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time of remarkable change that helps set the stage for future psychological

The Germinal Period (Weeks 1-2) The Embryonic Period (Weeks 3-8) The Fetal Period (Weeks 9-40)

The embryonic period begins Conception occurs when a

once the zygote is implanted in sperm fertilizes an egg and When the organism is about
the uterine wall. It lasts from forms into a zygote, which nine weeks old, the embryo is
the third through the eighth begins as a one-cell structure. called a fetus. At this stage, the
week after conception. Upon The mother and father’s DNA fetus is about the size of a
implantation, this multi-cellular
is passed on to the child at the kidney bean and begins to take
organism is called an embryo.
moment of conception. The on the recognizable form of a
Now blood vessels grow,
genetic makeup and sex of the human being as the “tail”
forming the placenta. The
baby are set at this point. The begins to disappear. During the
placenta is a structure
germinal period (about 14 fetal stage, the brain develops
connected to the uterus that
days in length) lasts from and the body adds size and
provides nourishment and
conception to implantation of weight until the fetus reaches
oxygen from the mother to the
the zygote (fertilized egg) in full-term development.
developing embryo via the
umbilical cord. the lining of the uterus.
process that generate, shape, and reshape the nervous system of animals, from the earliest stages of embryonic
development to adulthood
First Trimester
First Trimester Second Trimester Third Trimester
A few weeks after a baby is conceived,
During the second trimester, gyri and Towards the end of pregnancy, the brain
the brain begins to develop. For about
sulci are formed. Gyri are the ridges, takes on new responsibilities as it
eight weeks, the basic structures of the
bumps, and indentations that make up
brain form. The neural tube is formed. prepares for birth. Reflexes like fetal
the topmost layer of the brain. They
This slowly becomes the brain and spinal breathing develop and the brain starts
increase the surface area of the brain,
cord. Around seven weeks after to respond to external forces like touch,
meaning that more neurons can fit and
conception, the first neurons and pain, vision, smell, taste, and sound.
more information can be processed.
synapses are developed in the spinal

First Year Second Year Third Year

During the first year of life, a baby's More language skills are acquired Synapse creation will peak during a
brain develops quickly. The ability to during your second year of life. More baby's third year. Various areas of the
develop motor skills quickly increases synapse connections are made in the brain are strengthened and brain ability
and limited vision turns into a more brain’s language areas result in a greatly improves. During this year, a
perfect vision. Around three months, a growing vocabulary. Research shows child will develop a more clear
baby starts recognizing things, and their that between a baby's first and second understanding of past and present
capacity to remember gets better. birthday, the number of words they events and cause and effect.
know will quadruple.
Perceptual Development
how children start taking in, interpreting, and understanding sensory input.

Birth to 9 months 7 months to 18 months 16 months to 24 months 21 months to 36 months

Children begin to use their Children begin to use Children continue to Children begin to process
senses to explore and sensory informatiom work on using perceived sensory information in a
become aware of their sensory information to more efficient manner and
received from their
environment. Indicators for decide how to interact use the information to
environment to alter the
children include: with their environment. modify behavior while
way they interact and interacting with the
Responds to changes in Indicators for children
explore. environment. Indicators for
the environment, e.g., include:
Indicators for children children include:
startles when hearing a Plays with water and
include: Imitates familiar adults
loud noise, turns head sand tables; explores
Begins to manipulate when coloring; draws
toward light by pouring, digging,
materials, e.g., pounds lines and/or circles
Explores objects and filling Perceives and acts
at play dough, Enjoys physical play,
through senses, e.g., accordingly when
squeezes finger foods e.g., wrestling, tickling
mouths, touches objects holding a fragile object,
Begins to show a Recognizes situations
Attempts to mimic both in the actual
preference for or that need to be environment and in
sounds heard in the
aversion to particular approached play
sensory activities. cautiously
development of a child’s bones, muscles and ability to move around and manipulate his or her
environment. Motor development can be divided into two sections: gross motor development and
fine motor development.

Motor development also involves how well children’s muscles work. This is referred to as muscle tone.
Children need a balanced muscle tone in order to develop their muscles and use them with ease
when standing, sitting, rolling, walking, running, swimming and all other other postures and actions


Gross motor development involves Fine motor development involves
the development of the large the small muscles of the body,
muscles in the child’s body. These especially in the hand.
muscles allow us to sit, stand, walk
and run, among other activities. Fine motor skills involve use of
smaller muscles, such as grasping,
Gross motor skills pertain to skills object manipulation, or drawing.
involving large muscle movements,
such as independent sitting,
crawling, walking, or running

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