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4/12/23, 6:00 p.m. Prepared for Heavy Rains - Campaigns - National Institute of Civil Defense - Platform of the Peruvian State

National Institute of Civil Defense (/indeci)

Prepared for Heavy Rains


Campaigns and events (/institution/indeci/campa%C%Bas)

Learn about heavy rains!

The intensity and recurrence of heavy rains trigger associated hazards that can cause damage
to vulnerable communities, which are settled in areas exposed to these hazards, live in fragile
housing, are not organized, and do not have knowledge about how to prepare and respond.
The heavy rainy season normally occurs in the spring and summer seasons in our country.

Download the graphic material of the campaign here (

drive/folders/EgVIw-K-btrhujQJqgyGptw-y_LJO? usp=sharing) Download the radio
spots in native languages here (https://drive.
wuwDLxmczlLOr-kBvQCROe?usp=sharing) Download the campaign spot hereñas/6555-preparados-ante-lluvias-intensas 1/14
4/12/23, 6:00 p.m. Prepared for Heavy Rains - Campaigns - National Institute of Civil Defense - Platform of the Peruvian State

usp=sharing) Keep in mind:

Rainfall is more intense on the northern, central, and southern coasts of Peru during the El
Niño Phenomenon, which is an oceanic-atmospheric phenomenon characterized by the
warming of the surface waters of the Central Pacific Ocean or off the coast of Ecuador and
Peru, which cause increased cloudiness, and in turn generates heavy rains mainly in the
tropical region (Ecuador and northern Peru).

Know the dangers associated with this season!

Heavy rains:It is a constant and intense liquid precipitation of water.

Alluvium:It is a violent mud current that rapidly transports large rocks.

size and destroys everything in its path.

Avalanche:It is a term of Peruvian origin derived from the Quechua word "huayco", which

means ravine, and refers to an alluvium of light to moderate magnitudes, which

occurs frequently in the country's watersheds, generally during the
rainy period.

Collapse:Sudden fall of a portion of soil, rock, or unstable material. He

Landslides usually occur due to the presence of faults or cracks in the earth. Generally

They occur in steep or steep places.

Glide:Movement in which a volume of earth, rock, and unstable material is

travels downslope through a flat or curved rupture surface.

Flood:overflows of the waters of the rivers, lakes and seas that temporarily cover
lowlands, which are known as floodplains. They usually occur due to
heavy rains, tidal waves and tsunamis.

Electric storm:It is a rain that is characterized by the presence of lightning,

lightning and thunder (sound effect), which can be very dangerous if people are
find themselves without shelter.


What to do in case of floods?

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Find out if flooding has previously occurred in the area where you live.

Find out which are the most vulnerable areas of your community or those that are
recurrently affected. Do not live in areas exposed to flooding!

Prepare with your family the Family Emergency Plan considering the danger of

Put together your Survival Combo, made up of the Emergency Backpack and the Box of
Reserve Don't forget to include masks and gel alcohol!

Stay informed of the official news published by the Operations Center of

Emergency, Disaster Risk Management or Civil Defense offices or the
technical-scientific institutions such as the National Meteorology and Hydrology Service


Pay close attention to alert or alarm messages that may be issued on your
community. Remember: if it is an alert message, it notifies us that theñas/6555-preparados-ante-lluvias-intensas 3/14
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possibility of a flood; if it is an alarm message, it confirms that it will occur

a flood and you must evacuate immediately.

Reinforce your roof and cover those areas where there are holes. If the roof of your house is

mats, protect it and give it a slope to facilitate the evacuation of water.

Clear the roof of your house and protect the roof with a layer of concrete, with a slope
towards the water discharge pipe.

If you live near a riverbed, place bags of earth or sand as protection for your house.

Coordinate with your neighbors and the Disaster Risk Management or Civil Defense office of your
district to carry out the following actions:

Organize and participate in community tasks to reduce the risk of flooding in

the community and to prepare for the possibility of such occurrences; eg placement
of sandbags, cleaning of drains or canals, cleaning of clearings or garbage, among

Identify evacuation routes, safe areas and assembly points in case of

floods. Remember that they must be in high areas and do not forget to signal them!

If necessary, participate in the implementation of an Early Warning System

before floods.

Organize surveillance of the river bed, streams, lakes or lagoons, if necessary.

Organize and participate in flood drills.

Important! If lightning usually strikes where you live, place lightning rods to prevent them from
falling near your home.


In the event of a flood alert message:

Put your Family Emergency Plan into practice.

Do not cross riverbeds.ñas/6555-preparados-ante-lluvias-intensas 4/14
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Identify your evacuation routes to safe areas against flooding.

Prepare for a possible evacuation considering the prevention measures before the

Don't clog drains.

In the event of a flood alarm message:

Apply your Family Emergency Plan immediately.

Stay away and do not cross flooded areas or rivers! It is necessary to gain height as soon as possible.

If you live in the high-risk area, evacuate immediately to safe areas through which
evacuation routes with your Emergency Backpack. Don't forget to put on your mask
to evacuate and keep a prudent distance to reduce the risk of contagion of the

Support people with limitations who need it. Always wear your mask!

If you are driving, slow down and do not cross through areas at risk or areas

Don't forget to protect your pets or domestic animals.

Do not expose yourself by recording the impact of the flood. Your life is at risk!

If you could not evacuate, go up to the top of your home.

Important! If you are in a thunderstorm, do not come into contact with water or use metal objects.
Do not use telephones, electronic equipment or vehicles, these can attract lightning. Stay away
from open areas, trees and poles!


Stay informed of notices from official sources, such as authorities, health centers,
emergency operations technical-scientific institutions, such as the National Service of
Meteorology and Hydrology (SENAMHI). Don't spread rumors or fake news!

Return home only if authorities say it is safe to do so.ñas/6555-preparados-ante-lluvias-intensas 5/14
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When you return home, check the water, drainage, electricity and gas installations and

make sure they are in good condition before using them.

Clean and disinfect your home and do not use food or water that came in contact with the


Make sure that the water you consume is safe.

Constantly clean your hands with soap and water or gel alcohol and avoid touching your face.

That way, you will protect yourself from many diseases, including COVID-.

Watch out for any symptoms of stomach infections, injuries, or

skin problems, diseases caused by mosquitoes or rodents (dengue,
malaria, leptospirosis, among others).

Contact a specialist or go to your nearest health center!

Organize with your neighbors to participate in the rehabilitation work.

Important! If you are in a hostel, try to keep a prudent distance from the other people
staying in it and wear a mask at all times.


What to do before huaicos and alluviums?

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Find out if landslides or landslides have previously occurred in the area where you live. No

inhabit areas exposed to these dangers.

Find out about the evolution of the huaico or alluvium that occurred in your community.

Prepare with your family the Family Emergency Plan considering the danger of mudslides or


Stay informed of the official news published by the Operations Centers

Emergency Department, Civil Defense Offices or technical-scientific institutions such as the

National Meteorology and Hydrology Service (SENAMHI).

Put together your Survival Combo, made up of the Emergency Backpack and Box of
Reserve Don't forget to include masks and gel alcohol!

Coordinate with your neighbors and the Disaster Risk Management or Civil Defense office ofñas/6555-preparados-ante-lluvias-intensas 7/14
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your district to perform the following actions:

Organize and participate in community tasks to reduce the risk of landslides in the
community and to prepare for the possibility of such occurrences; for example, planting
trees to serve as a natural barrier or maintaining natural barriers

Identify evacuation routes, safe areas and meeting points in case of mudslides and
floods. Remember that they must be in high areas and do not forget to signal them!

If necessary, participate in the implementation of an Early Warning System

before huaicos and alluviums.

Organize surveillance of the ravines.

Organize and participate in drills against mudslides and landslides.

Implement a community store with water and food, shovels, crowbars and picks that
will serve to respond and recover.

Pay attention to natural signs such as increasing cloudy water,

sudden rise in the level or flow of water or a loud noise approaching, similar to that which

they produce many trucks in race.


In the event of a flood or flood alert message:

Put your Family Emergency Plan into practice considering the specific actions
before huaicos and alluviums.

Do not stop or cross streambeds, hillsides or mountains.

Do not drive through areas of probable impact and get away from them immediately.

Identify your evacuation routes and safe areas against floods.

Prepare for a possible evacuation by having your mask ready and take the measures
prevention against COVID-, so you will be ready for an evacuation.

In the event of a flood or flood alarm message:ñas/6555-preparados-ante-lluvias-intensas 8/14
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Apply your Family Emergency Plan.

Immediately evacuate to safe areas or assembly points along evacuation routes

previously identified. Take your Emergency Backpack and put on your mask!

Do not cross and stay away from the impact areas of the mudslide or alluvium.

If the downpour or alluvium is close and there is no time to evacuate to safe areas or
meeting points, practice vertical evacuation, that is, locate yourself in the upper part of the

house, be it roofs or upper floors.

Do not stop to record or take photos of the huaico or alluvium.

Important! If you are in a thunderstorm, do not come into contact with water or use metal objects.
Do not use telephones, electronic equipment or vehicles, these can attract lightning. Stay away
from free areas, trees and poles!


If you are driving and you are near the impact area of the landslide or alluvium, do not cross and

stay away from this area.

Stay informed of notices from official sources, such as authorities, health centers,
emergency operations or technical-scientific institutions, such as the National Service
of Meteorology and Hydrology (SENAMHI). Don't spread rumors or fake news!

Return home only if authorities say it is safe to do so.

When you return home, check the water, drainage, electricity and gas installations and

make sure they are in good condition before using them.

Disinfect your house and clean the mud or other elements that have been dragged by the


Clean your hands with soap and water or gel alcohol and avoid touching your face. That way

you will protect yourself from many diseases, including COVID-!

Watch out for any symptoms of stomach infections, injuries, or

skin problems, diseases caused by mosquitoes or rodents (dengue,ñas/6555-preparados-ante-lluvias-intensas 9/14
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malaria, leptospirosis, among others). Contact a specialist or go to your center

nearest health!

Organize with your neighbors to participate in the rehabilitation work.

Important! If you are in a hostel, try to keep a prudent distance from the other people
staying in it and wear a mask at all times.


What to do before landslides and landslides?



Find out if landslides or landslides have previously occurred in the area where you live
and find out how they impacted.

Do not inhabit areas exposed to landslides or landslides such as climbs, slopes

unstable or humid hillsides.ñas/6555-preparados-ante-lluvias-intensas 10/14
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Prepare with your family your Family Emergency Plan considering the danger of
landslides or collapses.

Avoid felling and burning trees.

Avoid throwing and accumulating garbage or debris on the ground.

Notify your local authorities and neighbors if you notice that there are trees or poles

inclined or if you see cracks in the floor or wall, pipe break or if holes appear
or parts of slopes are uncovered.

In heavy rain, be aware of loud noises that could indicate the proximity
of a landslide or cave-in.

Stay away from areas or structures that may collapse.

Coordinate with your neighbors and the Disaster Risk Management or Civil Defense office of your
district to carry out the following actions:

Organize and participate in community tasks to reduce the risk of landslides or

collapse or preparing for the possibility of these hazards. For example, planting
trees, conserving the vegetation in the mountains and river slopes, carrying out workshops

cleaning to prevent garbage from accumulating.

Make sure ditches, sewer systems or basins are sufficiently

firm and clear to prevent leaks.

Identify in which areas of the community there may be landslides or landslides.

Identify evacuation routes, safe areas, and assembly points in case of landslides or
landslides. Remember that they must be in stable areas.

Organize and participate in landslide and landslide drills.


If you notice that a landslide or landslide has begun, notify as many people as possible.

people you can and, if possible, the authorities.

Keep calm and put your Family Emergency Plan into practice.ñas/6555-preparados-ante-lluvias-intensas 11/14
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Get away from the impact zone immediately by evacuating through the evacuation routes

previously identified. Wear your mask and try to keep a prudent distance
to prevent the spread of COVID-.

Never stand in the middle of or near the landslide or collapse zone. Your life
is at high risk!

If you are driving, get as far away from the landslide impact zone as possible (because
either on foot or by car) and go to a safe area.

Do not stop to record or take photos when sliding or collapsing.


Inform First Responder teams, such as Firefighters and Police, if there are people who were
buried by the collapse.

Avoid traveling by car or on foot in areas close to the landslide or collapse. Remember that
the ground can be unstable!

Do not walk or move with any vehicle on the rubble. Keep in mind that after a landslide
there may be others, landslides or floods.

Stay informed of notices from official sources, such as authorities, emergency operations
centers or technical-scientific institutions, such as the National Meteorology and Hydrology
Service (SENAMHI). Don't spread rumors or fake news! Return home only if authorities say it is
safe to do so.

Make sure you drink safe water. Remember that landslides and landslides can cause water
contamination by mud or toxic or dangerous substances.

Notify the authorities if there are electrical or telephone cables lying or broken.

Organize with your neighbors to participate in the rehabilitation work.

Clean your hands with soap and water or gel alcohol and avoid touching your face. That way you
will protect yourself from many diseases, including COVID-!

Important! If you are in a hostel, try to keep a prudent distance from the other people
staying in it and wear a mask at all times.either.ñas/6555-preparados-ante-lluvias-intensas 12/14
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Prepare your Family Emergency Plan adapted to your needs.

Consider in your Family Emergency Plan a support network, which can be made up of friends,
relatives, neighbors, co-workers, who can help you in case you need it in an emergency

Consider your medications and specific elements in the Emergency Backpack and
Reserve Box. Do not forget the prescriptions or medical indications and your mechanical

If you have a guide animal, consider food and water for it.

Reduce barriers that may make it difficult for you to evacuate, such as stairs or walls.

Participate in drills, practice the actions with your support network and detect those that need
to be coordinated with it.

Have an evacuation map ready for your home in the event of floods, mudslides, landslides,
landslides or landslides, and the community considering more than one evacuation route.

Have cards ready with pictures or signs of key messages in emergency situations; For
example, can I help you? Evacuate! Huaico! Flood! Flood! Landslide! Landslide! What do you
need! I need support!

Promotes the installation of signage with signs in Braille or audible system.

Condition your home with systems that allow you to receive notices that there will be a
flood, mudslide, alluvium or landslide. For example, in the case of deaf people, colored lights
can be installed that must be turned on to give the alarm signal, or in the case of blind
people, an audible signal can be installed to direct evacuation.


Apply your Family Emergency Plan according to the danger and according to the previous
coordination made with your support network.ñas/6555-preparados-ante-lluvias-intensas 13/14
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In case you provide help to a person with limitations:

Ask him if he needs help. Always approach with respect and kindness, if you cannot help
alone, seek support!

Stay calm and convey it to the person with limitations, as this will help them to be calm and
have more confidence.

Try to get the person with limitations to keep their mechanical aids such as a
wheelchair, crutches, cane or walker.

If you have to support a visually impaired person, it is necessary to explain the situation to them. It
is recommended to offer your arm to follow you.

If the person has an assistance or guide animal, support their rescue, if applicable.

If you must support a person with a hearing impairment, it is recommended to gently touch their
shoulder and try to communicate with signs, gestures or the cards that are available.

If you must support people with autism or Down Syndrome, explain to them that you are there to
help them. Remember to always be kind!

Last change Januaryñas/6555-preparados-ante-lluvias-intensas 14/14

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