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Kortnie Hood

English 1301
27 Aug 2022
Mrs. Pace
“Witch is worse, to convict an innocent man, or to set a guilty man free?”

I man who is guilty but walks free will continue to do illegal things, but a man

who is convicted but innocent will do no harm. There are many villain people in the

world that are walking free that, if given the chance, will do wrong again.

There will forever be evil in the world, nothing is going to change that, but the

law and jail system are there to keep us protected. If there is a guilty man walking the

streets it puts everyone around them in danger, ether from harm, being stole from, and

maybe even drugged. They are not just a danger to others but to themself as well. Many

drugs sealer use the same drugs that they have that they us for profit. This could, var

easily, turn into a drug overdose. One small mistake in the math and it is all down healed

from there.

An innocent man in jail does no harm to anyone but to hem and his family. The

man will be serving time in jail but if he’s smart he’ll get a detective team to do their own

research to find the real man who's guilty. The man would be suffering for another man's

crimes, while that man walks free. On the other hand, the family who are suffering

because of the crime would get a little closer where there hadn't been any.

In both scenarios a man who is guilty is walking free. There would be people who

would be suffering, and people would still be in danger. There would be injustice, and the

families would be hurt, but the man walking free would be less harmful to the community
and would save many families, The police would still have an investigation on the crime

going and it could lead to further evidence that leads them to the perpetrator.

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