Analisis Patologi Sosial Dalam Kasus Prostitusi

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Analisis Patologi Sosial Dalam Kasus Prostitusi : Studi Kasus Pada

Hasil Wawancara Kepada Mantan PSK

(Analysis of Social Pathology in the Case of Prostitution : A Case
Study on the Results of Interviews with Former Prostitutes)

Anisa Khairina (20641003)

Dina Yuniarti (20641011)
Jasel Aditya Fahsa (20641022)
Email :

Program Studi Bimbingan Konseling Pendidikan Islam

Fakultas Tarbiyah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup

(Islamic Education Counseling Guidance Study Program

Faculty of Tarbiyah State Islamic Institute Curup)

This scientific paper carries the theme "Prostitution" and with the title "Analysis of Social
Pathology in the Case of Prostitution: A Case Study on the Results of Interviews with Former
Prostitutes". The problem of prostitution that occurs in Indonesia is very rampant recently. Many
of these cases occur due to economic problems. High lifestyles or economic problems require
these workers to work as commercial sex workers because it is difficult to find a job or indeed
because there is no choice anymore. Reporting from, there are at least some rules
related to prostitution in Indonesian law, such as in the Criminal Code Article 296 which reads
"Whoever intentionally causes or facilitates obscenity by others with others, and makes it a
livelihood or habit, is threatened with imprisonment for a maximum of 1 year and 4 months or a
maximum fine of Rp. 15,000,- (Fifteen Thousand Rupiah)" or Article 506 which reads
"Whoever withdraws profits from a woman's lewd acts and makes it a search, is threatened with
imprisonment for a maximum of 1 year" and the Pornography Law, namely Law No. 44 of 2008
on Pornography and various other Laws and Regional Regulations. The case of prostitution is
indeed a very crucial problem in Indonesia, considering the increasing poverty rate and the need
for a high lifestyle makes it one of the factors why prostitution is so prevalent from the past to
the present.
The purpose of this study is to analyze how a person becomes a prostitute and what makes them
quit their job. The problem in this study is about the view of prostitution cases from the point of
view of a former prostitute, while the method used in this study is Qualitative, which is a method
by understanding what phenomena are experienced by the research subject. And in this study we
used interview or observation techniques in collecting data.
The results showed that the former prostitute who was the subject of the study this time had
contracted the HIV virus, and it was known that the reason for becoming a prostitute first was
because he wanted to live independently and the economic demands were all lacking, therefore
the subject took the initiative to make his own money by becoming a prostitute.
Keywords : prostitution, social pathology, sexual worker

1. Definition of Prostitution According to Soedjono D. (Soejono,
1970) there are several factors causing
Prostitution comes from the Latin
prostitution reviewed as follows:
prostituere which means to give oneself
overtly to adultery, and prostare which a. Economic factors, such as
means to sell, or peddle (Simanjuntak, poverty, the desire to live a
1985). In Indonesia, the term prostitution is luxurious life and others.
known as prostitution which means the b. Sociological factors, such as
surrender of a woman's body or physique urbanization, social justice and
with payment, to a man to satisfy the male others.
sexual appetite, also known as WTS (Tuna c. Psychological factors, such as the
Susila Woman). desire for revenge, laziness to
work, and others.
In addition to being female-oriented,
male prostitution also exists, especially in One of the aspects that causes the
Europe but is not common for Asia and flourishing of this prostitution activity is the
Indonesia. Male prostitution is a male economic factor. The poverty a person
prostitution profession to satisfy lonely experiences can cause him to commit
women with the aim of earning rewards. prostitution.(Permendianto, dkk. 2021)
(Soejono, 1970).
Prostitution has a variety of forms, some
Thus, prostitution or prostitution of which are immediately available as in
includes both women and men who give brothels. There are also those who only
themselves up overtly to satisfy one's sexual serve calls to be invited to certain places
appetite outside the bonds of legal marriage. (call girls) and street prostitutes who peddle
Prostitution is a problem that does not stand themselves openly on the side of the road or
alone but has to do with the various things alley.
behind it.
In addition, forms of prostitution are also
categorized into three categories, namely
low-class, middle-class and high-class e) Psychological problems such as modern
prostitution. These three categories are lifestyle, broken home and bad childhood
determined by the cheapness of the experiences can be a factor in a woman's
prostitute. Another form is non-professional becoming a prostitute.
and professional prostitutes.(Permendianto,
dkk. 2011)
The motives behind the emergence of
2. Women Commercial Sex Workers
prostitution among women, among others
Commercial sex worker (In Indonesian they (Kartini Kartono, 2009: 245-248):
called PSK = Pekerja Seks Bebas) is a job in
1) There is a tendency to prostitute
which a woman/woman uses or exploits her
themselves to avoid the difficulties of life,
body to earn money (Widiastuti et al, 2009:
and get pleasure through the short way. For
115). Mahardika (2010: 47) states that
example, lack of knowledge, lack or no
prostitution is a job that sells sexual
education and illiteracy.
services, such as oral sex or sex, for money.
A person who sells sexual services is called 2) There are abnormal sexual desires, not
a prostitute, or now often referred to as a integrated in the personality, and sexual
commercial sex worker. royalty. For example, hypersex.
Widyastuti (2009: 115-116), stated that the 3) High material aspirations in women and
factors causing the existence of prostitution pleasure in luxurious clothes and jewelry,
are: but lazy to work.
a) Poverty, is an important reason behind a 4) Puberty's curiosity about sex issues,
woman becoming a prostitute. The growing which is then dragged into the world of
need for a woman forces her to find a job prostitution by the persuasion of sex bandits.
with a satisfactory income by working as a
prostitute to meet her needs. 5) There are big ambitions to get a high
social status, without doing heavy work,
b) Sexual violence, research shows that without special skills or skills.
sexual violence such as rape by biological
fathers, uncles, teachers and so on can make 6) The existence of traumatic experiences
a person a prostitute. such as failure in love or marriage and
sexual harassment resulting in premature
c) Fraud and coercion, the existence of a and abnormal sexual maturity.
group of people disguised as labor
distribution agents who turned out to be 7) Invite friends who have previously been
pimps and the sale of girls by their own involved in the world of prostitution.
parents. 8) There is a normal need for sex, but it
d) Pornography, visual expression in the cannot be satisfied by the partner.
form of images, writings, photos, and videos a) Social
that show sexuality and all forms of sexual
behavior that cause lustful stimulation in 1) When children or adolescents have had
others. sex before marriage just for fun or to enjoy
youth, then they fall into the world of remarrying or living together with other
prostitution. families.
2) Inspired by the persuasion of men and 5) Mobility from men's positions or jobs and
brokers who promise respectable jobs with not having time to bring their families. For
high salaries. Like, shop assistants, movie example, the work of drivers, soldiers,
stars, mannequins. sailors, merchants.
3) Female shop assistants and housemaids
who are submissive and obedient to their
c) Economy
employer's sexual needs to maintain their
jobs. Economic pressures, poverty factors, and
considerations in trying to get a better social
4) There is an assumption that women are
indeed needed in various love games, both
as mere fads and as commercial purposes. Widyastuti, et al (2009: 116), explained that
people who work as prostitutes will be
5) Jobs that do not require high skills and
hampered in their social stability because
intelligence are easy to do as long as the
society will look down on her, ridicule her,
person concerned has beauty, youth, and
and no longer see herself as having value as
a woman.
6) Women or women who are addicted to
According to Indonesian general dictionary,
drugs choose to become prostitutes to be
the former is second-hand or inactive. A
able to buy these drugs.
woman who is a former prostitute can be
interpreted as a woman who has stopped
selling herself with money or with various
b) Environment
other types of profits to anyone without any
1) Children's rebellion against parental emotional involvement at all. A former
authority, society, and moral norms that prostitute is a person who once prostituted
emphasize many taboos and sex rules and himself or sold himself to many men for the
are too restrictive. purpose of making a profit or money, and
has now stopped doing his job.
2) The number of sexual stimulation in the
form of videos and pornographic images as Rehabilitation is a program of assistance to
well as groups of young people who practice restore people who have chronic diseases
sexual relations, and others. both physically and psychologically.
According to Rosli, rehabilitation is a
3) Postponement of marriage with economic recovery process to restore a person's
considerations and living standards, physical and mental health as a result of an
eventually like prostitution rather than illness, accident or event. Rehabilitation of
marrying. ex-CSWs is a series of processes or
4) Disorganization in the family, broken activities by providing professional social
home, father or mother running away or services to alleviate the problems of ex-
CSWs and their social environment in their From this description, it can be concluded
lives and livelihoods in the community. that the difficulty of adjustment experienced
by former prostitutes comes from
Rehabilitation for former female sex
themselves. Former sex workers are required
workers is aimed at restoring self-esteem,
to be able to adjust to their new
self-confidence, social responsibility as well
environment. Former sex workers are
as a quality will and ability so that they can
expected to be able to actively participate in
carry out their social functions properly in
every activity carried out in their
life and social life in accordance with norms.
environment in order to be accepted by the
The general public's social reaction to the community.
existence of former prostitutes can be
There are two factors that cause a person to
varied, some people can accept, some are
stop being a prostitute, namely internal
ignorant or indifferent, and some are
factors and external factors. Internal factors
strongly opposed (Prasetya and Darma,
such as fear of sin, age factors, no longer
2011: 67). People's rejection of former
selling, feelings of guilt for the family and
prostitutes is based on a negative
feeling tired of living as a prostitute.
understanding of their past. People who
External factors such as from community
accept the existence of former prostitutes are
social institutions (NGOs), social services,
caused by empathy for the positive changes
close friends or friends, family, and parents
they make. The existence of former
(Prastya and Darma, 2011: 111).
prostitutes is considered not to interfere with
people's lives, so that people will behave
ignorantly or indifferently to their existence.
According to Farida (2010: 71) to remove
the negative view of society about their past This study uses qualitative research
is to take part or participate in every activity methods that are natural, in the sense that
in the neighborhood where they live. Former the researcher does not try to manipulate the
female sex workers must completely leave research setting, but conducts a study of a
the life of prostitution, start a business or phenomenon. The reason for using this
work in another field that is better and qualitative research method is to
accepted by society. Former female sex accommodate complex phenomena by using
workers are expected to actively participate an open method and the theoretical basis is
in social and religious spiritual activities, in used to develop sensitivity so that research
order to be able to build good relationships can uncover the problems that want to be
with the surrounding community. In studied holistically. Data that appears in
addition, many former female sex workers qualitative research is in the form of
who have repented and lead normal lives expressions of information conveyed by
have finally participated in mentoring PSKs respondents to researchers who are then
and former sex workers, counseling on the accommodated to obtain appropriate results.
dangers of HIV transmission and other Data collection techniques in this study
venereal diseases among sex workers. were observation and interview techniques.
Observation is an activity of observing and
recording systematically the phenomenon this, I'm tired, if I could choose I wouldn't
under study. Interviews are questions and want to work like that"
answers between two parties, namely the
b) External Factors
interviewer and the resource person to
obtain opinions, information, and data. The second factor that makes clients choose
Usually, interviews are used to obtain to quit their jobs as prostitutes are
information related to facts, beliefs, feelings, influenced by external factors (coming from
and desires needed to fulfill the research outside themselves). External factors which
objectives. are the main reason for clients to work as
prostitutes are due to being the backbone of
the family and the needs of economic
AND DISCUSSION Interview conclusion
Based on the field research that we have A : "What are the other reasons you quit this
done through interviews and observations, job?"
the results obtained regarding the factors
YT: "Debts have been paid off, madam, so
that cause a person to stop being a prostitute,
why am I working like that again, my goal is
to pay off debts"
a) Internal Factors
Living life as a prostitute is not what the
client wants. In fact, various things D. ANALYSIS OF RESEARCH
experienced by clients while working as RESULTS
prostitutes cause various kinds of negative
Based on the client's explanation about
stigma from society on them and cause
his choice to stop working as a prostitute,
mental trauma to clients. There is an urge
the client's condition after he stopped being
and desire to end the negative stigma and
a prostitute can be summarized, namely:
prolonged mental trauma, causing the client
feelings of shame with family and society
to choose to quit his job as a prostitute.
and lack of confidence. In addition, the
Interview result client has the desire to take care of the
family, the desire to earn money lawfully,
A: "Why do you want to quit your job?" the desire to live a better life, and the desire
YT: "Yes.... I did have an intention and to forget the past.
really wanted to retire at that time, Ms. To Former female sex workers are like
be honest, I had wanted to quit for a long humans in general who need a feeling of
time. I realized Ms. belonging and acceptance in social circles.
A: "What reason made you sure to quit?" The need to be accepted is a very important
need for humans. The social aspect carried
YT: "I realize that working like this is out by the client after becoming a former
immoral, that's why I stopped, it's female prostitute can be seen from the
impossible for me to continue working like client's relationship with the surrounding
community. The social environment that Sexual harassment is behavior or attention
former prostitutes must face is living that is of a sexual nature and is unwanted
together with their families and living with and unwanted which results in disturbing
the community. someone who receives harassment, coercion
to perform sexual activities/actions,
The change in practicing worship from
demeaning statements related to sexual
before and after quitting being a prostitute
orientation, requests for sexual acts that the
was felt by the subject. The subject used to
perpetrator likes, speech or behavior that
never worship, now the subject is carrying
sexual connotations; all can be classified as
out worship. Subjects also participate in
sexual harassment.
various religious activities in their
neighborhood such as recitation, yasinan and According to B. Simanjuntak (Simanjuntak,
kosdihan. Subjects feel happy when 1985), that the shift in sex values is largely
participating in religious activities, by due to several factors, namely;
participating in religious activities the
1) The emancipation of women began to
subject gets a reward and can stay in touch
spread throughout the world;
with neighbors.
2) Secular life is getting more intensive and
the role of religion is getting less and less in
E. CONCLUSION AND human social life;
3) The more tenuous family life because
Prostitution (prostitution) in this paper more and more family functions are taken
includes women and men who surrender over by social institutions;
themselves to satisfy sexual desires openly
4) The more advanced technology,
outside of legal marriage. The problem of
especially in the field of mass
prostitution is something that does not stand
alone but is related to many things behind it.
5) Urban life that lacks primary social
According to Soedjono D. (Soejono, 1970)
relationships and weakens special social
there are several factors causing prostitution
control in sex life.
which are reviewed as follows:
Sexual violence that occurs can cause
a. Economic factors; poverty, want to live in
various negative impacts on victims, both
luxury and others.
physiologically, emotionally, and
b. Sociological factors such as; urbanization, psychologically. Physiological impacts in
social justice and others. the form of physical injury, difficulty
sleeping and eating, unwanted pregnancy,
c. Psychological factors; such as: a sense of
contracting sexually transmitted diseases,
revenge, lazy to work, hysterical and others.
and others. Furthermore, the emotional
The economic factor is one aspect of the impact in the form of feelings of guilt and
many causes for the proliferation of self-blame, feelings of shame, denial, and
prostitution. This economic aspect arises others. Furthermore, the psychological
because of poverty. impact is in the form of posttraumatic stress
disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, Nenek. Jilid 2. Bandung: Mandar
decreased self-esteem, obsessive- Maju.
compulsive symptoms, and others.
Penmardianto, Heru Permana Putra. Upaya
In implementing regulations regarding Preventif Prostitusi dan Pelecehan
prostitution and sexual harassment by the Seksual Dalam Perspektif Dakwah.
government, it should be carried out Al-Hikmah Media Dakwah,
aggressively and quickly in order to Komunikasi, Sosial dan
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regulations regarding this social pathology
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problem because the problem has already
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