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How to write better emails

Understand what each section of your email should do:

● Subject-line > Get email opened

● First-line > Impress prospect with research done to make them read your offer

● Your offer > Make a prospect want to get on the phone with you

Before you start


Make sure you are sending from a ‘professional’ domain - DO NOT USE for
example to send your emails from

It should be - (example the ending can

be: .co / / .uk etc)


Ensure your leads are qualified - this plays a huge part in contributing to better open and reply


Understand who you’re contacting and approach the conversation in your email accordingly.

You should speak differently to a marketing director/manager than you would an owner. For
instance, with a marketing director, you would focus more on campaigns, ads, branding etc

Put yourself in the shoes of the prospect before you send and ask yourself, would you open,
read and book a call based on this email. If the answer is no, don’t send it.
Subject lines

As mentioned the job of your subject line is to get the email opened.

I recommend making your subject line relate to what you’re offering, for instance, contacting e-
commerce stores on behalf of an SEO client

● {{ClientName}} Can Help {{CompanyName}} Rank Higher On Google

● {{FirstName}} Want to rank higher on Google


Writing emails

Your biggest advantage when sending emails is your personality, this is how you stand out
from everyone else!

Don’t be boring, monotonous, inject your personality and some humour. Remember, the person
you’re contacting will likely get 5-10 similar emails every day!

A great tip I read is, write like you’re TIPSY

Email body

Here’s how you should structure the body of your emails:

1. Hi {{FirstName}}, {{first-line}}.

2. Who you are/what you do

3. What you can do for the prospect

4. What you have done recently for a client + your guarantee (just guarantee if no clients)

5. CTA


1. Hi Jamie, Just saw you helped Biopanda get a 15% increase in their engagement, that's
incredible! Funny, I ordered one of their products from Amazon yesterday!

2. My name's Sean and I provide businesses with qualified meetings, getting them on the
phone with their ideal clients, every month.

3/4 Just last month I helped a client generate an extra £24,000 in revenue. I guarantee I
can get {{CompanyName}} a minimum of 10 calls a month or I'll work for free!

5. Do you have 15 minutes for a call this week or next Jamie?


Always make your first-lines about the person when possible. Use their LinkedIn or scour
Google to find a personal piece of information you/your VA can write about.

When such information isn’t available: Make the first-lines relate to the job title of the person
you’re contacting for instance: Again, contacting a marketing director reference branding,
design, Tv ads the put out recently.

Personalise more than just the first-line

Drop the company name and prospects first name in your email. This gives the perception along
with the personalised first-line, there’s no way it could have been automated.

Makes prospects think you’ve really taken the time to send this email.


● Instead of saying “Help get companies like yours” you say “Help {{CompanyName}}

● “Do you have 15 minutes for a call this week or next {{FirstName}}

You’re speaking directly to the prospect and it makes them feel more engaged.


Here’s the follow-up sequence I typically use:

(the days mentioned are after the previous email, not the original)

- Intro

- Bump >3days

- Case study OR if you don’t have one More info >4 days

- More info/value >5days

- Case study >5days

- What could have changed your mind >5days

Again, use your personality in your emails.


● “Before I send out a search party I wanted to share with you what we did for (client)

● “I bet you’re thinking oh no, not him again, but wait, I have something that will help you

● “I know I’ve been talking to myself this whole time but…”

Be yourself and be creative

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