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The properties of materials

López Cruz Nicole Alexandra

that metalworking processes and heat treatment
In this Essay I will explain about the topics that
we used to talk in the classroom in the unit 1 and
modify materials and their physical properties
In my Opinion is very important to know about such as density and electrical conductivity. This
these topics that I´m going to explain just a little is really useful, as the new properties may be
bit, because I am studying an engineering and more suitable for certain applications…But do
probably when I will to work in a important you know de types of these materials? If you didn
company we need to know everything about the ´t, I will tell you that the materials properties it
materials and things like that. can be density, melting point, thermal
conductivity, electrical conductivity (resistivity),
Materials have different properties that make
thermal expansion and corrosion resistance.
them unique. Knowing them will ensure that we
select materials with the right properties to If you are proximately work in a company is
develop a given product. In this article we will important to know the codes and standards too. I
see what and which are the properties of mean the safety and hygiene rules that every
materials that we need to know in the industry. company has depending on its production as well
as specialization.
One of the topics that we have seen during our
course were metals and non-metals. The Metals is But What are the norms and standards used for in
material that, when freshly prepared, polished, or engineering? Standards are extremely important
fractured, shows a lustrous appearance, and
technical documents in engineering and related
conducts electricity and heat relatively well.
technical fields. A technical standard is an
Metals are typically ductile (can be drawn into
established norm or requirement. It is usually a
wires) and malleable (they can be hammered into
formal document that establishes uniform
thin sheets). These properties are the result of the
engineering or technical criteria, methods,
metallic bond between the atoms or molecules of
processes, and practices
the metal. The Non-metals is a chemical element
that generally lacks a predominance of metallic The primary purpose of codes is to protect the
properties; they range from colorless gases like public by setting up the minimum acceptable
hydrogen to shiny solids like carbon and graphite. level of safety for buildings, products, and
They are usually poor conductors of heat and processes. For example, we have the codes ISO,
electricity, and brittle or crumbly when solid, due ASM, ASTM, ASNT, API, NMX, AWS, AIST,
to their electrons having low mobility. SAE, etc. As I have already mentioned before,
each one of them is completely different, in the
First, I need to say the definition of the principal
same way they have thousands of codes that are
topic, well The properties material are factors that
added over the years and it is impossible to learn
qualitatively or quantitatively influence the
them all, but an Industrial engineer must know at
response of a given material to the imposition of
least the most basic to be able to perform in a
stimuli and constraints forces, temperature, etc.
specific work area.
The materials properties mechanical and physical
I´m going continue with the Crystal system,
are determined by their chemical composition
crystal, Unit cell and the Bravais lattice.
and internal structure, such as grain size or
crystalline structure all of them. You can know
The Crystal Structure is obtained by attaching The simplest unit cell is Simple Cubic (SC). This
atoms, groups of atoms or molecules. This crystal structure is just a cube with an atom on
structure occurs from the intrinsic nature of the each corner. The simple cubic unit cell may also
constituent particles to produce symmetric be called “primitive simple cubic”.
patterns. A small group of a repeating pattern of
Body centered cubic unit cell or BCC has atoms
the atomic structure is known as the unit cell of
at each corner of the cube and an atom at the
the structure
center of the structure. The diagram shown below
A unit cell is the building block of the crystal is an open structure.
structure, and it also explains in detail the entire
Face-centered Cubic Unit Cell (FCC) contains
crystal structure and symmetry with the atom
atoms at all the corners of the crystal lattice and
positions along with its principal axes. The
at the center of all the faces of the cube.
length, edges of principal axes and the angle
between the unit cells are called lattice constants These structures contain atoms that are only
or lattice parameters. Meanwhile the Bravais perceptible with a scanning electron microscope,
lattices the lattice in which the atom or all the they are so tiny that to make calculations we rely
atoms at lattice points are identical or if the on units of length such as picometers,
surroundings of each lattice point are the same. decameters, etc.
Therefore, a crystal structure is made of atoms, a
crystal lattice is made of points and a crystal In Conclusion Physical properties are those that
system is a set of axes. In other words, the can be observed without changing the
structure is an ordered array of atoms, ions, or composition of the material. some of the most
molecules. important physical properties of metals are
density, color, size and shape, the specific gravity
In these Bravais lattice actually denotes all the 14 of the material, and porosity among others.
types of three-dimensional patterns in which the
atoms can arrange themselves to form a crystal They produce changes in the chemical
named after the great physicist Auguste Bravais composition of the material because they interact
of France. His work including Bravais laws is an with other substances. This is a very interesting
important breakthrough in the field of typology in innovation, since most materials,
crystallography. These are possible both in two- when in contact with other substances, can react
dimensional and three-dimensional spaces where creating new materials. Inclusive this it can be
the lattices are filled without any gaps. used in forensic engineering to discover the
deterioration and aging of the material by
A Lattice system is a class of lattices with the chemical reaction with the environment.
same set of lattice point groups, which are
subgroups of the arithmetic crystal classes. 14 I think that the material properties will determine
Bravais lattices can be divided into 7 lattice the processing conditions, storage Conditions,
systems (Cubic, Tetragonal, Orthorhombic, final application, performance, and useful
Hexagonal, Rhombohedral, Monoclinic and lifetime that the material could perform so is very
Triclinic. important to know about the beautiful of the
minerals in our world.
With the information already provided and with
notes from the notebook, we have focused on the Bibliographic references
study of the first category of the Bravais network [1] Nameless,2015, What is the
SC, BCC, and FCC. material properties? [9]Nameless, without date, what
ics/materials-science/materials- is a metal?, Wikipedia
[2]Infitia Industrial Metal
Consulting,2023, Types of
[10]Nameless, without date, What
properties material,
is a non-metal?, Wikipedia
material-properties/ Non_metal
[3]Dave Olsen, April
27 ,2023,What are the properties
of a material?,
[4]Nameless, October 10-
2023,Georgia Southern, ¿What are
Engineering Standards?,
[5] Harpreet_Physics, August 03-
2023,Go Seeko
[6] Nameless, May 02-2023,
Bravais Lattice, Vedantu.
[7] Nameless, without date,
Types of Bravais Lattice.; BYJU´S
[8]” Classnotes of properties of
materials” Instituto Tecnologico
de Veracruz, April 17-2023

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