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Speech Emotion Recognition System for Human Interaction

Mai El Seknedy Sahar Fawzi .
Nile University Nile University
Giza, Egypt Giza, Egypt

Abstract— Speech emotion recognition systems are needed the quality of service and analyze the client’s psychological
nowadays in many human interaction applications such as attitude to take needed actions on the spot during the call.
call-centers, e-learning, autonomous driver emotion Furthermore, e-learning is emerging at incredible rates due
detection, and physiological diseases analysis. The existing to the current situation. It will be beneficial to have an
speech emotion recognition systems focus mainly on a emotional state indication of students/attendants to
single corpus. On the other hand, the speech emotion differentiate if they are frustrated, angry, happy, calm, or
recognition performance on cross-corpus is still an ongoing neutral. This will lead to high improvement in social
challenge in the research domain. This paper presents a communication and ways of transferring information [2].
study for speech emotion recognition tested on 3 widely Moreover, SER is taking an emerging role in the medical
used languages (English, German and French) using sector where identifying the patient’s response to the
RAVDESS, EmoDB and CaFE datasets. Four Machine prescribed medicine or therapy is very important in deciding
learning classifiers: Multi-Layer Perceptron, Support Vector the best medical treatment program. The authors of this
Machine, Random Forest and Logistic Regression have been research work [3] mentioned the impact of SER on Autism
used. A newly developed feature set was introduced Spectrum Disorder (ASD) patients who usually suffer from
consisting of main speech features as prosodic features, defects in facial expressions. Thanks to this advanced
spectral features and energy. Very promising results were technology, they can offer a psychophysiological alternative
obtained using this feature-set even when compared with the modality through SER to analyze emotions through speech.
benchmarked feature-set “Interspeech 2009”. Furthermore, Emotions play an important role in interpreting human
Feature importance techniques were used to study the feelings since that research has discovered the power of
feature importance per each classifier across each corpus. emotions in defining human social interactions [4].
From our results, it was found that SVM is the best classifier
from recognition rates and running performance point of In this research, we provide a model that is capable of
view. The model achieved an accuracy of 70.56% on identifying the effect of emotional state on the end-user
RADVESS, 85.97% on Emodb and 70.61% on CaFE. customer in the previously mentioned applications. It also
tackles the challenge of the cross-corpus SER system
Keywords: Speech emotion recognition, Cross corpus, Mel especially that there are a lot of SER researches targeting a
frequency cepstral coefficients, prosodic features, Mel- single language and not taking into consideration the cross-
spectrogram features, Acted datasets corpus model generalization. This will enable the SER
system to interact in real-life applications which are not just
I. INTRODUCTION unilingual. This work studies the effect of different feature
set combinations as the prosodic related features (intonation,
S peech Emotion Recognition (SER) has a wide range of
applications in human interacting systems that can
comprehend human emotions to enhance the interactive
Fundamental Frequency), spectral features (Contrast), ZCR,
RMS, MFCCs and Mel Spectrograms to predict accurate
emotions for single and cross-corpus. Furthermore, it studies
experience. Useful applications include human-computer
the impact of each of the introduced languages with the
interaction, mental health analysis, autonomous vehicles,
features. The model performance is tested on 3 benchmarked
commercial applications, call centers, web-based e-learning,
acted databases: RAVDESS, EmoDB and CaFE in 3
computer games analytics and psychological diseases
different languages (English, German and French). To
analysis. For example, call center agents can have triggers of
compare our developed feature-set performance, we tested
the customer state which helps to handle the customers more
the model performance on the benchmarked
efficiently.SER can also be integrated with the churn
INTERSPEECH 2009 feature set (IS09) which is based on
prediction model as in telecom companies [1]. In other
the INTERSPEECH 2009 Emotion Challenge [21], [32]. For
words, the call center agencies will be able to have an alarm
classification, four supervised machine learning models
for unsatisfied, satisfied, or neutral customers to analyze the
including Support Vector Machine (SVM), Multi-Layer
behavioral study of the customers. This will help to improve
Perceptron (MLP), Simple Logistic Regression (SLR) and

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Random Forest (RF) was used. Then we analyzed the dependent on the corpus used, the language and the
relationship between each classifier and the used features to classification algorithm.
get insights about the most leading features per classifier. Regarding, Classification we can see that there are a wide
The performance of speech emotion recognition is analyzed variety of ML algorithms used in SER domain as Hidden
using 10 folds to ensure the model generalization and Markov models (HMM), Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM),
stability. Moreover, different testing-training splits (80-20 Support Vector Machine (SVM), tree-based Models
and 90-10) were applied to compare our results versus (Random Forest), K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN), Logistic
previous research works. We used mainly 3 evaluation Regression and recently most popular Artificial Neural
metrics which are accuracy, recall rate and precision. Networks (ANN) during previous researches studies they
showed that each classifier has its own advantage and
This paper is organized as follows: a literature review with limitation [8], [11], [24], [26]. Also, the previous literature
advances in SER is presented in Section 2, the methodology review showed that recently there’s a great focus on the
is presented in Section 3 including the datasets, feature multi-lingual corpus where many researchers started to focus
extraction, the models and the experimental setup, Section 4 on adapting the cross-corpus concept after realizing that
presents the results of the experiments and finally, Section 5 training and evaluating the model on a single language won’t
introduced our conclusion and future work. perform as good as when applied on the cross-corpus
dataset. So, we can see that the stream is moving towards the
II. LITERATURE REVIEW cross-corpus models [10], [12], [13], [7], [26]. Most recent
Speech emotion recognition is the ability to interpret the research focuses on the new AI techniques for SER
speaker’s emotional state from his speech. Over the past classification as ensemble learning which is the process by
decade, SER research has shown a significant increase and which multiple models, such as classifiers, are combined to
solve a particular computational intelligence problem using
has highlighted multiple factors for better emotion
different techniques as majority voting, it showed the
recognition such as the datasets, speech extracted features
capability of enhancing the prediction results as in [8], [14],
and classifiers more details can be found in this survey [5].
For, the databases many types have been used in SER
systems as acted, Elicited and non-acted [5]. Also, the Artificial neural networks are currently the most dominant
database’s psychographic factors affect the SER stream in SER as CNN, LSTM, Auto-encoders, RNN and
performance as the speaker’s gender and age have been attention-based model [10] they are showing very promising
studied in research [6]. One key player in SER systems is results especially CNN. Where recently the ordinary feature
features used, where a precise set of features that sets are being fed to the network as MFCCS or through a
successfully describe the emotions can enhance greatly the whole new paradigm of training pre-defined CNN model
recognition success rate. Various types of features have been (Transfer Learning) on spectrogram images of the speech as
used in SER systems as Prosodic features which mainly in [10] [15]. Some authors studied the impact of passing
describe the intonation and rhythm of the speech signal such directly the raw speech signal to the network and letting the
as pitch, intensity and fundamental frequency F0 [5], [7], network learn the speech features itself [16]. Multimodal
[8]. Along with spectral features (spectral contrast, spectral systems with deep neural networks took place as well as
bandwidth, centroid and cutoff), signal energy features recently we can find integration between speech and text for
(RMS), Mel spectrogram features are used as feature vector emotion classifications as in [30] and between speech and
and as images in new deep learning studies. Then, the most visual images as in [31].
famous and widely used feature in SER domain is Mel-
frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) as it represents III. METHODOLOGY
speech in a better way by taking the advantage of auditory In this research, supervised machine learning
perception of humans and was proved to contain rich speech algorithms were used to automatically detect the speaker’s
characteristics. MFCC was excellent at expressing emotions emotions. Three free open sources acted datasets were used
through speech and was used in many studies as [2], [9], in training and evaluation, using four classification
[24], [26], [27], [29]. algorithms to identify the speaker’s emotions.

Also, recently the new methods as deep neural networks A. Datasets

showed a high interest in MFCC Features as the authors of
RAVDESS: Ryerson Audio-Visual Database of Emotional
research [10] depends on MFCCs along with spectrogram
Speech and Song is a dynamic, gender-balanced dataset of
images to train deep neural network system using CNN and
lexically-matched statements in an American accent
LSTM. Furthermore, there are linear prediction coefficients
consisting of 24 actors (12 male and 12 female). It includes
(LPC) based features and Voice Quality Features as Jitter 8 emotions: angry, happy, neutral, sad, calm, fearful,
and Shimmer [27] that are used as well beside prosodic and surprise, and disgust. Each expression is produced at two
spectral features. There’s no general approved set of levels of emotional intensity and neutral expression. It
features for precise emotion recognition results it’s consists of total utterances of 1440 wav files with a sampling
rate of 48 kHz [17].

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MFCCs coefficients to the first 14 as mainly speech
EmoDB: Berlin Database of Emotional Speech is a German information are carried in first 20 coefficient and Mel
language emotional corpus consisting of 5 male and 5 spectrogram filters to first 8 based on best practices. The
female actors speaking ten utterances in 7 emotions: angry, statistical functions were increased to 6 functions. We
happy, neutral, sad, boredom, fear and disgust. It consists of used librosa python package to generate both feature sets.
total utterances of 535 wav files with a sampling rate of 16 Further details about both feature sets are displayed in
kHz [18]. Table.2.
To validate our developed featureset performance we tried
CaFE: Canadian French Emotional speech database consists another benchmarked featureset INTERSPEECH 2009
of 6 different sentences consisting of 6 male and 6 female Paralinguistic Challenge feature set (IS09) which was
actors speaking in 7 emotions: angry, happy, neutral, sad, used before in many papers and proved accurate results n
surprise, fear and disgust. Each expression is produced at 2 SER systems [12], [32]. The IS09 feature set contains 384
different intensities. It consists of total utterances of 936 wav features that result from a systematic combination of 16
files with a sampling rate of 192 kHz. It is provided as well Low-Level Descriptors (LLDs) and corresponding first
downsampled with a sampling rate of 48 kHz which is used order delta coefficients with 12 functions. The16 LLDs
during this research [19]. consist of zero-crossing-rate (ZCR), root mean square
(RMS) frame energy, pitch frequency, harmonics-to-noise
Summary details about databases are as shown in Table.1. ratio (HNR) and MFCC. OpenSmile toolkit was used to
generate this featureset.
Table.1 – Databases description
Table.2 – Feature sets description
Emotion Number
Dataset Language Utterances Labels of Actors Feature Description Tool Statistical
angry, happy, functions
RAVDESS English 1440 neutral, sad, 24 Feature- set1 - 40 MFCC Librosa -Mean
calm, fearful, - Mel-spectrogram (python -Standard
surprise and - RMS library) deviation
- 12 Chroma
angry, happy, Total
- Tonnetz
EmoDB German 535 neutral, sad, 10
- 8 Contrast features:
boredom, fear
and disgust
angry, happy, Feature- set2 - 14 MFCC Librosa + -Min
CaFE French 936 neutral, sad, 12 - 8 Mel-spectrogram pYAAPT -Max
surprise, fear - RMS (pitch -Standard
and disgust - 12 Chroma tracking deviation
- Tonnetz algorithm -Mean
- 8 Contrast in python) -Range
- Zero crossing rate (max-min)
- Fundamental -
B. Features extraction Percentiles
frequency (F0)
- Pitch (25, 50,
Different features have been extracted and used in - Signal’s low- 75,90)
SER systems, but there is no generic or precise set of frequency band
mean energy
features that can be used for best results. Also, it was Total
found through this research that the ML algorithm used is features:
playing a role as well in feature effectiveness and feature 122
importance. Also, each emotion can be represented or IS09 - RMS Opensmile -Min
captured from different speech features as “Angry” you 2009 Emotion - ZCR -Standard
will find high pitch frequency with a lot of fluctuations, Challenge - Voicing deviation
while the “Neutral” emotion trajectories curve is flatter. feature set) probability -Mean
On the other hand, from past researches, the majority - F0 -Range
agreed on a generic feature baseline and they classified -maxPos
features into two generic main streams: Prosodic and -minPos
Spectral features [20]. -linregc1
In this paper, we developed 2 new feature sets based on -linregc2
previous work experiences. So, we first developed generic linregerrQ
Featureset-1 containing: MFFCCs (first 40 coefficients), -skewness
Mel-spectrogram (with mel bank of 128 filters), spectral -kurtosis
contrast, Root Mean square, the tonal centroid features
(tonnetez), chroma features using 2 statistical functions. features:
Then, we enhanced featureset-1 by including prosodic 384
Features (F0, pitch frequencies, Signal’s low-frequency
band mean energy ), Zero-crossing rate and reduced

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Table.4 – Top 10 features using Information gain per language
C. Feature Importance Language MLP SVM Random Logestic Regression
Choosing the most suitable features to describe the speech RADVES ZCR(1) MFCC(8) Mel- MFCC(7)
signal is considered a key player in enhancing SER S MFCC(5) Pitch(1) Spec(5) ZCR(1)
Pitch (1) ZCR(1) MFCC(2) Contrast (1)
performance. During, this analysis we explored feature F0(1) RMS(2) Pitch (1)
ranking per each language to analyze how language Contrast(2) Contrast(1)

databases are affected by a group of features. Also, studied EmoDB Pitch(3) MFCC(7) RMS (1) MFCC(7)
classifier impact and how each classifier is impacted by the ZCR(1) pitch(2) MFCC (4) Pitch(2)
feature’s subset. Firstly we used the filter method based on a Mel-Spec(3)
tonnetz(1) Mean-
Energy (1)
Tonnetz (1)

statistical model to get an overview of feature importance RMS(2) Mel-

w.r.t each language and then used the wrapped method Spec(2)
“permutation importance” to study the top features per each F0
1. Information Gain (IG): here, we used the filter method MFCC(9) F0 Contrast(1) Tonnetez(1)
which pick-up the intrinsic properties of the features RMS(1) Mel-Spec(1)
measured via univariate statistics. This method relies on Mel-
Information gain between each feature variable to the Pitch(1)
target variable. We then selected the top 10 features per
each language as in Table.3. The number provided is the It was found that there are similarites between both
count of statistical functions that appeared per each methods but our aim was to look from statitical point of
feature. view (IG) for model as well as per classifer impact (PI)

Table.3 – Top 10 features using Information gain per language D. Feature Scaling
Language Features Many machine learning algorithms work better
RADVESS Mel spectrogram (8) when features are normalized on a relatively similar scale
RMS (3)
and close to normally distributed. It works on reducing
MFCC (6)
F0 (1) those variations of speakers, languages and recordings
Signal Mean Energy (1) environmental conditions effect on the recognition
EmoDB Pitch (3) process. There are many Normalization techniques as
MFCC (6) Standard Scaler and Minimum and Maximum Scaler
(MMS) [23],[26]. Minimum and Maximum scaler (MMS)
CaFE RMS (1) method is used during this work after the extraction of
Mel spectrogram (1) features to transform the features by scaling each one to a
MFCC (2)
given range from 0-1 AS calculated in Eq. (1). The choice
Pitch (2) of MMS was selected after experimenting both MMS and
Contrast (2) Standard scaler where MMS has shown better results.
Signal Mean Energy (1) Also, from literature review as paper[26] MMS was used.
2. Permutation Importance (PI): is a model-agnostic 𝑋𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑑 = (𝑋 − min) / (max −min) (1)
global explanation method that provides insights into a
machine learning model’s behavior. It estimates and Where X is the input features and min/max is the features
ranks feature importance based on the impact each ranges.
feature has on the trained machine learning model’s
predictions [22]. Table.4 shows the top 10 features E. Machine Learning Models
(weighted per statistical functions) per each classifier During, this research four classification techniques were
per each corpus. And, MFCC is the most dominant considered: Firstly, Support vector Machine (SVM) which is
feature across all the classifiers. Where in Logistic known to perform well in higher dimension data as with
Regression MFCC appeared 7 times out of the top 10 in audio data, that’s why it’s one the most popular classifiers in
3 corpuses as well as SVM where in CaFE dataset SER field owing its high running speed and accurate results
MFCC appeared 9 times in the top 10. Mel-Spectrogram [6], [24], [26]. Secondly, Random forest tree based ensemble
features can be found highest with RADVESS database classifier another benchmark classifier which is widely used
which complements Information gain results as well.
in SER [26], [27]. Thirdly, Logistic Regression Algorithm is
It’s analyzed also that random forest is more sensitive to
used also to analyze the linear model's performance [27].
mel-spectrogram than other classifiers. In SVM, MFCC
and pitch features are more dominant.while, MLP is Finally, Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) is a feedforward
more dynamic with respect to each language. neural network algorithm that can be considered as the first

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thread of neural networks classification algorithms which 𝑇𝑝
𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 = (3)
𝑇𝑝 + 𝐹𝑝
showed great results [2].
For Hyper-parameters tuning GridSearchCV method is used  Recall: is how many of the actual positive
to fine-tune the classifier’s parameters. In SVM the kernel emotional classes were correctly predicted.
function used is rbf, the decision function shape is set to a 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 = (4)
𝑇𝑝 + 𝐹𝑛
one-vs-rest (ovr) decision function of shape (n_samples,  Confusion Matrix: is another way to analyze how
n_classes) and the regularization parameter (C) set to 10 many samples were miss-classified by the model by
(Inverse of regularization strength). In Random Forest 500 giving a comparison between actual and predicted
trees (n_estimators) with maximum depth of tress equal 20 labels.
and “entropy” criterion function (The function to measure
the quality of a split) is used .where, in Logistic Regression IV.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
“lbfgs” solver was used with l2 norm for penalization This section elaborates the classification model results for
(penalty) and maximum iterations for a solver to converge emotion recognition and shows a comparison between this
equal to 1000 (max_iter). For, MLP the number of neurons paperwork with previous related researches. The recognition
in the hidden layer is 400 neurons, the solver used is ‘adam’ performance was analyzed using 4 ML classifiers: MLP,
, the activation method is set to the default ‘relu’, the size of SVM, Random Forest and Logistic Regression through 3
mini-batches is 5 for stochastic optimizers (batch_size), the databases from 3 different languages (English, German, and
learning rate is ‘constant’.Table.5 shows more details of French): RADVESS, EmoDB, CaFE. 10 K folds were used
for Model evaluation to ensure the model generalization and
classifier’s parameters used.
stability, also different data splits (90:10) were applied to be
able to compare our results versus previous work.
Table.5 – Hyper parameters tuning for classifiers

The following analyses were performed:

Model Hyperparameters
1. Single corpus SER
Multi-Layer alpha=0.0001, batch_size=5,
2. Cross corpus SER
Perceptron solver='adam',hidden_layer_sizes=(400,),
learning_rate=constant, max_iter=300
SVM kernel='rbf' , C=10, gamma=0.001 , 4.1 Single corpus SER
This Study focuses on single-corpus training to test the
Random criterion='entropy' , n_estimators=500
Forest ,max_depth=20
performance of the SER system on developed feature-sets
using different corpus to have a reference for model’s
Logistic C=1.0 , solver='lbfgs' , penalty='l2', max_iter = 1000
performance within-corpus when compared to cross-corpus.
Table.6 shows the recognition accuracy, precision and recall
(Acc, Prc, Rec.) of SER system using 10folds trained on 3
F. Evaluation Metrics languages. Where, Model was run on all emotions for each
corpus: RADVESS on 8 emotions, EmoDB and CaFE on 7
10-fold cross-validation was applied to ensure
statistical stability and generalization of the model.
Where, for RADVESS corpus best accuracy of 70.56% with
Where, in 10-fold cross-validation, the database is
randomly partitioned into 10 equal size subsamples. Of precision of 69.96% and recall of 70.07% using SVM and
the 10 subsamples, 1 subsample which is 10% of the IS09 feature set and nearly similar results of accuracy
database is considered as the testing data to validate the 70.42% using SVM and Feature-set2, coming in second
classification model, and the remaining 9 subsamples place accuracy of 68.06% and precision 68.89% obtained
are used as training data. The reported accuracy is the using MLP and feature-set2. And, this is by far an
average of the 10 folds tests. improvement to previous work as in research [2] where they
We used 4 evaluation metrics during our experiments. obtained max accuracy of 66.04% using 7 emotions on
 Accuracy: where it gives an overall measure of the RADVESS. An Accuracy of 85.97% was achieved for
percentage of correctly classified instances. EmoDB corpus using SVM and feature-set2 with a precision
𝑇𝑝 + 𝑇𝑛 of 86.71% which is an enhancement on paper [29] where
𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 = (2) they achieved 81.5% using LPCC, LFPC, MFCC, MFMC as
𝑇𝑝 + 𝑇𝑛 + 𝐹𝑝 + 𝐹𝑛
Where, Tp: True positive (positive examples predicted positive) featureset. And, finally for CaFE dataset accuracy of
Tn: True negative (negative examples predicted negatve) 70.61% was achieved using featureset-2 and SVM as
Fp: False positive (negative examples predicted positive) classifer. Overall of SER performance feature-set2 showed
Fn: False negative (negative examples predicted negative) a promising results compared to featureset-1 and
 Precision: is how many of the correctly predicted benchmarked IS09 (INTERSPEECH 2009 emotion
emotional classes were positive. challenge) [32].

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Table.6 – SER performance for each of the 3 datasets using different featuresets and classifiers (using 10Folds for evaluation)

Feature-set MLP SVM Random Forest Logistic Regression

Acc Prc Rec Acc Prc Rec Acc Prc Rec Acc Prc Rec
Featureset-1 63.54% 65.36% 62.51% 57.92% 57.25% 55.64% 55.35% 57.97% 53.78% 50.42% 49.34% 47.87%

Featureset-2 68.06% 68.89% 67.16% 70.42% 69.25% 68.21% 62.97% 64.63% 62.84% 58.81% 59.19% 57.99%

IS09 64.93% 65.76% 64.77% 70.56% 69.96% 70.07% 59.31% 62.06% 57.56% 62.64% 62.39% 62.10%

Feature-set MLP SVM Random Forest Logistic Regression

Acc Prc Rec Acc Prc Rec Acc Prc Rec Acc Prc Rec
Featureset-1 78.12% 77.39% 76.99% 82.42% 81.06% 81.81% 70.27% 70.79% 67.92% 77.00% 77.00% 75.22%

Featureset-2 84.86% 85.65% 84.37% 85.97% 86.71% 85.33% 74.01% 73.71% 70.67% 82.61% 83.76% 81.42%
IS09 81.28% 81.26% 82.12% 84.69% 85.43% 85.24% 74.56% 76.84% 71.35% 80.75% 80.70% 81.19%

Feature-set MLP SVM Random Forest Logistic Regression

Acc Prc Rec Acc Prc Rec Acc Prc Rec Acc Prc Rec
Featureset-1 57.48% 57.63% 58.02% 59.51% 60.17% 61.17% 51.50% 52.51% 51.11% 51.71% 52.53% 52.76%

Featureset-2 69.62% 68.82% 69.31% 70.61% 70.02% 69.47% 63.69% 63.54% 58.49% 65.87% 65.41% 62.87%

IS09 55.24% 55.94% 55.97% 58.99% 59.44% 59.42% 49.37% 51.37% 49.44% 54.92% 55.39% 55.70%

Table.7 – Comparison of SER performance of proposed system with that of existing research

Paper Classifier Features Database and no. of Accuracy

J. Ancilin et al (2021) [29] SVM MFMC EmoDB,7 emotions 81.50%
(using 10 folds CV)
S. G. Koolagudi et al (2020) [11] LSTM MFCC EmoDB,5 emotions:: happy, LSTM+MFCC: 44.19 %
Logistic Regression IS09 sad, fear, anger and neutral SVM+ IS09: 88.37%
(LR) LR+ IS09: 85%
SVM (using leave one speaker out)
Bhavan et al (2019) [28] Bagged ensemble of MFCCs, spectral centroids and MFCC EmoDB,7 emotions 92.45%
SVMs derivatives (using 90:10 data split)
MLP Feature-set2 EmoDB,7 emotions SVM+FS2: 85.97%
Proposed SVM IS09 SVM+IS09: 84.69%
(using 10 folds CV)

SVM+FS2: 88.89%
(using 90:10 data split)
A. J. et al (2020) [2] Random Forest MFCCs, RMS, Zero Crossings ,Spectral RADVESS,7 emotions 66.04%
Smoothness (using 10 folds CV)
J. Ancilin et al (2021) [29] SVM MFMC RADVESS,8 emotions 64.31%
(using 10 folds CV)
A. Koduru et al (2020) [24] SVM Pitch , energy, ZCR ,Wavelet , MFCCs RADVESS,4 emotions: SVM:70%
LDA Angry, Happy , Neutral Sad LDA:65%
Dtree -Trained on sample (30-40) Dtree:85%
out of each emotion (Evaluation criteria not specified)
MLP Feature-set2 RADVESS,8 emotions SVM+IS09: 70.56%
Proposed SVM IS09 SVM+FS2: 70.42%
MLP+FS2: 68.06%
MLP+FS2:82.22% - 4 emo
(using 10 folds)

SVM+FS2: 77.08%
(using 90:10 data split)

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A comparison between our results and previous work is as 50.00%
shown in Table.7 we tried to follow same evaluation criteria EmoDB
of each paper. This research shows promising results in 40.00%

comparison with previous work where it enhanced 4.47% in 30.00%
EmoDB Recognition rate in comparison with paperwork
[29] as they used improved MFMC to train SVM model. 20.00%
For, RADVESS our model achieved 4.54% better than SER 10.00%
in paper [2] and a 6.25% performance increase than SER
system in paper [29]. Also, we trained our model on 4 0.00%
emotions to compare our results versus paper [24] which MLP SVM RF LR
achieved 85% using Dtree on RADVESS data subset Classifer
compared to our model which achieved 82.22% when Fig.2 – SER Accuracy Training on RADVESS
trained on the whole dataset. Tr
Fig.3 shows the results obtained when training on both
250 corpuses EmoDB and CaFE while using RADVESS as test
RADVESS data. A recognition rate of 46.67% was achieved using
EmoDB Random Forest. The anger recognition gets 56%, neutral
Time in seconds

150 43%, happy 33%, and sad 43%.Fig.4 shows the confusion
CaFE matrix where it can be seen that neutral is being mixed up
with sad in 38 test samples.
Training time

Training time

Training time

Training time
Testing time

Testing time

Testing time

Testing time

Classifer MLP SVM RF LR
Fig.1- Model running performance using feature-set2 Classifer
Fig.3 – SER Accuracy training on EmoDB and CaFE
Fig.1 shows analyses for model performance where it was
found that MLP takes the longest time to train the model and
it was expected as it’s a feed forward Neural Network Model
with 400 neuron.Specially, if the data size is big as incase of
RADVESS corpus it took around 227 seconds. Random
Forest comes in second place and it’s justified as it’s from
the ensemble models category and takes time to run through
the whole trees. It took 10 seconds for RADVESS and 4
seconds for CaFE. SVM showed the best training and testing
time even over Logistic Regression.

4.2 Cross corpus SER

In this study, we present the results of cross-corpus Fig.4 – Confusion matrix when training on EmoDB and CaFE
training where we explored the performance of the model and testing on RADVESS
using the cross-corpus dataset. During this experiment we Table.8 shows the prediction results when using cross
used Featureset-2 on the 4 common emotions on corpuses: corpus as training datasets composing the 3 languages.
angry, happy, neutral and sad. Data were split to train-test Promising results were found where, RADVESS gets
80:20 ratio. Firstly we used RADVSESS as a training corpus 79.26%, EmoDB 88.24% and CaFE gets 82.35%. These
since it’s the largest and tested on the other 2 datasets as findings show very promising potential to our model,
shown in fig.2.The model achieved an accuracy of 41.18% emphasize model generalization. We believe that better
on EmoDB as test data using Random Forest as a classifier. results can be obtained if the model is enriched with more
Also, we achieved an accuracy of 43.56% on EmoDB as test training samples from cross corpuses.
data and MLP as a classifier.

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