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5. How does Li make this a satisfying ending to the story ‘A Thousand Years of Good Prayers’?

Madam nods hard. … the sunshine for him to see. (pg. 407 – 8)

In the story “a thousand good prayers.” li gives off a satisfying ending, by allowing Mr. Shi to confess the
truth and find someone to talk to even though there are language barriers stopping them, but they are
still able to communicate. "I was not a rocket scientist because of a woman, he mentions this to Madam
in English, He is finally showing his true self to people such as madam and is showing signs of

He uses a metaphor to express how he feels as if his life unguided and it is not under control, and he is
not starting to stabilize his life with the help of madam

“It is what we sacrifice that makes life meaningful” it makes it satisfying as the reader has a sense of

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