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Name : Yohan ananda putra

Npm : 24012119072

Task 14

1. She wants to know how to get to the bus station.

2. She wants to know old man.

3. She wants to know how much this car cash

4. She wants to know where buy an umbrella.

5. She wants to know what time is.

6. She wants to know my name.

7. She wants to know what eating about this idea.

8. She wonder know why the meeting was cancelled.

9. She wants to know how do use machine.

10. She wants find that where she lives.

11. And she wants know to looking for a book about gardening.
Task 15

for task 15 about speaking I'll make it using audio.

1. Opening the Window

Exspression of asking for help this

1. Sorry, can you help me open that window?

2. Checking your homework?

2. Can you help me check my homework?

3. Buying some food

3. Sorry can you help me buy some food here?

4. Explaining the material that you don’t understand

4. Can you help me explain again this material because i don't understand?

5. Taking a note when you can’t attend the class

5. Please can I take notes when I missed class yesterday?

Task 16

A. Post Office : Go straight on then take the first left on the green steet, walk past the library,
until the building next to the library on the left.

B. Underground station : Go straight on go past the traffic light, you still shop the raight go past
that and its on the right next to the shop.

C. Cinema : Go straight on go past to the traffic light and go straight on, until you get to the
round the bus, at the round the boud then left go past to theatre it’s the building next to theatre
office it hospital.

D. Bus station : Go straight on, go past the traffic light and take the second raight on the kings
road, go past the book shop, it’s the building next to the book shop office it caffe

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