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RABI WEEpg BILLI BUTI (SCARLET PIMPERNEL) Anagallis arvensis It is a common weed of rabi season and infests a i grown under irrigated conditions, gardens, lawns, water ohne a moisture-loving weed. It is an erect or procumbent, annual herb. stem i weak and diffusely branched from the base. Roots are fibrous. Small bri f blue flowers are present singly in axils of leaves (Pic. 2.24a). Deve me arranged in pair and verticle plane. The plants flower during January-March, Propagation is through seed which remains dormant in the soil till October. SATYANASI (YELLOW MEXICAN POPPY) Argemone mexicana It is a troublesome annual, spiny herb and is a weed of waste places or fields which are occasionally cultivated. Plants are 60 to 90 cm tall with spreading branches. Leaves prickly usually cut into spinous segments, green or white. Stem is stout, erect, prickly and contains a yellow fluid. Flowers are bright yellow (Pic. 2.24b). Fruit, a prickly capsule contains many black seeds. It produces flowers and fruits during February-March. Propagation is through seed. Dropsy disease in human beings is caused by the seed oil of this weed contaminated with the edible oil. Pic. 2.24b 81 Fielg Py "oblems of Important Crops PIAZI (WILD ONION) Asphodelus tenuifolius This weed is common in gram crop which is mostly grown a5 crop. Under limited irrigation conditions, it is also. a common weed o} barley, etc. It favours light textured soils. It is a small herb with root rainfed f Wheat, fib tem. Its leaves are fleshy, fistular, resembling onion with sheathing iB bases, appearing to be arising as a bunch from the soil. It flowers in Marcie April. Pinkish white flowers are present in the axils of bracts, grouped into laxy racemes situated on ‘scapes’ ie. on stem rising directly from roots and bearing fruits (Pic. 2.25a). Scapes are several and much branched above. Seeds are black which are shed in the field on ripening. The seeds remain dormant in the soil till October. Propagation is through seed only. JAUNDHAR/JANGLI JAVI/ BIGGAR (WILD OATS) Avena ludoviciana It is a serious weed of wheat crop grown on well-drained light-textured soils. In paddy soils, the seed loses viability due to stagnant water. It is considered to be one of the most competitive weed of wheat in non-paddy rotation. Wild oat is an erect annual grass. Its leaves are alternate and linear. Root system is fibrous. Stem is erect cylindrical with distinct nodes and internodes and is very similar to that of cultivated oats. The panicles are open, erect with many spikelets, each spikelet with two awned florets. The seeds are brown or black, densely covered with black hairs, specially near the base (Pic. 2.25) The weed plants are very similar to those of wheat during the early stages of crop growth but can be distinguished easily at flow stage. Weed plants usually grow taller than those of the semi-dwart Mexican whe! shed in the field he field varieties. The seeds mature much earlier than wheat and are by the end of March or early April, The seeds remain dormant int ation. till October-November, Seeds are the potent source of further propags important CroPS BATHU (LAMBSQUARTER) Chenopodium album The weed is commonly used as a green leafy vegetable. It is a weed of rabi season and commonly found in wheat, barley, gram, lentil, rabi oilseeds, potato, etc. This weed also grows abundantly in gardens and waste places. It is an erect annual herb. The inflorescence arises from the leaf axils or at the terminus of stem and branches (Pic. 2.26). The seeds shed in the previous years germinate during October to December. It flowers and fruits from March to May. The plants produce numerous seeds which generally get mixed up with seed of wheat and barley. The plants have a strong tap root system and, can grow vigorously even under limited moisture conditions. Pic. 2.26 KASHNI (CHICORY) Cichorium intybus It is associated with berseem cro i I ) ‘see p only, because its growth he that it can withstand multi cuttings. The germination and Bana aa this weed are the same as that of berseem. That’s why if once its seed ace mixed with berseem seed, it will continue to pose problem for nan a The plants remain leafy till mid March and start bearing flowers only in fa month of April and set seed or mature during the month of May. Roots are fleshy and tapering. Stem has rigid and spreading branches. Leaves are oblong tapering towards both ends (Pic. 2.27a). Flowers are bright blue. Propagation is mostly through seed. LEH (CANADA THISTLE) Cirsium arvense It is a perennial weed wheat, barley, orchards an areas of the Punjab as it favours li mostly in the fields of gram, of rabi season found t in the bet d waste places. It is mostly prevalen ight clay soils. Its plant are erect. growing up to one metre in height, branching only at the top. It has creeping root stock. Leaves have sharp spines which hinder its manual removal and also makes the harvesting of field crops difficult. Flower heads are terminal, axillary, purple or white (Pic. 2.27b & 2.27c). Plants start emerging during end of November or early December. They grow profusely duri wei and remain green up to end of April. The reproduction Is through seeds @ rhizomes. T! Jeep and extensive. 12 he root system is d Pic. 2.27a Pic. 2.27b - oo’ KHURI OR LEHLI (FIELD BINDWeEp) HIRAN Convotvutas aves deep rooted, prostrate or climbing te ree et stem twines around the vo e in to een. pulls : , Srp prey eee a reed fel Pan Seeds are dark brown with very hard Seed co; ee fr to 400 brown seeds and the seeds ae Pee Due to these reasons, it is also called jac! soil fe YY weed propagates through seed as well as throu and rhizomes. ial dig host Plany The leaves ular with, ite, funne| at. A Single iable in the OCUst. This igh deep rooted Tootstocks KOUR GANDAL (SUN SPURGE) Euphorbia helioscopia / Annual (10-15 em) plant With a sharp pungent milky juice, stem fleshy, Usually with 1 or 2 9 POsite side branches. Leaves obovate, wedge shaped Size from the ground upwards, narrowed toa stalk at the base, sve hear the apex, the apex rounded or emarginate (Pic. 2.28b) Flowers Yellow. + Mconspic 3 Icuous. The inflorescence terminal, a five “ch With 3 parts. Flowerin jad j 4nd produces numey 8 Period is fy Tom April to November Per plant, Germinates shallowly, mainly from 8. It hk ji sis. Cultivated land, vineyards, on roadsides TKes Loy al. Py Se, nutrient Tich, loamy or sandy loam soils ‘OPagation is through Seed. . 68 pe eh Pic. 2.284 Field Problems of Important Crops PITPAPRA (FUMATORY) Fumaria parviflora It is an annual weed of rabi season and is associated with wheat, barley, rabi pulses. etc. It is a delicate diffusely spreading herb, much branched, with spikes of minute pink flowers (Pic. 2.29a). The plant has a weak trailing stem bearing small finely lobed leaves. The leaves are bitter in taste. Root system is very shallow. It propagates through seed. MATRI OR DOKANNI (MEADOW PEA) Lathyrus aphaca This weed is mostly found in fields of wheat, barley, gram, lentil, peas. ete. It is an annual with slender, branching stems. Stipules are modified into leaves and leaves are reduced to tendrils. Stipules present in pairs and closely appressed, function as leaves. Its flowers are yellow and flowers during December - April (Pic. 2.29b & 2.29c). Each pod contains four to six seeds. The seeds are shed in the field at maturity. Its propagation is through seed only. ot Fi ‘eld Problems of Important Crops a JANGLE HALON, PANACHOLI (SWINE GRASS OR PEPPER GRASS) Coronopus didynus It is prostrate or ascending, branched leafy, rather hispid herb, often forming a rosette. Leaves are pinnatifid, lobes spreading. It is Prevalent in almost all rabi crops and starts germinating during October. [t flowers during February-March and matures during April. Flowers are small, pale green (Pic. 2.30a). Pods are two seeded. Propagation is through seed. RYE GHAS (RYEGRASS) Lolium temulentum This is a rabi annual with a stout and erect stem; culms rarely spreading and ascending rough below the spike, swollen at the nodes. Leaves are linear. Inflorescence is spike; spikelets are large, flattened with edge appressed to axis, glumes are usually longer than spikelets; lemmas have long awns (Pic. 2.30b & 2.30c). This weed is mostly found in linseed crop, however, the wheat crop over a considerable area has also been found infested with this weed. The plants of this weed grow taller than the wheat crop. There is no shedding of the seed till harvest and are threshed along with wheat crop. Seed of linseed and wheat is the main source of its dissemination. Grain 's poisonous, an alkaloid producing fungus grows between the palea and grain. Where cereal crops are infested by rye grass it can lead to poisoning Of the flour, causing ill effects on man and animals, like gastrointestinal iritation convulsions, paralysis and severe nervous symptoms. The toxte Principle 1s considered to be a liquid narcotics alkaloid temuline produced by a fungus Bndac onidium temulentum ¢. 2.300 Pic. 2.306 & Field Problems of Important Crops LALLU GHAS Lophochloa phileoides It is an erect or ascending annual grass 30 to 60 cm high. Leaves are erect, flat glabrous or hairy. Panicle is a spike. It bears flowers from February to April (Pic. 2.31a). A common weed at moist places, in the lawns, garden beds, along with channels or bunds growing alone or mixed with Polypogon monspelienis. This weed establishes itself on saline/alkali (kallar) patches which usually remain wet for a longer period after irrigation or rain, adversely affecting wheat stand. This weed can be distinguished from Polypogon monspeliensis from spikes. Its spikes are long, compact and without silky hairs and tapering at the apex. CHEES WEED, ROUND MALLOW, BUTTON WEED, DWARF MALLOW Malva neglecta Itisa broadleaf winter annual. Plants are prostrate or spreading. Leaves are long petioled, circular in outline with a deep notch at the base. Flowers are axillary, white or pinkish. Fruit is wheel shaped, rapidly splitting into wedge-shaped, indehiscent, one seeded segments, Seeds wedge-shaped, sub-circular in face view (Pic. 2.31b & 2.31c). Propagation is through seed. Found in gardens, cultivated land, dry meadows, on rubbish heaps. waysides and walls. Principally found on ni trogen an a ich us fresh humic, loamy soils. . Gpomshechusial Fela Problems of Important Crops t MAINA (CALIFORNIAN BUR CLOVER/TOOTHEp | BUR CLOVER) Medicago denticulata : It is a prostrate plant with trailing branches, characterized by trifoliate compound leaves. This weed has got an affinity with soils rich in clay content. Papilonaceous flowers are bright yellow and the appear in clusters from January onward. Fruits are coiled, spiny, containing minute seeds which are generally dispersed by irrigation water and by sticking to farm animals (Pic. 2.32a). Propagation is through seed. In wheat, it usually germinates after first irrigation. WILD SENJI (SWEET CLOVER) Melilotus indica Itis a common weed of rabi season. It favours medium to heavy soils. There are two species ie. Melilotus alba-a white flowered and Melilotus indica-a yellow flowered. Under many situations both species are found side by side in the field. There is very little difference between the two from agriculture point of view. It is an annual, robust, 30-60 cm high, well branched plant. It flowers in March. Propagation is through seed. At 8) ae seeds are shed in the field and remain dormant in the aa al mai , ty November (Pic. 2.32b). The weed can be used as fodder eld till October- Pic. 2.32b Oblems of Important Crops a a KHUMBI (BROOM RAPE) Orobanche aegyptiaca or O. indica 7 An erect, pale brown, flower stalk rising from the ground Without foliage leaves and root parasite, grow during rabi season. This plant lacks chlorophyll and is parasitic on the roots of rapeseed and mustard, tobacco, gram, etc. Flowers are blue, many sessile, in a somewhat lax, spike. Bracts ovate, accuminate, capsule oblong, glabrous. Flowers and fruits during colq season up to February-March (Pic. 2.33a). Propagated by seeds and grows chiefly in sandy soils. GULLI DANDA OR SITTI (CANARY GRASS) Phalaris minor This weed (canary grass) is a robust weed associated with wheat crop and poses a serious threat to the cultivation of wheat crop. The problem of this weed has become serious after the introduction of semi-dwarf Mexican wheat varieties because the weed grows taller than wheat and provides intense competition to the crop. This weed is particularly serious in fields where paddy-wheat rotation is followed. Its plant resembles wheat plant and cannot be distinguished easily till flowering. However, at seedling Stage, the base of the plant is light pink, which helps in its identification. It starts germinating from October to December and comes into flowering in March. Each seedling gives 3-4 tillers under crop situations and gives profuse tillering in the open habitat, The stem of the weed Is erect with distinct ; branch from nodes. As a result, the plants STO al goes fants Leaves are linear with finely pointed tips; ligule exceptional] ji wheat crop. ci fong) and clasps the stem (Pic. 2.336), Spikelets are neue one oOUt | seeds are smal, shinning and resemble those of linseed, eye contre humerous seeds. The seeds mature before wheat harvest get Pant Produce in the soil tll October-November: Its propa rough en oom "Seed arvest ‘ation is th Pic. 2.33a Pic, 2.33b im a BUEEN (ANNUAL MEADOW GRASS) | Poa annua It is a low growing annual grass weed commonly called ‘Bueen’. {t isa problem weed in wheat, berseem, potato and some other field crops. It also poses a serious problem in lawn and orchards. It starts growing from enq September or early October onward in fields which remain continuously wet The plants have profuse tillering with fibrous root system and they attain a height of only 15-30 cms. Leaves are linear and light green in colour. Each plant produces numerous small seeds. Poa infested fields show a mat like appearance and as a result the weed causes a severe reduction in yield of crops (Pic. 2.34a). Its propagation is through seeds. LOOMBER GHAS (FOXTAIL GRASS) Polypogon monspeliensis It is an annual tufted grass, stout or slender from a geniculate base. It is mostly prevalent in continuously wet places, along the channels, bunds, garden beds, lawns, etc. This weed infests rabi crops in patches which remain continuously wet after irrigation/rain. It emerges late in the winter season and becomes very bushy at the moist places. Leaves are flat, lineat. Panicles are spike like dense, somewhat light green silky (Pic. 2.34b). Propagation is through seed. Pic. 2.34b JANGLI PALAK (GOLDEN DOCK) Rumex maritimus or Rumex dentatus It is a stout erect annual 30 to 120 cm high, occurring mostly on wer ground along river banks and in ber areas or on fertile soils with sufficient moisture holding capacity. It mostly infests crops like wheat, barley, lentil, potato. etc. Stem is erect and well branched. Roots are deep and red coloured, Leaves are lanceolate narrowed into the petiole. Whorl of flowers is lax or dense. Flowers are green at initial stage but turn to brownish red at maturity, The plants come in flowering during February-March and mature during April (Pic. 2.35a). Propagation is through seed. The seed often gets mixed with wheat or other crops during threshing. KANDIALI/KHATO PALAK (EMEX NECK) Rumex spinosus or Emex spinosa A decumbent or ascending, glabrous broadleaf annual. Long tap roots are more or less spindle shaped. Stem cylindrical groved when dry, sub dichotomously branched near the base, somewhat swollen at nodes, at length fistular. Leaves rounded at apex; margins entire, glabrous on both surfaces. the veins prominent beneath, petioles of basal leaves much longer. Flowe!s monoecious pink/purple in colour (Pic. 2.35b & 2.35c). Fruits trigonous: brown with hardened perianth with a pointed tip like a spine. Flowering and fruiting during January-April Propagation is through seed. | Pic, 2.35¢ _ TAKLA (FORKED CATCHFLY) Silene conoidea It is an annual rabi weed commonly associated with wheat, gram, lentil and rabi oilseeds and mostly favours light textured soils. It is an erect, dichotomously branched herb; with alternate sessile, oblong, cauline, sometimes narrow leaves. Flowers are pink. The plants start bearing flowers from mid February to end March. Capsule is crustaceous. Propagation is through seed (Pic. 2.36a). At maturity, seed gets shattered and remains dormant in the soil till October. JANGLI SARSON (WILD MUSTARD OR LONDON ROCKET) Sisymbrium irio This weed infests almost all rabi crops grown under irrigated conditions. itis an annual herb with pinnatifid pedicellate leaves. Flowers are small yellow cruciferous. Pods are thin, long, erect, slender with seeds only on one row and similar to that of cultivated Brassica (Pic. 2.36b). The plants come in flowering during February-March. Al] plants come in flowering during February-March. At maturity, seeds get shattered and remain dormant in the field till October, Propagation is through seed only. Pic. 2.36b _ DODAK (MILK WEED, FIELD SOWTHISTLE, COMMON SOW THISTLE) Sonchus arvensis It is a winter annual broadleaf plant and has milk sap. Plant is Smooth, stout, often tall, erect stem with branches towards the top; alternate smooth dark green leaves toothed with small, weak spined, bright yellow flowers in a loose terminal cluster. The corolla consists of a tube and a long strap shaped. The fruit is small, oblong, flattened ribbed, transversely wrinkled achene crowned with fine white, copious bristles (Pic. 2.37a). Flowers and fruits during February-April. Its seeds are disseminated chiefly by winds, Propagation is through seed. MAINI (TRIGONELLA) Trigonella polycerata The weed favours light to medium textured soils and is mostly associated with rabi pulses, oilseeds wheat, barley, etc. It also grows along the channels and paths. It is a prostrate annual herb with trifoliate compound leaves. Flowers are sessile, one to six papilionaceous, lemon-yellow. Pods ate curved or sickle-shaped and ten to twenty seeded. Seeds after maturity are shed in the field and remain dormant till October-November (Pic. 2.370). Propagation is through seed. YS REWARI OR RARI (VETCH) Vicia sativa It is an annual weed mostly associated with lentil, gram, peas, Wheat barley etc. Plants are suberect; leaflets are in pairs, oblong, rachis ends in | short tendril. Flower is solitary, red or violet in colour (Pic. 2.38a & 2.38b) The plants come in flowering during February-March. Pods are nNon-hairy and eight to ten seeded. Propagation is through seed. The seed get shattered in the field at maturity and remain dormant in the soil till October.

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