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How to land your first client without any case studies and how to price your


What we’ll go through:

1. Understanding your offer

2. Understanding ROI
3. Be aware of objections you’ll get
4. Know how to handle those objections
5. Pricing your service
6. Only think about things that matter
7. Emails and follow-ups


I believe for MOST people, they should reach out to companies to offer their services in
exchange for a case study when first starting out and be open about them being their
first client, which is why they’re doing it for a case study but add background as to why
qualified to deliver.

- I have a mentor that achieved X and using their principles

- I’ve worked for or learnt from X
- I’m following the process that X does who got X results
1. Understand your offer


2. Understanding ROI

- What is ROI?

Return on investment

- Why is it important?

Prospects only care about the outcome. They’re only going to buy something
from you if they get a return on that investment. If you can show the ROI they will
get from their investment their much more likely to buy from you. If you don’t
know, you look foolish

- “How do I know what figures to use?”

This is a very basic question that lots of people ask which shows they don’t
understand their offer or much about their business

The answer is: You make them up. You could make them up by following your
own ICP if you wanted or you could take a worst-case scenario


A business’ CLTV (Client-life-time-value, the amount of $ they’ll make from that

customer for the length of time they’ll remain their customer) let’s make up a
number and say that it’s $10,000

Now let’s say they are terrible on the phone and only close 10% of the people
they speak to

These are all the figures we need to provide an ROI

Now it just comes down to understanding your offer

We can now say in an email:

“Here’s an example of the ROI you will see with us.

Let’s assume your CLTV is $10K and your close rate is only 10%

We guarantee to get you on 10 calls a month minimum.

That means you close 1 of those 10 calls.

That equates to $10,000 additional revenue for your business”

3. Be aware of objections you’ll get

You’re trying to land your first client. You have no proof of anything and people
are going to be sceptical about working with you

Here are some objections you’ll likely get:

● How do we know you can get results?

● We really need references to be able to work with you
● Have you done this before?

Make sure to think through every possible objection you could get
4. Know how to handle those objections

The objections you’ll get will be said in an infinite number of ways but they’re all
going to fall into one of the following categories:

1. Lack of trust
2. Lack of urgency
3. Lack of money
4. Lack of need

Then it’s best to have rebuttals based on each category so you identify which
category the objection falls into when you hear it and know how you deal with that
objection because you have a rebuttal for that category

1. Lack of trust

- We work on a performance basis (if asking for $)

- We’re not asking for money, we’re asking for a case study
- Here’s why we’re qualified

2. Lack of urgency

- You hone in on the problem. “Would generating an extra $X for

your business not be great right now?” of course they’’ say yes and
then you can ask “So why would you delay something that would
be great for the business” to really get to the truth of their objection
(which may then fall into a different category, likely trust or money)

3. Lack of money

- They start trying to haggle because they’re poor (again if you’re

asking for money if not you just tell them you want a case study)
- Map out the ROI for them to show how much they’ll get back

4. Lack of need

- None of you should face this because they’re agreeing to get on a

call which is intent and therefore need. If they say we don’t need it,
they’re lying and you need to find which category their real
objection falls under

5. Pricing your service

You should know this because you know your offer and ideally it’s based
on ROI

But when starting out I would exclusively work on a performance basis,

offering calls and no set-up fee. I’d make the price-per-call 100X ROI for
the client

The reason for this is, this is the ‘easiest’ sell and you can change your
pricing once you have social proof

6. Only think about things that matter

Too many people worry about their logo, if they should have a signature
with images, if they should do a one or two call close and all bullshit things
that don’t matter



1. Your offer
2. Outreach

Focus only on the shit that matters

7. Emails and follow-ups

I recommend you use a 3 email sequence and have:

Email 1 - Intro

Email 2 - Bump

Email 1 - ROI outline

The email most people find difficult is the last email I recommend which is
the ROI breakdown.

Now you hopefully understand how to break it down it should be much

easier, but here’s an example:

“Hey John,

Here’s how much revenue {company} could generate by working

with us.

Let’s assume your client-lifetime-value is $10,000 and your close rate

is 10%

As we guarantee to get you on a minimum of 10 calls a month, worst

case scenario that means you close one call.

That one close generates $10,000 for {company}

As you can see these are very conservative numbers, but the ROI we
provide is guaranteed to be 100x

Would an extra $10,000 a month be worth 15 minutes of your time?


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