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What is Global citizenship?

For me, it is the understanding the interconnectedness

among people, societies and environment around the world. There are universal
ideals that serve as the foundation of global citizenship such as human rights,
democracy, non-discrimination and diversity.A global citizen is someone that they
can sees themselves as part of an emerging sustainable world community, and
whose action support the values and practices of that community. Being a global
citizen doesn’t mean that you had to give up the other citizenship you already have,
it just means that you have another identity added on to who you are. The existence
of global villages, it changed the way we perceived things and the way we received
information it has now become easier. To become an active member of global village
is by staying updated on global news, fighting against social injustice and knowing
the issues that are linked all around the globe. The advantages of Global citizenship
are; have greater awareness of global issues and challenges, see that they have a
power to act and influence the world around them, develop an argument and voice
out opinions, think about values and what is important to, challenge ignorance and
intolerance and most importantly, build your own understanding of world events.
Global citizen actively participate in the world community and dedicated to assisting
the creation of a better future for all.

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