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I know your are going to a trip to Lima.

Let me give you some advice to have a nice trip and an

unforgettable experience. In Lima you can do many things in the day and night. Don’t forget to
pack your things in advance in order not to forget anything. First of all, you need to pack your
toothpaste and a toothbrush and the most important things you will need on your trip. If you are
planning to go to the beach. You should take some towels. You should take a pair of sandals
and some sunscreen, but you shouldn’t take high heels. Take a camera and a flashlight. It’s a
good idea to take an MP3 because at night there’s nothing to do and you can listen to music.
You could take some batteries.
Finally, be careful with your safety. Some places can be more dangerous than other. You need
to look after your belongings and ask for safe places to walk around.

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