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___________________ THREE-COLUMN EXERCISE

1 luxurious məˈnj_______

2 expertise stiːz

3 suite /ˈspɔːt sw eə/ sportswear

4 flour /ˈk aʊərdɪs/

5 aisle /kjʊə/ Cure

6 preface /kə ˈrɑːti/

7 facade /ˈkɔːʃəs / Cautious

8 archive / kəˈlaɪdəs kəʊp/ Kaleidoscope

9 adobe /pəˈlɪsɪmi /

10 debuted /ˌ ɪd aɪəˈrɪə/

11 mojito /hɪpˈnəʊsɪs/ Hypnosis

12 Leonard /əˈs e smənt/ Assessment

13 next /fɪ ks eɪʃn/

14 bouquet /ˈbʌf eɪ /

15 itinerary /ˈmɪs aɪ l/

16 lingerie /ˈdʒ i i k/

(American way)

17 salon /ˈɪnb ɑːks/

(British way)

18 cuisine /sɪ kw d/

Bertrand Russell
[Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd Earl Russell (18 May 1872 – 2 February 1970) was a British
philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, writer, essayist, social critic, political activist, and Nobel
laureate.At various points in his life, Russell considered himself a liberal, a socialist and a pacifist, although he
also confessed that
his sceptical nature had led him to feel that he had "never been any of these things, in any profound sense."
Russell was born in Monmouthshire into one of the most prominent aristocratic families in the United Kingdom.]

1. A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he
unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand.

ə ˈstʰuˑpɪ̆ d mæn's reˈpʰɔˑrt əv wʌt ə kʰlevər mæn sʰĕɪs kʰə̆n ˈnevər biˑ
ˈækʰjə̆rət, bɪˈkʰɔˑz hi ʌnˈkʰɑˑnʃəsli trænzˈlĕɪts wʌt hi hɪ̆ rs ˈɪntuˑ ˈsʌmθɪ̆ ŋ hi

kʰə̆n ʌndərˈstænd

2. Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To
conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.

3. The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly
absurd; indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a widely spread belief is
more likely to be foolish than sensible.

4. The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of

5. One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's
work is terribly important.

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