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Unlearn Poster- She’s going to work

What is Gender inequality: Gender inequality is a social phenomenon that

conveys that people in society don’t get treated equally due to their gender

What is Sexism: Discrimination based on someones sex or gender

What is “mom guilt”: A phrase given to the feelings women or mothers have in
relation to their kids, for example: going to work, feeding them frozen meals, or
thinking that you are not doing a good job.

The Poster: The poster I selected has a woman dressed as she is about to go to
work while her partner is handling their newborn child. In other words a woman
going out working while the man stays back and takes care of the family. To me
the poster is progressive and reflects on how society should be for women. In
this particular poster it seems to me that the man is saying bye to his partner as
she goes off to work.

Why I chose it: It is progressive, and is a good example of equality and equity. - conducted research suggesting how many

households have both partners working and the results favored the working
women as it brought economic balance, it helps the household financially, and
the typical burn out is less.

Question: What is the difference between gender equity, gender equality, and
women’s empowerment?

Follow up questions:

1) Do we see gender play a part in the workforce today?

2) Where do we see gender inequality happening the most?
3) What are your thoughts on “mom guilt”?
4) Do you think we will ever overcome gender inequality not only in work
forces but in general? (in 10 years, 20 years, 50 years)
Unlearn Poster- She’s going to work

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