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'FOOLS': Devin Nunes rips top Democrats for pushing false narrative on Russia collusion


Fox business

In 2018, California Congressman Devin Nunes stated that the House would declassify documents
related to the Trump-Russia collusion lie, and that the mainstream media was not covering the real
story. He also revealed how top Democrats tried to discredit his memo, which blew wide open the
fact that the collusion story was a lie. The Democrats released a hashtag claiming the memo gained
traction because of Russian bots, which resulted in national media calling Nunes and his report a
joke. However, recent Twitter times reveal that this was not true and that these Democrats knew
there was nothing there.

From this text, one can learn that in 2018, California Congressman Devin Nunes claimed that the
mainstream media was not covering the real story of the Trump-Russia collusion lie and that the
House would declassify documents related to the matter. Additionally, it is revealed that top
Democrats tried to discredit Nunes' memo, which revealed that the collusion story was a lie, by
claiming that it gained traction because of Russian bots, despite knowing that this was not true.


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What to expect from the housing market in 2023

CBS news 3jan

The text discusses the potential and forecast for the 2023 housing market. It notes that existing
home sales dropped for the 10th month in a row in November, down more than 35% from a year
prior. However, despite the drop in sales, home prices have increased across the country. The
median existing home price for all housing types was around $371,000 in November, which is up
from $358,000 in November of 2021. Jason, the Co-Founder of Parcel Labs, is interviewed and
discusses two potential paths for the housing market in 2023. One path is a recession, which would
add a third factor to home prices and lead to a lack of buyers. The other path is controlling inflation
and carefully monitoring interest rates, which would lead to a decline in home prices to make them
more affordable.

The housing market in 2023 is expected to be affected by factors such as higher interest rates, a
potential recession, and inflation. The expert suggests that home prices may decline in order to
make them more affordable for buyers. Potential homebuyers are advised to look out for motivated
sellers and developers who may be willing to sell at a discount due to the current market conditions.

Affordability crisis


Interest rates



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