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Dating is more of a generic social term, where one goes out and
meets people and spends time with them. Dating someone is,
however, a lot more specific, and connotes romantic time spent
together with another person. It means you are seeing someone
with a specific purpose, have time to yourselves only, and in
regular intervals, with the hope of culminating it into a more
defined relationship, if both people feel the same way.

In dating, there is no commitment. If you are only dating

someone special, then commitment may be in the cards, but it is
still not there. Only when you become committed to each other
are you in a relationship.
Originally, people dated to find a spouse, and that was the
purpose of dating. However, nowadays, people date for various
reasons, including companionship, fun, and love.

→ Finding a Partner: The first and most common purpose of

dating is to find someone to marry.
→ Having Fun: The second purpose of dating is to have fun and
enjoy each other’s company.
→ Exploring Commitment: There are also people who use it to
test the waters before getting involved in a serious
Casual Dating

Casual dating is a type of dating wherein one person openly

dates multiple individuals at the same time.

Blind Dating

Blind dating is a fun way to get to know people. It’s a setup

wherein someone arranges a date for a couple to meet at certain
events. In the said arrangement, the couple is not aware of the
person they will encounter.

Speed Dating

Speed dating may be the most organized type of dating. Usually,

this kind of dating event is set up by a restaurant or
nightclub. The host will gather singles who come from different
walks of life. From there, they will systematically get to know
one another. However, there is a catch: they must socialize
while there is time pressure.

Friends with Benefits

Casual dating does not necessarily involve sexual activities.

When it does, the dating status will turn into a friends-with-
benefits kind of deal.

Online Dating

Online dating is the most convenient and efficient form of

dating. It allows individuals to meet and mingle with others
despite geographical limitations. The best part of online dating
is how it replicates regular human conversations. Parties can
communicate with each other instantaneously. As a result, the
relationship can still feel personal and humane
→ Dating can help you develop your personality

You learn how to handle situations and how to grow and mature in
your relationships with others.

→ Dating can help in the selection of a mate.

Most every young person looks forward to getting married

someday. Dating is one way of meeting possible marriage partners
and helping you decide the kind of person you want to marry.

→ It can make you happier.

Being in a healthy and supportive relationship can have a big

boost on your happiness level, according to several studies.
→ Put Yourself Out There

We know meeting people can be stressful but try to overcome any

negative emotions you have surrounding dating because the more
you put yourself out there, the better your chances are to meet
someone you really like.

→ Keep an Open Mind

Being open-minded is perhaps the most important rule on this

list. You may think you have a type, which has inadvertently
closed you off to meeting someone you could fall in love with.

→ Stay Safe

Another thing to keep in mind: your safety is the most important

thing when dating. If you don't feel comfortable or safe, do not
worry about staying to be polite. Get out of there.

→ Set Your Own Pace

When you're dating someone new, it's important to move the

relationship forward at your own pace.

→ Remember: Forming Connections Takes Time

Speaking of setting your own pace, take some of the stress off
yourself and remember that finding the perfect person for you
won’t happen overnight.
Five truths about teen dating
→ Teen Romance Is Normal

While some teens start dating earlier than others, romantic

interests are normal and healthy during adolescence.

→ Dating Builds Relationship Skills

Just like starting any new phase of life, entering the world of
dating is both exciting and scary—for kids and their parents

→ Teens May Have Unrealistic Expectations

Your teens may also have some unrealistic ideas about dating
based on what they’ve seen online, in the movies, or read in

→ Social Media Plays a Role

Today’s teens spend a lot of time texting and messaging

potential love interests on social media.

→ Your Teen Needs “The Talk”

It’s important to talk to your teen about a variety of dating

topics, such as personal values, expectations, and peer
pressure. Be open with your teens about everything from treating
someone else with respect to your—and their—beliefs around
sexual activity.
→ Keep Your Parents in the Loop

Dating is a big responsibility that requires smart decision-

making and maturity. It also is a privilege and not a right. So,
if your teen wants to ensure they don't have this privilege
taken away, they should make sure they are communicating with
you about dating.

→ Consider Group Dates

While every dating couple wants some alone time, this is a huge
responsibility fraught with all types of risks. Instead, teens
should consider group dates—at least initially—and reserve the
one-on-one dates for when they are older and more mature.

→ Reach Out for Help

Empower your teens with the self-confidence needed to reach out
for help if they are ever in a situation that is dangerous or
makes them uncomfortable. Even if they are simply having a bad
time, they should know that they can call you at any time and
that you will come to pick them up.

→ Get and Keep Track of Your Own Drinks

When attending parties or other group functions, it's very

important that teens take care of their own drinks. This means
getting their own drinks and keeping track of their drinks once
they have one.

→ Refrain From Sexting

The risks and consequences of sexting are significant. Not only

can teens get into legal trouble, but they also can share or
receive photos that they later regret.
Double or group dates are more popular dating styles, especially
among high school and college students.

Compared to other types of dating, this setup may not feel as

intimate as the different types because the participants have to
share the moment with other people. This type of dating has the
weakest ability to create a romantic ambiance.

→ Socialize in a group in a much better way
As a group dating system involves trustworthy peers' people
can socialize in a much better way with each other. Group
dating helps a person to learn from one another's

→ Having fun and getting to know each other are two main
features of a group date. Kids involved in this type of
dating are much better behaved because they want to impress
each other. They avoid doing things that can harm their

→ The Amusement Park/carnival

Don’t worry about awkward silences or conversation starters.

Here, you’ll have plenty of fun things to do and many things to
talk about based on what happens there .

→ Bowling

Bowling is an excellent first date idea as any date that

involves a fun activity or sport gives you a topic to start your


It’s easy to talk as you walk around, not like sitting quietly
in the dark at a movie. There won’t be much privacy, so he
probably won’t try to grope you.
The Arcade

Things will flow nicely as there are so many entertaining games

like the relaxing arcade games in which you could have a chance
to win a prize and give it to your partner on the date as a
memory of that date.

Pamper Yourselves

Maybe get a couple's massage, pedicure and/or manicure.

What is love?
Love is a set of emotions and behaviors characterized by
intimacy, passion, and commitment. It involves care, closeness,
protectiveness, attraction, affection, and trust.

If you want to define love in one sentence, love is one of the

most profound emotions humans' experiences. It is a combination
of attraction and closeness. The person we feel attracted or
close to is the person we are, usually, in love with.

Such a person can be a friend, parent, siblings, or even our

pet. Such love is based on a feeling of attraction or affection.


Love and infatuation are both intense emotions that one feels
for another person. These feelings are most often confused for
each other by many people. But the two feelings differ in their
actuality of love, intensity and final outcome.

Infatuation is the state of being completely carried away by

unreasoning passion or love; addictive love. Infatuation usually
occurs at the beginning of relationship when sexual attraction
is central
 Quotes of love

To love someone is nothing, to be loved by someone

is something, to love someone who loves you is
Bill Russell

Sometimes people put up walls, not to keep others

out, but to see who cares enough to break them
Banana Yoshimoto
 Love at first sight?
Personally, I don’t believe in love so I wouldn’t agree or
disagree, but according to the internet and science it claims
that, in some sense, love at first sight is indeed real.

What is love at first sight? Love, at first sight, could just be

an attraction at first sight.
People can immediately decide if they find someone attractive,
and without that initial attraction, love at first sight cannot

What is the appropriate age for

The typical age for permitting a teenager to date is 16.
However, depending on a variety of variables, many parents allow
their adolescents to date at a younger age. The main factor in
determining how young is too young is judgment.
As a rule, the AAP advises that tweens stick to group dating and
that one-on-one dating be reserved for teens at least 16 years

Dose crushes or infatuations

prepare you for real love?
No, crushes or infatuation does not prepare you for real love
because it is not the same thing

CRUSH: That's temporary and it keeps changing every week or


LOVE: You love someone for years and they can't get out of your
mind in any possible way.

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