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Dear Ms. Pitt,

Thank you for writing to us about your problem. Yes, there are Feng Shui ideas
about improving offices. You have to know that your workplace can affect how
you feel, how you work, and the success of your business.
Firstly, your office feels rather old-fashioned. I recommend you to renovate the
room, change the wallpaper and repaint it. I would also suggest changing the old
furniture that takes up too much space and gives an impression of heaviness. But
don’t fill the office with a lot of furniture or unecessary objects. You could put
some flowers in the table to make the room happier.
Secondly, I can see there’s nothing on walls to look at in your room. It might be a
good idea to put up relaxing and beautiful pictures of mountains, rivers, horses
and so on. I also suggest that you should try to organize the office so you can see
out of the window. It can give you a sense of relaxation and improve your
Lastly, you should give people who come to see you with more space by providing
them a waiting room, or at least seats so they don’t have to stand when they have
to wait. It would be easier for staff as well, so they can move around easily and
quickly. Moreover, you should not sit your back to the door as it makes people feel
unwelcome and uncomfortable.
I believe that if a few improvements could be made, the atmosphere of your
workplace would appear more welcoming and comfortable. I hope you find my
advices valuable!
Yours sincerely,

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