poor spelling learners exist and have become a problem in today's society.

The participants in this study are the 2 grade 7 learners considered spelling skills learners They are given a
pre-assessment during the initial stage using 10 items of scrambled words letters.

learners are identified based on the following interpretation:

Norms Descriptive results
18-20  Outstanding (O)
15-17 Very Good (VG)
11-14  Good (G)
6-10 Poor (P)
0-5 needs Improvement (NI)

The program, a four-month remedial spelling course, will run from December 2022 to March

2023. One teacher who teaches English as a subject manages the participants. Starting at 9:50

and lasting until 10:50 in the morning is the spelling class. For the first ten minutes, a pre-

assessment will be conducted, during which one of the student researchers will present the
course using scrambled letters. Here, the students will improve their spelling skills using the

mentioned teaching resources. The learners will be divided into two groups, and the student

researchers will give each group a word to spell using scrabble letters. This exercise, termed

"Spell Me," will be led by the student researchers. And it is validated by the teacher. The next 15

minutes are allotted for a flashcard activity where pupils are provided with an intervention. The

following 20 minutes are for the spelling session proper, wherein the words participants spell

during the pre-assessment will be discussed and practiced individually or in groups through

direct instruction, picture presentation, reading through flashcards, and videos. The spelling

session proper ends with a post assessment using the words spelled or encountered in the pre

assessment. Scores of the participants will be tallied by the teacher herself for formative

assessment purposes.
A four-month program, different from the formative assessment given to the participants every day, a
summative assessment takes place. The results of both assessments will be tallied and recorded in order to
find out the speaking skills of the fourth-grade learners at Mabini Elementary School during Modular

For the purpose of finding out the spelling skills of fourth grade learners of Mabini elementary school in
the performance of the learner, a figure supplies a vivid justification why the problem under study exists
by presenting how the variables concerned in the problems are associated with each other or with one
another. With this in view, the researcher attempts to widen a framework that provides an ample
discussion of the theory. The variables used in the study are presented in the following figure.

Problem Cause Intervention

Scrabbled letters

Poor spelling skills Modular Learning

I. Action Research Methods

This action research will employ a pretest and post design. The action research methods

will include four parts, namely: a. Participants and Sources of Data and Information, b. Data

Gathering Methods, c. Data Analysis Plan, and d. Ethical Issues.

a. Participants and Sources of Data and Information

The participants of this investigation will be the 2 fourth-grade learners of A Mabini Elementary School in
the Iloilo City legislative District of the city proper. They are determined using the purposive sampling
method. Out of a total of 50 learners in fourth grade, 2 are identified, 1 from Set A and 1 from Set B. They-
are assessed using a 10-item test of scrambled words and letters (Pre-Test).

The main sources of data will include the participants’ scores in the formative assessment given every day.
A summative assessment (post assessment) will be given to find out their reading performance.

a. Data Gathering Methods

Permission to conduct the study wil be obtained from the District Superv isor of V-A
Mandurriao. Then, the researcher and teacher-in charge personaly administered the research

instrument to the participants in their respective classroom. The participants wil be given

enough time to answer the prepared reading instruments and wil be clearly and carefuly

instructed to read al the items.

The data gathering methods of this action research will follow three stages; pre

assessment, intervention stage, and post assessment.

In the pre assessment, the instruments use is the latest Phil-Iri reading inventory for

Grade IV which is composed of a 59 words passage with 7 comprehension questions. Each

participant is being caled to read the passage. The number of words miscued are tallied and

recorded same with the comprehension questions. There is an interpretation to find out if a

participant fals under non-reader category. (Refer to Proposed Innovation, Strategy, and

Intervention above)

In the intervention stage, the 24 participants wil have a consistent class every day from

Monday to Friday. Cases like, classes are canceled due to any reason, the teacher will just

schedule another session in order to complete the 26 weeks reading program. Reading session
is 1 hour from 3:50 to 4:50. First 10 minutes is allotted for Pre-Assessment where every

participant is being called to read set of words as compiled in the reading instruments provided

by the teacher and is validated. Next 15 minutes is alotted for snack period where pupils are

provided with nutritious snack as intervention. The folowing 20 minutes is for reading session

proper wherein the words participants read during the pre-assessment wil be discussed and

practice individually or in group through direct instruction, picture presentation, reading videos,


The reading session proper for formative assessment everyday ends with a post

assessment using the words read or encountered in the pre assessment. Scores of the

participants wil be talied by the teacher herself for formative assessment purposes. After the

six months program different from the formative assessment given to the participants every

day, a summative assessment takes place using a passage prepared by the teacher. The

passage is composed of 59 words and 7 comprehension questions. Reading instruments used

is duly validated by a panel and underwent reliability tests both for formative and summative


Upon the retrieval of the accomplished instruments, the data will be coded, tabulated,

computer-processed, analyzed and interpreted in accordance with the research design and

statistical tools adopted. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software will employ

in data processing and computations. Results wil then be tabulated analyzed, and interpreted.

b. Ethical Issue

The informed consent of the participants wil be secured prior to commencing of the

research to ensure a high ethical standard. This includes the approval of the District Supervisor,

Teachers and Parents of the subjected learners.

In the conduct of this study, the folowing are the ethical issues enumerated:

First, the reading remedial program wil be conducted at 3:50 to 4:50 in the afternoon

after the class. At this time, pupils as wel as their parents are conditioned to go home for them

to rest. In order to solve this issue, the researcher together with the teacher wil conduct an

orientation in preparation for the study. All informations related to the conduct of the study

especialy its importance wil be discussed. The researcher wil also assure to the parents the

confidentiality of the result.

Second, the reading time is scheduled during the dismissal period. The noise of other

pupils who are not participants could hinder the focus of the pupils in the reading session. To

solve this, teachers who are scheduled during dismissal time wil be oriented to inform their


Third, the attendance of each participant is very important so it is the responsibility of

the advisers to make sure al participants are present every day.

Fourth, participants of the study have different learning styles. They learn through

looking at a particular thing, listening, and even touching. Using various reading strategies

where developing learning styles are present is the answer to this issue.

Lastly, since there are a lot of possible problems that may occur along the way and

could create bias in identifying the performance of the pupils, the researcher wil make sure

that upon the occurrence it must be addressed immediately. Factors may include absences,

hurry to go home, and not feeling.

a. Data Analysis Plan

The data that will be gathered for this study is subjected to certain statistical

treatments. All statistical computations will be computer-processed using the Statistical

Package for the Social Science (SPSS) software.

For descriptive and inferential analysis of data, the following statistics will be utilized:

Mean. The mean will be used to determine the average scores (responses) of the

participants before and after the feeding program as to formative and summative assessments.

Standard Deviation. To determine the homogeneity or heterogeneity of the obtained

responses, the standard deviations will be employed.

Wilcoxon signed ranked test. This statistical tool wil be used to determine the

significant difference in the pretest and posttest in spelling skills of the learners as formative

and summative assessments.

T-Test for independent samples- A t-test asks whether difference between two groups

averages is likely to have occurred because of random change in sample selection. It was used

to measure the equality means.

II.Action Research Work Plan and Timelines

Stage Activity Persons Time Frame Outcomes

Initial Stage/Pre Researcher, December- Spelling
Assessment Making, preparing, English teacher January 2022 Instruments
constructing and adviser and the
validating reading respondents
materials for
intervention, and
post stages
Reproducing Researcher, January- Copies of
spelling materials English adviser February 2022 spelling
and and the Materials
questionnaire as respondents and
research questionnair
instruments e
Conducting Researcher January- Identified
sampling of February 2022 respondents
Making and January- Received Copies
sending Researcher February 2022 of the letters
letters and reply slips of
and consent forms
to the persons consent forms
Meeting the Researcher, January- Finished Meeting
parents of the English teacher February 2022 Wel-oriented
participants for adviser and Parents
orientation of the The
study Respondents
Administering the Researcher, January- Pre-
Pre-Assessment English Teacher February 2022 Assessm
Test adviser and ent
the respondents Results

Intervention Stage Each respondent Researcher Completed

wil be given a English Teacher february 10 to Results of
pretest, scrabble Adviser march 10, Assessment
letter words After Participants 2022 (Pre and Post)
that, the teacher (5 weeks)
wil have spelling
Afterwards, a post
assessment of
what the
researcher give
will follow. Scores
of the learners
will be recorded
through checklist
for comparison of
and Post
Post Administering of Researcher March 11-17, Completed
Intervention/Assessment Summative Test English 2022 Result of the
Teacher Adviser (1 week) Summative
Participants Assessment
Applying data Researcher March 17- Results of the
analysis procedure 23, 2022 data analysis
(1 week)
Drafting of scores, Researcher March 23- Drafts of Scores,
reports, findings, 2022 reports, findings,
summary, (1 week) summary,etc.
conclusions, and
Finalizing the Researcher April 25- Completed
research output 28, 2022 Research Output
(1 week)
III.Cost Estimates


3 ream Short Bondpaper 265.00 795.00
1 bottle Epson Ink 265.00 265.00
1 bottle Epson Ink (Blue) 265.00 265.00
1 bottle Epson Ink 26500 265.00
1 bottle Epson Ink 265.00 225.00
5 set Photocopy of 2.00 10.00
Consent Forms
2 set Photocopy of 2.00 4.00
2 sets Photocopy of Pre 2.00 4..00
2 sets Photocopy of 2.00 4.00
Post Assessment
1 Snacks of 300.00 300.00
2 pax Snacks of the 1,050.00 2,100.00
Participants Php 50.00/day (Php 1,050.00 x
50.00x5 days 2
= Php 250.00 pax)

Php 50.00 / pax

x 21weeks
= Php 1,050.00
1 piece USB Flash Drive 270.00 270.00
Travel Expenses 1500.00 1500.00
TOTAL Php 6,007.00
IV. Plans for Dissemination and Advocacy


1. To inform the Conduct School Divison Personnel,

teachers the conduct Learning Action Cel Research Expert, Learnings and
of the research making (SLAC) School Head, and the feedbacks of the Action
them aware of their Teachers Research
roles and
responsibilities before,
during, and after the

2. To share the results Conduct School

of the study to the Learning Action Abstract of the
teachers especialy Cel (SLAC) School Head and the Research
those who are Teachers
handling Junior High
School Learners

3. To help the Discuss and teach new School Head, teachers, New Reading
teachers identify reading strategies and students Strategies
reading strategies that suited to the
could improve the learners
spelling performance
of the learners

4. To encourage the Explain to them the School Head, teachers, Spelling Performance
teachers to do their major importance of and learners of the learners
part in welfare of the being good in
pupils especialy to spelling
those who have
spelling problems

5. To disseminate Present and publish the Division Personnel, Abstract of the

information and results research School Head, Teachers, Research
of recommendation of and learners
the study
Staden, A.V. (2010). Improving the spelling Ability of Grade 3 Learners through Visual Imaging
Teaching Strategies. A Journal for Language Learning, Per lingual, 26 (1), 13-18.
Okyere, B.A. (1990) Effects of self- correction on the acquisition, maintenance and
generalization of the writing spelling of elementary school children (unpublished PhD Thesis),
Ohio state university.
Warda, R. (2005) Resaerch based tutoring of English spelling. Retrieved on 7 th may 2016 from fulltext/ED492137.pdf

AI-Jarf, R. (2010). Spelling error corpora in EFL. Sini-US English teaching, 7(1), (73

Atinaja, M. (2000).
Improving the Spelling Ability of the Grade IV Pupils through Word Games.
Action Research, University of Northern Philippines-College of Teacher Education, Vigan City

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