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Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Graduate School

Aelia Raine V. Gonzales

Master of Arts in English Language Teaching

April 2021

Chapter I


This chapter discusses the introduction, statement of the problem, theoretical

and conceptual framework of the study, scope and limitations, and significance of the



Vocabulary and spelling skills are essential parts of learning one language. Since

English language is never an easy task, people need to have its basic foundations --

sounds and words. Some students find it difficult to study a different language, which is

why they get low scores in comprehension and writing activities.

They need to master different words and their spelling and meaning to come up

with a good writing. Thus, the ability to write effectively is an important skill that will

assist both academic study and professional life (Aziz, 2006). With this, students are

really to be guided in their vocabulary and spelling activities. Even though some find the

tasks as tedious, they are essential not only to academe but also to the personal life the

students will face after school.

Students often complain about the difficulty in remembering words that are hard

to spell. They sometimes confuse one word with another because of the same

pronunciation but different spelling. They do not have a wide variety of words to be used

when writing and speaking resulting in repetition of words. These difficulties come with

their roots. Since vocabulary and spelling go together, mastering only one is not enough.

Both must be possessed to obtain a perfect result.


Since the current school year is amidst pandemic, due to Novel Corona Virus

2019 (CoVid 19), learning is at stake. Factor such as this indeed affects the teaching-

learning process, somehow making it difficult to have the student’s attention. Distance

learning is implemented all over the nation. Both private and public sectors face

challenges on how to continue a quality education despite the virus roaming around.

Therefore, this research will try to point out the factors and difficulties of

vocabulary and spelling development to writing skills of the students.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to analyze the student’s vocabulary and spelling impact in writing

compositions. Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions;

1. How does the student spell words in his writings?

2. How wide is the student’s vocabulary?

3. What influences the student’s vocabulary and spelling knowledge?

4. Why is the student prone to be influenced on his writing activity?

Thesis Argument

This case study simply analyzes the impact of student’s vocabulary and spelling

knowledge. It centers on one individual who has all the criteria the researcher set for this

study. This study wants to prove that everything has an impact on the student’s skills.

Such vocabulary and spelling knowledge are just two of the major things people should

look upon to see whether students have the grasp to write good compositions. Thus, the


researcher wants to prove that careful analysis on the student’s knowledge is significant

for the betterment of the latter.

Theoretical Framework

Studying the vocabulary and spelling knowledge of the students is significant for

the betterment of education quality. Since the beginning, educators keep on researching

on the proper way to explain how things work around the students. The following

theories will be used for the analysis.

Constructivist Approach

Learning is meaningful if a person is an active agent of his experience. This is

valid and visible in learning a second/foreign language. One is required to speak and

write the targeted language to be fluent. Constructivists believe that students learn best

if they are doing what is being discussed. They must be the doer of the action. Being

passive is not tolerated in this kind of setting. Therefore, they gain knowledge with their


Jean Piaget, one of the proponents of constructivism, emphasized that learning

is an active process. A person who engages himself towards the actions has a higher

chance of learning than a person who keeps on memorizing things. He added that

learning should be whole, authentic, and real for a better understanding. Language

learning is taught in this way. One must speak and write the rules learned so that he

experiences the real essence of what he has learned. In this order, his higher-order

thinking skills are enhanced.


Knowledge is constructed, and so the language. People believe that words are

learned the easiest way when the child is exposed to them at regular intervals. Words

are often spoken in communication situations. For an instance, the teacher asks the

students to make a skit presenting the varieties of language. The latter will come up with

a short role play detailing what is asked. With this, the students will remember the words

they are using and probably use those in socializing.

Moreover, students should learn spelling through meaningful writing experiences

such as writing messages to others, making lists, developing plans, making signs,

writing letters to friends and family, making greeting cards, and writing songs and poems

helps children make meaning through writing (Alderman & Green, 2011). If these

meaningful experiences are done, students will remember the words. Their vocabulary

will expand and so will their writing compositions.

Instructivist Approach

While constructivist theory helps with the understanding of the processes

involved in learning spelling, a combined method that takes into account the instructivist

approach is reported to be a very effective method for teaching spelling and vocabulary

(Davidson, n.d).

Students are exposed first to the rules governing each word, how they are

pronounced and what they mean before they spell them in compositions. Since children

begin studying at an early age, they are exposed to the sounds and gestures. These

sounds and gestures will be formed into utterances of words. These words, therefore,

will be written into account. Thus, making children curious on how to write the words.


Instructions will be given by the teachers and they start with the process before the

proper activities.

Rules governing orthography must be discussed beforehand. Once the students

master the rules, they will aptly be knowledgeable on how to write words properly.

Cognitivist Approach

Spelling and vocabulary are best taught across the curriculum giving the words

context and meaning (Winch et al, 2010). Using keywords from new topic areas gives

words meaning and context. Students can also use these words in their work for

different subject areas.

Careful instructional practices are key to building student’s motivation and

confidence in spelling’ (Alderman & Green, 2011) and a classroom spelling program

should aim to be interesting and relevant for students and help them to understand the

role that both spelling and vocabulary play in communication (Bush, 2008). Vocabulary

and spelling knowledge can be gotten from how educators present the context to the


Developmental Stage Theory of Spelling

Charles Read (1971) examines the assumption that children’s memorized bits of

generally unpredictable spelling failed to account for the abilities of mature readers and

writers (Young, 2007). It follows the ordering principles of the English spelling system:

first, knowledge of the alphabet and letter sounds, followed by understanding of letter

patterns and sequences, and then awareness of the meaning relationships between

English words.


There are five developmental stages; Pre-Phonemic, Letter-Name, Within-Word

Pattern, Syllable Juncture, and Derivational Constancy. These stages encompass pre-

phonetic, early phonetic, phonetic, structural, syllable rules, meaning/derivational, and

correct spelling in the orthographic system.

Knowing the developmental stage of spelling is crucial to undermine student’s

learning about this. It just shows that spelling knowledge does not come randomly but

follows stages of development.

Conceptual Framework


This study aims to know

the factors affecting the
student’s vocabulary and
spelling in writing
Specifically, it aims to 1. Mismatched Letters
answer the following 1. Data Gathering in Words: A Case
questions; through Observation Study on a Grade 11
and Interview student’s Vocabulary
and Spelling Abilities
1. How does the student 2. Decoding of data
spell words in his gathered 2. Teacher’s Seminar-
writings? Workshop for
3. Presentation of the Vocabulary
2. How wide is the analysis and motivational activities
student’s vocabulary? interpretation from the
3. What influences the data gathered 3.
student’s vocabulary and
spelling knowledge?
4. Why is the student
prone to be influenced
with his writing


This qualitative research aims to answer the given questions above. It aims to

know the factors affecting vocabulary and spelling skills of a Grade 10 student's writing

skills. This will be conducted through interview and observation. The participant student

will be asked questions and observed his writing skills during the fourth grading period of

the school year 2021 - 2022.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This paper aims to know the factors affecting the student’s vocabulary and

spelling in writing compositions. This will only cater one student from the only Grade 11

class of College of Saint Adela located in the City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan. The

student is chosen for the criteria a) a grade 11 student of academic year 2021 - 2022

(Grade 11 Senior High School), b) low grades in English subject, and c) encounters

vocabulary and spelling problems.

This is a case study where interview and observation will be observed all

throughout the conduct of the research topic.

Significance of the Study

This case study aims to be beneficial to the following group of people.

EFL/ESL Students. Vocabulary and spelling skills are essential in English language

learning. They will benefit as this study will provide significant knowledge on how

vocabulary and spelling are affected by factors within the surrounding of the students.


EFL/ESL Teachers. As this study tackles the influencing factors on the vocabulary and

spelling of the students, they will innovate strategies and techniques for a better learning


Parents. They have a significant impact on their children’s life; therefore, this will benefit

them in many ways. They can motivate their children with the use of proper reading

materials, encouragement and support while the latter is studying.


Chapter 2


This chapter presents the review of related literature relevant to the study of the

vocabulary and spelling abilities of the student towards his writing skills.

Synthesis of Related Studies and Literature

Understanding other nationalities’ language is not an easy task. It takes time and

confidence to write, comprehend, and communicate using the second language being

taught in school. Since the very beginning of a child’s life as a student, he is taught the

basic and the foundation of language. Such as the basic alphabets with their

corresponding sounds, connecting phonemes to form words, and then up to meaning-

making, students need to learn them all. Though this, as time goes by, students learn

the much deeper sense of language. They are now encountering and unravelling how to

use grammar correctly and how does it help them comprehend texts they need to study

in school.

Students of foreign and second languages were required to study the basic

foundations of the targeted language -- sounds and words. Sounds and words were both

inclusive to the vocabulary skills a student learns in school and at home.

Many people know how difficult it was to deal with language. One language was

enough, that was the vernacular or mother tongue, and learning another one was a pile

harder. Salih (2015) emphasized that learning language could be regarded as the most

cognitively demanding duty learners may encounter. Korean and Chinese which had


almost the same structures of letters and characters may find it tedious and challenging

at the same time to learn a whole new thing such as English. However, for a Filipino

student who was taught Filipino language which had almost the same structure with

English language had a lesser difficulty in learning it as a second language. He

understood most words than above mentioned did because vocabulary learning was

much easier for him.

Thus, everyone may agree that writing is undoubtedly a complicated skill to

master for second language learners (Richard, 2002; Dehkordi & Salehi, 2016). Every

aspect of learning has been developed before writing good compositions could come up.

This was the reason why vocabulary and spelling development were indeed of

importance to the teaching-learning process.

To start, even before they learn to read, children see words on street signs,

cereal boxes, newspapers, and so on (Treiman & Bourassa, 2000). They started with the

basics and later on developed their knowledge on how words work in oral and written

form. With this, their vocabulary, the words of a language including single items and

phrases or chunks of several words which convey a particular meaning (Teaching

Vocabulary, n.d), was developed.

It had been a challenge for most of the students to learn vocabulary of different

language. Karakoça & Köse (2017) stated that vocabulary learning in a second or

foreign language (L2) was different from vocabulary learning in one’s mother tongue (L1)

due to the fact that the acquisition of L2 was a more conscious and demanding process.

Learning would take a lot of patience and understanding since students were not really

that exposed to the vocabulary of the second language.


Wilkins (1977), as cited in Teaching Vocabulary (n.d), pointed out that without

grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. It

only meant that a text could only be considered meaningful if it contained vocabulary

which would pave the way to its context. Hence, in all aspects of language learning,

vocabulary was a part and parcel.

Pikulski and Templeton (2004) defined vocabulary as the sum of words used by,

understood by, or at the command of a particular person or group. Perhaps, Language

Teachers’ greatest treasure to their students would be a rich variety of vocabulary.

Knowing a few words was enough to communicate as long as it was in a communicative

language situation, however, having a vast vocabulary would greatly enhance the

students’ abilities to speak and write.

The understanding of a word’s meaning (i.e., vocabulary) is essential literacy

knowledge that can be drawn upon for the higher order processes of reading

comprehension and written composition (Fitzgerald & Shanahan, 2000; Truckenmiller &

Shen, 2020). Students started enhancing their vocabulary since they were in the first six

grades of their lives. Teachers were prepared them to understanding meaning and

words, hence foundation was already set. It was just that things happened and somehow

made the learning difficult to go on.

Learning how to read and write can be one of the biggest challenges in children's

lives (Pollo, Treisman, & Kessler, 2008). Many things were to be considered – one of

these was the process the students acquired words through their sounds. Though it was

really difficult to utter the words, it was much harder to spell them out.

Nonetheless, children were good in hearing things. They could easily assess

words even though they had difficulties in writing at first. This would not be a problem if


they were taught the right way. Constructivists believed that students learned best when

they were exposed to the situation. In terms of speaking and writing skills, they needed

to be engaged to what they were doing. It was not enough to instruct them the basic

rules of the language, but also, most importantly, letting them learn on their own.

Moreover, effective vocabulary instructions helped students understand what

they must do and know in order to learn new words on their own (Stahl & Kapinus,

2011). Teachers played a pivotal role in vocabulary instruction. Innovative strategies and

techniques must be incorporated in the teaching-learning process for the students’ wide

set of vocabulary. These techniques may include skit, card games, motivational question

and answer portion, etc. These, as long as they were done by the students, would be a

great help for learning.

One principle of effective vocabulary learning is to provide multiple exposures to

a word's meaning (Talebzadeh & Bagheri, 2012). Exposing the students to different

activities might enhance their knowledge to vocabulary building. Thus, improving their

writing compositions. It was also important to take note that students’ exposure to

vocabularies must not be that repetitive in a sense that they would encounter the same

set of words in the same activities. It should be in different contexts such as reading

literary texts, spelling activities, writing short essays, and more. It has been studied and

proven that remembering a word is dependent on the amount of attention allocated to

the word. Greater attention to new vocabulary can lead to a greater likelihood that

vocabulary will be acquired and retained (Rott et al., 2002; Huang, Wilson, & Eslami,


Woolfolk (2010) added that to make learning more meaningful students must feel

the skills gained are part of real-world tasks. Telephone conversations, interview set,


research or any other real-life tasks would certainly improve one’s vocabulary. There

was this saying that in order to succeed, one must persevere – try and try until one

succeeds. This must be true with what Woolfolk pointed out in his paper – engage the

students to reality-based instruction and activities so that they will learn.

However, some children who develop large reading vocabularies may not use

that vocabulary in their writing without teacher’s help and guidance (Pikulski &

Templeton, 2004). Like said, teachers would always play a big role in any learning

aspects of the students. Even though the learners mastered almost all the words in the

dictionary, if they did not know where to put and use the words, it would be unfruitful.

Language teachers must always incorporate the lessons into reality-based

activities. The famous analects ‘I hear, I forget. I see, I remember. I do, I understand’

could be applied to this kind of situation. It was never enough to hear and see things.

Learning came from the experiences teachers were giving to the students. Thus, if the

language learners were into real-based activities, then they would likely have a large

variety of vocabulary needed in communication. Furthermore, Hunt and Feng (2016)

added that it was really important for the learners to understand and know the words and

be able to apply it in different situations such as writing.

On the other hand, children with lower vocabulary skills tend to be the students

who struggle to understand the meaning of a story or article as a whole because

vocabulary is a building block in learning to read (Iwankovitsch, 2013). It was not only

with a students’ reading skills but with limited vocabulary, they would find writing very

difficult. As observed by many researchers, those who contained limited vocabulary

were poor in writing. The words they used were often redundant, misused, and even

misspelled. This resulted in failing grades. Vocabulary deficiencies are a primary cause


of academic failure, which would impede students’ ability to succeed and master a

thorough comprehension to overcome communicative obstacles (Touti & Maleki, 2016).

Since vocabulary encompassed almost all the aspects of the language, it held

the biggest part in making language work. With excessive vocabulary, students were

seen as higher than the rest and those with limited vocabulary had only the basics and

undeveloped words. Therefore, affecting how students spell words in their writings.

Spelling, like reading, involved vocabulary knowledge and temporary memory

processes as well as metalinguistics (Yeong and Liow, 2011). Misspelled words were

the aches to the head of the readers. One of the criteria in checking writing compositions

was the proper mechanics where spelling belonged. Teachers were checking whether

the vocabulary in the composition contained a meaningful context, and that context must

have the proper punctuations, capitalization, and spelling. If one of these criteria were

not met, then the writer/student would aptly get a failed grade.

Sumner, Connelly, & Barnett, (2014) emphasized that spelling is a prerequisite to

expressing vocabulary in writing. Without the proper knowledge of vocabulary, spelling

out words would be a challenge. Thus, making compositions difficult to read and

comprehend. If this happened, then students would have a hard time practicing their

writing skills and conveying meaning to the readers.

Students were required to spell the words correctly to convey the meanings

needed to be shown. With a large set of words stored on the minds of the students, they

could write lengthy meaningful texts containing properly spelled words. Since spelling

was taught together with learning vocabulary, students could use both learnings in

reading and writing compositions.


This was shown as what Alderman and Green (2011) emphasized in their study

that students that have a small vocabulary have problems with comprehension and this

stops them from reading and writing efficiently. Since the vocabulary is limited, then

probably the writing composition would be incorrectly spelled, grammatically wrong, and

worst just a so-so write-up. This was not applicable in English writing for vocabulary and

spelling were part and parcel of an efficient writing.

It is agreed by Leki & Carson (1994) that the lack of vocabulary will affect the

quality of writing as compared to other factors such as attitude, motivation, and

preparation for the exam (Maskor & Baharudin, 2016). Therefore, students needed to

embrace the learning process of how vocabulary could be built on their minds. Qualifying

activities and all must be made and be done so that they would have the chance to use

vocabulary, as well as correct spelling knowledge, on writing compositions such as

essays, texts, paragraphs, and more. Once they have the grasp of how their vocabulary

affect their writing aspects, they would be conscious on the process of their thoughts

through ink.

Identifying and analyzing strengths and weaknesses of a student’s performance

is a central element of teachers’ diagnostic competence (Black and Wiliam 2003; Sadler

1989; Weigle 2007; Vogelin, Jansen, Keller, & Moller, 2018). If they have found what

was lacking, they would already think of possible resolution to the deficiencies. Hence,

making the teaching-learning process.

In a nutshell, vocabulary is central to English language teaching because without

sufficient vocabulary students cannot understand others or express their own ideas

(Teaching Vocabulary, n.d). Teachers had to be innovative with their vocabulary

teachings. Students must learn words at all cost. If the words were not stored in long-


term memory, there would be difficulty recalling it after some time. Providing students

with various forms of visual or concrete representations of the words will help create a

shared model to enhance classroom discussion and learning of new words. Let students

try out new words in writing and discussion, as well as make connections between

personal experiences and new vocabulary. This would result to a vast set of vocabulary

to be used in socializing through verbal and written forms.


Chapter 3


This chapter discusses the design, tradition and data generation method sources

of data, instrumentations to be used, and ethical consideration in conducting this

research paper.

Research Design

This study will use qualitative research which involves gathering, analyzing, and

interpreting data based on observations made about the participants of the study (Avila,

2016). This will focus on an open-ended interview which means questions vary

depending on the participant’s response and observation to the participant using the

case study approach.

Tradition of Inquiry and Data

All the gathered data will come from the instrumentations stated below. A Grade

11 student of College of Saint Adela, will be the sole respondent of this case study.

Generation of Method

This case study will be done amidst distance learning. The researcher will

conduct the study by joining the Third Grading online classes of the participant.


Participant’s teachers will be interviewed orally. Participant will also be observed for the

whole grading period. Interviews with his peers will also be done.

Sources of Data Instrumentation

This research paper uses an open-ended interview and observation instruments

to gather, present, analyze, and interpret data.

Ethical Consideration

A researcher must observe ethical consideration while conducting a study.

Therefore, a letter of consent from the guardian of the respondent will be obtained. A

letter of approval from the school administration of his institution will also taken into

consideration since observation is likely to be done inside the online classroom meet

and during discussion. The student's approval to be a observed and interviewed is to be




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