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Learning Activity Number 6

Name: _________________________Score: ________________________

Year/Program: __________________Date: _________________________
Direction. Define the following terms.
1. Global City - global city or world city is a central city which serves as a center
within a globalized economic system that enjoys significant competitive
advantages. It is an idea that globalization can be broken down in terms of
strategic geological sites that see global processes being established,
facilitated and achieved. Global cities affect global affairs through culture, or
politics. The term “global city”, as opposed to megacity, is thought to have
been first coined by Saskia Sassen in reference to London, New York and
Tokyo in her 1991 work The Global City. Global cities have their own
advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of these cities is that they
increase productivity and yield tax from higher-value industries as
headquarters of many huge businesses and multinational corporations are
found there. They also serve as transport gateways for tourists. They foster
supply chain development and demand for national goods and services and
further provide access to international markets and innovative
techniques/products. They serve as an area for financial expertise and trade
management capabilities since there are various financial, banking,
accounting, real estate, and insurance services found there. Global cities also
enhance ‘business brands’ for nations. Diversity of culture, people, ideologies,
and religion is also found in these cities. Generally, global cities have a
significant effect on the growth of the economy.
Refugees are persons who are outside their country of origin for reasons of
feared persecution, conflict, generalized violence, or other circumstances that
have seriously disturbed public order and, as a result, require international

Density per square kilometer on a global scale is related to a number of
factors both in the physical environment and in society and the economy.
Although the physical environment does not play a straightforward
deterministic role, extremes tend to discourage human settlement. Climate is a
major factor. In very cold and very hot environments the range of crops that
can be grown, if any, is limited, and this inhibits human survival.

4. International Migrants-
The movement of persons away from their place of usual residence and across
an international border to a country of which they are not nationals.

5. Global Migration-
A situation in which people go to live in foreign countries, especially in order
to find work. Most global migration is from developing countries to developed

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